- [S1001] Cheryl DUGGAN, Cheryl Duggan (email 24/4/2022)
- [S1002] Amy HORAN, Amy Horan (email 25 apr 2022)
- [S1003] Peter HAYNES, email 25 apr 2022 (Peter Haynes )
- [S1004] St Pauls Auckland Anglican, Registers APL
- [S1005] Carl NELSON, descendant (Carl Nelson )
- [S1006] Peggy CRAWFORD, God's Own
- [S1007] Margaret REESON, Pacific Missionary George Brown 1835 - 1917 (https://press.anu.edu.au/publications/pacific-missionary-george-brown-1835%E2%80%931917)
- [S1008] Vida McLACHLAN nee NEWPORT, QSLD, AUS, descendant (email address)
- [S1009] Sue THOMAS, 18 may 2022 (email address)
- [S1010] Terry STOCK (email address 18/2/22)
- [S1011] H C JACOBSEN, Tales of Banks Peninsula (1893)
- [S1012] Diane WILSON, The Wilson Collection (www.wilsoncollection.co.nz)
- [S1013] https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-6P5S-P2J?cc=1609792&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AQJDV-FLW4, shipping records (Family Search)
- [S1014] Tony ROBINSON, descendant (NZ Memlist 30 may 2022)
- [S1015] Patti HOMAN, descendant (NZ Memlist 31 may 2022)
- [S1016] Deborah WILLIAMS, descendant (NZMEMLIST 2 jun 2022)
- [S1017] John STEELE, Smales Trail
- [S1018] John LODGE, The First Emigrants' Letters (The New Zealand Journal, Saturday, August 01, 1840)
- [S1019] Peggy CRAWFORD, Beginnings In God's Own (1990)
- [S1020] Eric OUDYN, Family Tree (My Heritage)
- [S1021] Wesleyan Church, Register of Baptisms 1844-1972 Auckland area (available APL)
- [S1022] Wesleyan Register Hokianga Mission 1830, 1834-44 part one and part two, Baptisms and Marriages (Wesleyan Church Auckland Pub Library)
- [S1023] Roger SHIRLEY (email address )
- [S1024] Register of Marriages Mangungu, Hokianga
- [S1026] Pam DOYLE, descendant (Pam Doyle )
- [S1027] Garry CLARK, 155 Oaktree Avenue, Brown's Bay, Auckland (researcher 1994 Otaki Historical Society Historical Journal Volume 17 1994)
- [S1028] Carol MARRIOT nee INKERSOLL, descendant (email 4 jul 2022 Carol Marriott )
- [S1029] Ancient Faces (https://www.ancientfaces.com/person/louisa-shaw-birth-1823-death-1847/192818832#family)
- [S1030] NZETC Victoria Uni, https://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-Cyc03Cycl-t1-body1-d5-d25.html
- [S1031] Lib BURDEN, descendant (Lib Burden )
- [S1032] Cairns Doole, https://wc.rootsweb.com/trees/116163/I075765/-/individual (rootsweb)
- [S1033] Phil HEAPHY, https://gw.geneanet.org/philheaphy?lang=en&n=dent&oc=0&p=edward (geneanet.org)
- [S1034] June BLADES, More Evergreen Memories (private, Australia, limited edition 2022 email address)
- [S1035] Wesleyan Register Aotea etc 1840 - 71 (APL)
- [S1036] Wesleyan Register Pehiakura, Rangitoto Auckland, Kaipara 1847 -1848
- [S1037] Butler Museum Mangonui
- [S1038] register of baptisms 1850-1885 Ruapuke Mission
- [S1039] Wanda HOPKINS, descendant (email correspondence jul 2022 Wanda Hopkins )
- [S1040] Frank ROGERS, Ranulph Dacre and Patuone's topknot (https://ojs.victoria.ac.nz/jnzs/article/view/482)
- [S1041] Ian MACKY, MACKY family tree (http://www.macky.net/)
- [S1042] David & Sarah Hartles, email correspondence 18 jul 2022 (David & Sarah Hartles )
- [S1043] Heather HEBERLEY, Ordinary Women Extraordinary Lives (Cape Catley Ltd 2005)
- [S1044] June BLADES, More Evergreen Memories (private 2022 email address)
- [S1045] Stephen FORDYCE, Tangiteroria
- [S1046] various, Te Rongopai 1814 bicentenary reflections on Christian beginnings (General Synod Office 2014)
