Duncan McLENNAN was born about 1810 in Invernesshire, SCT, died aged 88.
1,2,3,4 He and
Ann Walker were married on 29 May 1850 in Old St Pauls Church, Auckland, age 16 Rev CHURTON officiating minister
ESR2 has 29 may 1850
previously had 1848.
4,5,6 He died on 26 July 1898, at age ~88, in Papakura, Auckland, NZ.
5,6,4 9 children D WILSON
Duncan was probably in Kororareka for a short period abt 1843 as a merchant before gong to Auckland. Russell Museum pamphlet.
Auckland 1840's DM
PPA Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 174, 26 July 1898, Page 8
McLENNAN. On July 26, at his residence, Fernaig Papakura, Duncan McLennan, the beloved husband of Ann McLennan; in his 89th year. The funeral will leave his late residence on Thursday, the 28th inst., at 2 p.m. Friends please accept this intimation.
PPA New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10819, 30 July 1898, Page 5
On Wednesday the death of Mr. Duncan McLennan, at his residence, Fernaig. Papakura, on the 26th inst, at the ripe age of 89, was announced in our columns, Air. McLennau, who was an Inverness man, emigrated to Australia in 1837, and came to Auckland in 1843. He was the first,settler in Papakura, going into the valley 1848 and the first church service was held in his house. Deceased was noted for his hospitality. He leaves a widow and three sons and daughters. Mr. McLennan was buried at Papakura on Thursday last the funeral being well attended by the settlers of the district, and the service was conducted by the Rev. T. Norrie.
PPA Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1898, Page 4
The death of Mr Duncan McLennan at his residence, " Fernaig," Papakura, on the 26th instant, has removed from our midst one of the rapidly thinning band of very early settlers in this colony. Mr McLennan was a native of Invernesshire, Scotland, and left Greenock in the ship Minerva as far back as 1837. He first went to Sydney where he remained for six years. In 1843 he came over to Auckland and was the first settler at Papakura, going to that valley in 1848. During the. Maori War he was compelled to remove to Auckland, but. as soon as possible returned to his farm. The first church service held in Papakura district was in his house, and the majority of the early settlers' children were baptised there by the Revd. Mackay, then in charge of the district. The deceased was well-known for his wide-spread hospitality, his house being open to all. Mr McLennan leaves the aged partner of his life, three sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. Deceased had attained the advanced age of 89 years. The interment took place yesterday at Papakura, settlers from all-around being present to pay a last tribute of respect to the old pioneer of the district. The service was conducted by the, Rev. T. Nome. Duncan McLENNAN immigrated to Sydney to BOI in 1843 ESR has 1847 and ASSG has 1845.