Horatio G Robley was born on 28 June 1840 in Funchal, Madeira Islands.
1,2 He died on 29 October 1930, at age 90, in London.
2 Horatio G Robley was an artist.
1,2 Sketched Hongi Hika possibly in England? AWR
8 January Robley arrived in Auckland.
As part of the British refusal to allow the Bay of Plenty Maori to retain control of their own land Robley was involved in the battles at Pukehinahina ? the so-called ?Gate Pa? ? (29th April), and at Te Rangaranga (21st June). The Maori surrendered to Imperial troops at Te Papa on the 21st & 25th July.
Robley sought, and was granted, leave to join the party of Imperial and Te Arawa troops formed to pursue the ?Hau hau? who had killed the Rev. C.S. Volkner at Opotiki on the 2nd March. He travelled as far south as Matata on this occasion.
The remainder of the year was passed in the Tauranga area. Robley spent much of his spare time among the local Maori at Otumoetai, Matapihi, Maungatapu and Maketu. During this time he became intimate with Harete Mauao of Matapihi. A child, born to Harete during 1865 or 1866, was named Hamiora Tu Ropere. Robley was the father.
12th March Robley left New Zealand, on board the S.S. Percy.
June ?Moko; or Maori Tattooing? was published ? at Robley's own expense ? by Chapman & Hall Ltd, London.
November Robley delivered a speech, and exhibited six Mokamokai, at the Royal Anthropological Institute. His Collection of Heads numbered fourteen at this time.9
November The Collection of Mokamokai was placed on public exhibition at London's Guildhall. The Exhibition ran for twelve months.
November The Mokamokai were transferred to the Liverpool Museum where they were again exhibited to the public.