- [S1048] BDM St Paul's Wellington
- [S1049] Robyn BOBBIN, ancestry tree (https://www.ancestry.com.au/family-tree/tree/1423027?cfpid=-1944323406&dtid=100)
- [S1050] Anthony WHAITIRI, ancestry tree
- [S1051] Ken MONICO, descendant emails aug 2022 (Ken Monico )
- [S1052] Register of Families 1849 Presbyterian Church Auckland (1849 available Alexander Turnbull Library electronic version)
- [S1053] Barbara MARRIOTT, Douglas Mary McKAIN - on food and recipes (NZGenealogist sep 2022 p 102)
- [S1054] Letters to Editor, Coromandelians South Australian Pioneers (NZGenealogist sep 2022 p 119)
- [S1055] member's enquiries, COOZE family re-union (NZGenealogist sep 2022 p 120)
- [S1056] Alexandra KING, The Weller's whaling station : the social and economic formation of an Otakou community, 1817-1850 (2010)
- [S1057] list of names from early Newspapers, HILL's INDEX vol 6 (APL)
- [S1058] Janet CRAWFORD, The symonds Street Cemetery Auckland a guide to Anglican Graves (anglican Historical Society 2006)
- [S1059] Theresa ship (https://www.familytreecircles.com/the-ship-theresa-teresa-from-gravesend-to-nelson-nz-1844-17973.html)
- [S1060] Freinds of Symonds Street Cemetery, also see APL Kura (https://www.symondsstreetcemetery.com/historical-timeline)
- [S1061] John Kinder Theological Library, Early Baptisms and Marriages Records - Auckland Diocese (Putake - onlline)
- [S1062] Register 1153 BOI Baptisms 1823 - 1840 (Putake)
- [S1063] Demographic History of BOI section 3 marriages 1814 - 1899
- [S1064] Demographic History BOI section 3
- [S1065] NZGS, Demographic History BOI section 2 (John Kinder Putake)
- [S1066] https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LDC4-KXW (Family Search)
- [S1067] Peter DILLON, descendant (email address 31 oct 2022)
- [S1069] Heather STEPHENSON, descendant (email 10 nov 2022)
- [S1070] Mary R HURST, First pictorial records of Waipa - J J Merrett Footprints of History (Nov 1992, National Library)
- [S1071] Dorothy PILKINGTON, But, Who Was Rangi KAWAUW? (Manawatu Journal of History, issue 15, 2019)
- [S1072] Sir George Grey Manuscripts ID: GNZMS 275
- [S1073] Marietta CONEY, descendant (emails 2 dec 2022 email address)
- [S1074] Catherine CLARKE, A Wellington Pub Crawl Through Time (NZ Genealogist dec 2022 p148)
- [S1075] John WILSON, The WILKIES and WATTERSONS voyage to Wellington 1841 (NZ Genealogist Dec 2022)
- [S1076] Alison CARTER, descendant of Oliver William WRIGHT (Alison Carter )
- [S1077] Christine CLEMENT
- [S1078] Annais ALLEN, descendant email address (ggggrandaughter)
- [S1079] Nikora LAWN, email contact jan 2023 (email address)
- [S1080] Joan DRUETT and Kay VINCENT (descendant), article Butler House Museum summer 2023
- [S1081] Chris PURVIS, descendant Chris Purvis (email 10 feb 2023)
- [S1082] Peter, descendant (email Peter R-T )
- [S1083] Nelson Census 1845
- [S1084] BDM Nelson Examiner NZGS Nelson
- [S1085] Nelson District Methodist Births 1842 - 1892 (NZGS Nelson Soc)
- [S1086] John R CANTON, Pioneers of the Valleys vol 3 (Motueka and District Historical Association 1980)
- [S1087] Tony AYALA, descendant ()
- [S1088] Joanna BROAD, ancestor (29 march 2023 NZ Group - Genealogy mailing list)
- [S1089] Noelene MINCHER, descendant (apr 2023 email address)
- [S1090] Rhys RICHARDS, The First Pakehas Around Wellington and Cook Strait 1803 - 1839 (Paramata Press, 2020)
