NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 116


F, #2876, b. 1824
Pedigree Link


Hannah was born in 1824. She and James Remmnant were married.
Hannah immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. She had person sources.1 She was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Edward Reynolds

M, #2877, b. 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Harriett (b. 1814)

SonEdward Reynolds (b. 1834)
SonFrancis Reynolds (b. 1835)
DaughterHarriett Reynolds (b. 1839)
SonGeorge Reynolds (b. 1841)
SonReynolds (b. 1842)


Edward Reynolds was born in 1810.1 He and Harriett were married.
Class: steerage. Edward Reynolds had person sources.2 He was a Cabinet and Chairmaker in 1842.1 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 on 16 June 1842.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #2878, b. 1814
Pedigree Link

Family: Edward Reynolds (b. 1810)

SonEdward Reynolds (b. 1834)
SonFrancis Reynolds (b. 1835)
DaughterHarriett Reynolds (b. 1839)
SonGeorge Reynolds (b. 1841)
SonReynolds (b. 1842)


Harriett was born in 1814.1 She and Edward Reynolds were married.
Class: steerage. Harriett had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 on 16 June 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Edward Reynolds

M, #2879, b. 1834


FatherEdward Reynolds (b. 1810)
MotherHarriett (b. 1814)
Pedigree Link


Edward Reynolds was born in 1834.1
Class: steerage. Edward Reynolds had person sources.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 on 16 June 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Francis Reynolds

M, #2880, b. 1835


FatherEdward Reynolds (b. 1810)
MotherHarriett (b. 1814)
Pedigree Link


Francis Reynolds was born in 1835.
Francis Reynolds immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. He had person sources.1 He was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Harriett Reynolds

F, #2881, b. 1839


FatherEdward Reynolds (b. 1810)
MotherHarriett (b. 1814)
Pedigree Link


Harriett Reynolds was born in 1839.
Harriett Reynolds immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. She had person sources.1 She was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

George Reynolds

M, #2882, b. 1841


FatherEdward Reynolds (b. 1810)
MotherHarriett (b. 1814)
Pedigree Link


George Reynolds was born in 1841.
George Reynolds immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. He had person sources.1 He was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


M, #2883, b. 1842


FatherEdward Reynolds (b. 1810)
MotherHarriett (b. 1814)
Pedigree Link


Reynolds was born in 1842 in at sea on the George Fyfe.1
Reynolds immigrated to to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842.2 Born on Board class: steerage. He had person sources.3


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Israel Rhodes

M, #2884, b. 1815
Pedigree Link


Israel Rhodes was born in 1815. He and Martha were married.
Israel Rhodes immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Cook on board class: steerage Rhodes. He had person sources.1 He was an Agricultural Labourer in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #2885, b. 1815
Pedigree Link


Martha was born in 1815. She and Israel Rhodes were married.
Martha immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. She had person sources.1 She was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Richard Rhodes

M, #2886, b. 1811
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth (b. 1811)

DaughterAnn Rhodes (b. 1838)
SonRhodes (b. 1842, d. 1842)


Richard Rhodes was born in 1811.1,2 He and Melinda Waddell were married. He and Elizabeth were married.
Class: steerage. Richard Rhodes had person sources.3 He was a Joiner in 1842. He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 on 16 June 1842.1,2


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #2887, b. 1811
Pedigree Link

Family: Richard Rhodes (b. 1811)

DaughterAnn Rhodes (b. 1838)
SonRhodes (b. 1842, d. 1842)


Elizabeth was born in 1811.1 She and Richard Rhodes were married.
Class: steerage. Elizabeth had person sources.2 She was in 1842. She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 on 16 June 1842.1


  1. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Ann Rhodes

F, #2888, b. 1838


FatherRichard Rhodes (b. 1811)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1811)
Pedigree Link


Ann Rhodes was born in 1838.
Ann Rhodes immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. She had person sources.1 She was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


M, #2889, b. 1842, d. 1842


FatherRichard Rhodes (b. 1811)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1811)
Pedigree Link


Rhodes was born in 1842 in at sea on the George Fyfe.1 He died in 1842, at age ~0, in at sea on the George Fyfe.1
Born and died on board class: steerage. Rhodes had person sources.2


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

George Riddell

M, #2890, b. 1811
Pedigree Link

Family: Marion (b. 1811)

SonJames Riddell (b. 1839)
DaughterAllison Riddell (b. 1841)


