William Polkinghorne was born in 1822.
1,2 He and
Ann were married about 1838 in ENG.
2 He died on 3 October 1897, at age ~75, in Whangaparoa, Auckland, NZ.
2 Class: steerage
PPA New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10586, 29 October 1897
In our obituary column will be found recorded the deeease of Mr. Wm. Polkinghome, an old colonist who arrived in the ship Essex, from London. He emigrated to New Zealand under the New Plymouth Land Company in 1842, landed early in 1843, and underwent, with others, great hardships owing to the failure of the company three months after they landed. Everything had to be done by barter, there being no cash available, The little band were often threatened to be driven into the sea by the natives. Mr. Polkinghorne being a practical miner, was, with others, subsequently brought to Auckland to work at the Kawau copper mines. He was among those employed by the Government in throwing up the fortifications at Fort Britomart at 2s per day for fie days in the week, the Government being too poor to employ them six days. On the discovery of gold in Australia he went there, and worked at Bendigo, Ballarat, and Adelaide. In 1856 he settled in the Wade district as a farmer. On the discovery of gold at the Thames in 1868 he went there, and returned to the Wade two years later. In 1877 he left the Wade district andj settled at Whangaparoa, where he has since resided up to the time of his death. On October 3, 1880, he lost the faithful partner of all his journeys and trials, after having been married over 40 years. A singular coincidence is that he has died on the same date 17 years later, at the age of 77 years. William Polkinghorne had person sources.
3 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Essex arriving NZ 4/1/1843 on 3 September 1842.
1 He was a Miner in 1843.