- [S1091] Nancy McLAUGHIN, descendant (email address email 7/4/2023)
- [S1092] Deborah WILLIAMS "email address", Quaker researcher (email 8 apr 2023)
- [S1093] Geraldine O'REILLY, researcher email address
- [S1094] Joan DRUETT, Island of the lost (2019)
- [S1096] Christine GRIEDER, researcher (email 16 apr 2023)
- [S1097] NZ Electronic Text Collection, Victoria University
- [S1098] Ruth SIMONSEN, httPort Underwood Association (http://www.portunderwoodassoc.org/history-snippets-from-the-past/maryann-baldick-in-the-1830s/)
- [S1099] website, Find a Grave (https://www.findagrave.com)
- [S1100] Wayne HERBERT, descendant (wayne herbert )
- [S1101] Janine CORNER, descendant (Spick Moon )
- [S1102] NZGS, Kiwi Collection (NZGS)
- [S1103] Register 1154 BOI Baptisms Paihia 1840 - 1844
- [S1104] Steve WHATMOUGH, wife is descendant (Steve Whatmough )
- [S1105] Registers Baptisms Kaikohe 1835 56
- [S1106] Fay BRETT, William and Elizabeth are G G Grandparents (email address)
- [S1107] Irene BELL, descendant (email address)
- [S1108] Stephen HENLEY, descendant emails nov 2023 (email address)
- [S1109] Don GRADY, Sealers and Whalers in NZ (Reed 1986)
- [S1110] Doug WEBSTER, The Webster Branch 1300 - 1982 (Budget Affairs, Avondale)
- [S1111] Ann LAMB, descendant (Ann Lamb )
- [S1113] Melanie SIMPSON, descendant (email nov 2023)
- [S1114] Lisa J TRUTTMAN, The Sansom Family (The Avondale Historical Journal vol 22 issue 128 march - april 2023)
- [S1115] NZGenealogist, Searching for the Origins of John HOWELL Alison HOWELL and Kaye BATCHELOR (Dec 2023)
- [S1116] Sharon HARPER email address, Searching Joseph (Joe) Astbury WARBICK (NZGenealogist Dec 2023)
- [S1117] Rex SINNOTT email address, Query re CALLENDER (NZ Genealogist dec 2023)
- [S1118] Matthew EDWARDS, ggg grandson (email Matthew Edwards )
- [S1119] Barbara, descendant (email address)
- [S1120] Don Wilson, Whaler by Providence (October Enterprises Ltd, 2018)
- [S1121] Angela McCARTHY, Irish migrantsin New Zealand, 1840 - 1937. "The Desired Haven (Bordell Press, ENG 2005)
- [S1122] Barry F BUCKLEY, Sails of Suffering
- [S1123] Alison HOWELL, descendant email exchange jan 2023 (Alison Howell )
- [S1124] Margaret H ALINGTON, Goodly Stones & Timbers History of St Mary's Church New Plymouth (1988)
- [S1125] E J TAPP, Early New Zealand 1788 -1841 (Melbourne University Press 1958)
- [S1126] Joan LEVERSEDGE, In Memoriam Mission Graound Cemetery 1840 - 2010 (Whangarei Distirct Council 2011)
- [S1127] Kate g g grandaughter of Maria CASTLE 1839, email 1 feb 2024 (email address)
- [S1128] Belinda JOSEPH , descendant (email 2 feb 2024)
- [S1129] Niel FRISH, Neil Frish (email 6 feb 2023)
- [S1130] E J TAPP, Early New Zealand 1788 -1841 (Melbourbe University Press 1958)
- [S1131] F G HALL- JONES, King of the Bluff (1943 Southland Historical Committee)
- [S1132] F J TROLOVE, Ruapuke The Early Days (A O Rice Ltd 1970)
- [S1133] R C J STONE, Young Logan Campbell (Auckland University Press, Oxford University Press 1982)
- [S1134] Rewi R T ROACH, g grandson of Francis SKIPWORTH (National Library)
- [S1135] June E NEALE, Landfall Nelson (1978)
- [S1136] Mary SKIPWORTH, Daniel MORRISON c1812 - 1858 (PDF from website https://genealogy.ianskipworth.com/)
- [S1137] Auckland and Northland Early Baptisms, Marriages & Burials (FRC)
- [S1138] Emma and Reynolds ANNABELL, The Prouse Connection (1988 Private Publication FRC has?)