George Riddell was born in 1811. He and Marion were married.
George Riddell immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. He had person sources.1 He was a Carpenter in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #2891, b. 1811
Pedigree Link

Family: George Riddell (b. 1811)

SonJames Riddell (b. 1839)
DaughterAllison Riddell (b. 1841)


Marion was born in 1811. She and George Riddell were married.
Marion immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. She had person sources.1 She was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

James Riddell

M, #2892, b. 1839


FatherGeorge Riddell (b. 1811)
MotherMarion (b. 1811)
Pedigree Link


James Riddell was born in 1839.
James Riddell immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. He had person sources.1 He was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Allison Riddell

F, #2893, b. 1841


FatherGeorge Riddell (b. 1811)
MotherMarion (b. 1811)
Pedigree Link


Allison Riddell was born in 1841.
Allison Riddell immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage. She had person sources.1 She was in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Dinah Secker

F, #2894, b. 1819


Dinah Secker was born in 1819.
Dinah Secker immigrated to ENG to NZ on the George Fyfe arriving NZ 7/11/1842 16/6/1842. Class: steerage
was maid to DILLON family. WP. She had person sources.1 She was a Dairymaid in 1842.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Arthur Herbert Aubrey

M, #2895, b. 1825


FatherH (Lieut-Col) Aubrey (b. about 1790)
Pedigree Link


Arthur Herbert Aubrey was born in 1825.1,2,3,4,5
Class: cabin. Arthur Herbert Aubrey had person sources.6 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Essex arriving NZ 4/1/1843 on 3 September 1842 1845 to Auckland JGOC, ESR.2,3 He was a Gentleman in 1843.3


  1. [S316] Letters from New Plymouth 1843
  2. [S807] J J CRAIG, Jubilee Gathering of Old Colonists October 10 1892
  3. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  4. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  5. [S813] ed Forbes EADIE annotations by APL Librarian P M FRENCH may 1973, Early Settler Roll Auckland Province with additional notes in pencil by Ak PL Librarian
  6. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Charles Aubrey

M, #2896, b. 1831


FatherH (Lieut-Col) Aubrey (b. about 1790)
Pedigree Link


Charles Aubrey was born in 1831.1,2,3,4,5
Class: cabin
2 descendants in 1892 JGOC. Charles Aubrey had person sources.6 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Essex arriving NZ 4/1/1843 on 3 September 1842 1845 to Auckland JGOC, ESR.7,2 He was a Gentleman in 1843.3


  1. [S316] Letters from New Plymouth 1843
  2. [S807] J J CRAIG, Jubilee Gathering of Old Colonists October 10 1892
  3. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  4. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  5. [S813] ed Forbes EADIE annotations by APL Librarian P M FRENCH may 1973, Early Settler Roll Auckland Province with additional notes in pencil by Ak PL Librarian
  6. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  7. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists

Henry Baily

M, #2897, b. 1820


Henry Baily was born in 1820.
Henry Baily immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Essex arriving NZ 4/1/1843 3/9/1842. Class: steerage. He had person sources.1 He was a Plumber in 1843.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

William Batten

M, #2898, b. 1807
Pedigree Link


SonWilliam Batten (b. 1826)
DaughterMatilda Batten (b. 1828)
DaughterSarah Batten (b. 1829)
DaughterEmily Batten (b. 1832)
SonJames Batten (b. 1834)
DaughterMary Ann Batten (b. 1836)
DaughterSusan Batten (b. 1837)


William Batten was born in 1807.1
William Batten immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Essex arriving NZ 4/1/1843 3/9/1842. Class: steerage widower. He had person sources.2 He was a Shepherd in 1843.


  1. [S331] J S TULLETT, The Industrious Heart
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

William Batten

M, #2899, b. 1826


FatherWilliam Batten (b. 1807)
Pedigree Link


William Batten was born in 1826.
William Batten immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Essex arriving NZ 4/1/1843 3/9/1842. Widower class: steerage. He had person sources.1 He was a Shepherd in 1843.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Matilda Batten

F, #2900, b. 1828


FatherWilliam Batten (b. 1807)
Pedigree Link


Matilda Batten was born in 1828.
Matilda Batten immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Essex arriving NZ 4/1/1843 3/9/1842. Class: steerage. She had person sources.1 She was a Domestic Servant in 1843.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database