- [S1139] Elizabeth KOH, Kempton Family Tree (oct 1991 FRC has copy?)
- [S1140] John A ANDERSON, Fiordland Memories (Halycon Press 1996)
- [S1141] Angela WANHALLA, Matters of the Heart (AUP 2013)
- [S1142] New Plymouth census 'return of houses'
- [S1143] on line tree North Isles Family History (https://bayanne.info/Shetland/getperson.php?personID=I377686&tree=ID1)
- [S1144] Helen BEAGLEHOLE, One Hundred Havens the settlement of the Marlborough Sounds (Massey University Press 2022)
- [S1145] Early Europeans in the North (unknown)
- [S1146] Jenny BRIARS & Jenny LEITH, The Road to Sarau from Germany to Upper Moutere (1993)
- [S1147] TK BUCHANAN, TK (email exchange 4/6/24)
- [S1148] NZGSNEL1, bio database
- [S1149] ed John DUNMORE, New Zealand and the French (Banque Nationale de Paris, Heritage Press 1997)
- [S1150] Robley: Te Ropere, 1840?1930 (https://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-WalRobl-t1-front-d7.html)
- [S1151] Shona McRAE, The Glens of Tekoa (1968)
- [S1152] John DEWHURST, email (27 jul 2024)
- [S1153] Amy ROGERS, email 19 aug 2024 (4 x g granddaughter)
- [S1154] Billie DELL, researcher
- [S1155] Glenda CURTIS, researcher
- [S1156] Wendy McLEAN, descendant email address (email 10/8/24)
- [S1157] family tree in a booklet in a museum ? on file
- [S1158] Jeanette GRANT 2xggranddaughter, Emily Coles 1812 - 1857 (famnet sep 2024)
- [S1159] Jeanette GRANT, descendant 2xggranddaughter (famnet sept 2024)
- [S1160] Rowan GIBBS, John Elliott and Hildebrand Bowman (famnet sept 2024)
- [S1161] British Southern Whale Fishery (web site https://www.britishwhaling.org/masters.html)
- [S1162] John HALL-JONES, Early Fiordland (1968 Reed)
- [S1163] Adrienne RICHARDS, descendant (email oct 2024 email address)
- [S1164] Captain Isaac McKEEVER, from ship's log "St Louis" Wohapu BOI 14 march 1845
- [S1165] Roger EVANS, Truth and Obedience - life and letters of George Clarke 1798 - 1875 (Keri Print Ltd, Kerikeri. 2004)
- [S1166] website https://clarke.org.nz/people, Clarke Family of Te Waimate oct 2024
- [S1167] Nantucket Historical Association (https://nha.org/)
- [S1168] John Rawson ELDER ed, Marsden's Lieutenants (1934 A H Reed for Otago University)
- [S1169] Lesley Young, Father and Son - a Young saga. (1976 Pegasus Press Christchurch)
- [S1170] Elizabeth BURDEN, notes on HARGREAVES and WINTER families (word file)
- [S1171] Sooty, NEW ZEALAND DISASTERS AND TRAGEDIES (https:/https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~sooty/genealogy/nzriverdrownings.html)
- [S1172] NZ River Drownings
- [S1173] Henry FROWDE, The Peraki Log (e Pirangi ahau koe) or Diary of Captain Hempleman, and map. (OUP 1910 / 1911)
- [S1174] Ruapekapeka Memorial to those killed in the battle
- [S1175] SPICKMAN and NESBIT Family Tree plaque Kaeo Cemetery
- [S1176] Rootsweb Chat (https://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php?topic=671066.0)