NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 148


F, #3676, b. about 1815
Pedigree Link

Family: Joseph Deveson (b. about 1810)

DaughterMary Deveson (b. about 1842)
DaughterEmma Deveson (b. about 1844)
SonJohn Deveson (b. about 1844)


Sarah was born about 1815.1 She and Joseph Deveson were married.


  1. [S237] NZBDM, microfiche

John Deveson

M, #3677, b. about 1844


FatherJoseph Deveson (b. about 1810)
MotherSarah (b. about 1815)
Pedigree Link


John Deveson was born about 1844 in Paroa, BOI, NZ.1
John Deveson was baptized on 27 May 1844 in Paroa, BOI, NZ.1


  1. [S237] NZBDM, microfiche

Joseph Dixon

M, #3678, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Louisa (b. about 1815)

DaughterFanny Mary Louisa Beckham Dixon (b. 1843)
SonLewis Frederick Dixon (b. 1844)


Joseph Dixon was born about 1810.1,2 He and Louisa were married.
Joseph Dixon immigrated to to Russell in 1841.2 He was an accountant, NZ Banking Coy, Russell in August 1841.3 He was a Manager N Z Bank Co., Russell in 1843.1 He was a Sheriff, Russell in 1844.1


  1. [S237] NZBDM, microfiche
  2. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  3. [S835] NZ Government Gazette


F, #3679, b. about 1815
Pedigree Link

Family: Joseph Dixon (b. about 1810)

DaughterFanny Mary Louisa Beckham Dixon (b. 1843)
SonLewis Frederick Dixon (b. 1844)


Louisa was born about 1815.1 She and Joseph Dixon were married.


  1. [S237] NZBDM, microfiche

Fanny Mary Louisa Beckham Dixon

F, #3680, b. 1843


FatherJoseph Dixon (b. about 1810)
MotherLouisa (b. about 1815)
Pedigree Link


Fanny Mary Louisa Beckham Dixon was born in 1843 in Russell, BOI, NZ.1
Fanny Mary Louisa Beckham Dixon was baptized on 17 July 1843 in Russell, BOI, NZ.1,2


  1. [S237] NZBDM, microfiche
  2. [S627] Index to Anglican Baptisms, Burials & Marriages in the BOI

Lewis Frederick Dixon

M, #3681, b. 1844


FatherJoseph Dixon (b. about 1810)
MotherLouisa (b. about 1815)
Pedigree Link


Lewis Frederick Dixon was born in 1844 in Russell, BOI, NZ.1
Lewis Frederick Dixon was baptized on 28 December 1844 in Russell, BOI, NZ.1


  1. [S237] NZBDM, microfiche

Dorothea Adam

F, #3682, b. 1813


Dorothea Adam was born in 1813 in Germany.1,2
Dorothea Adam had person sources.3 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1 She was a servant in 1843.1,2


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Peter Wilhelm Ahrens

M, #3683, b. 1806


Peter Wilhelm Ahrens was born in 1806 in Germany.1,2
Peter Wilhelm Ahrens had person sources.3 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1 He was an agricultural labourer in 1843.1,2


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Adolf (ATHSMAN) Assmann

M, #3684, b. 1812
Pedigree Link


Adolf (ATHSMAN) Assmann was born in 1812.1,2,3 He and Wilhelmina were married.
Adolf (ATHSMAN) Assmann had person sources.4 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1 He was a joiner in 1843.1 He emigrated from Arrived South Australia 21 sep 1845 from Nelson on the Palmyra in September 1845.3


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  3. [S1146] Jenny BRIARS & Jenny LEITH, The Road to Sarau from Germany to Upper Moutere
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #3685, b. 1813
Pedigree Link


Wilhelmina was born in 1813 in Germany.1,2,3 She and Adolf (ATHSMAN) Assmann were married.
Wilhelmina had person sources.4 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1 She was in 1843. She emigrated from Arrived South Australia 21 sep 1845 from Nelson on the Palmyra in 1845.3


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  3. [S1146] Jenny BRIARS & Jenny LEITH, The Road to Sarau from Germany to Upper Moutere
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Theodor Barth, Bardt

M, #3686, b. 1819


Theodor Barth, Bardt, was born in 1819 in Germany.1,2,3
Theodor Barth, Bardt, had person sources.4 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1 He was a butcher in 1843.1,2


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  3. [S1146] Jenny BRIARS & Jenny LEITH, The Road to Sarau from Germany to Upper Moutere
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Anna Maria

F, #3687, b. 1806
Pedigree Link

Family: J Heinrich (Frederick?) Franz Beckmann (b. 1805)

SonFranz Heinrich Beckmann (b. 1834)
DaughterMaria Beckmann (b. 1835)
DaughterKatarina Christina Beckmann (b. 1836)
SonPeter Paul Beckmann (b. 25 January 1843)


Anna Maria was born in 1806 in Germany.1,2,3 She and J Heinrich (Frederick?) Franz Beckmann were married.
Anna Maria had person sources.4 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.2


  1. [S204] Sheila NATUSCH, Brother Wohlers
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  3. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Franz Heinrich Beckmann

M, #3688, b. 1834


FatherJ Heinrich (Frederick?) Franz Beckmann (b. 1805)
MotherAnna Maria (b. 1806)
Pedigree Link


Franz Heinrich Beckmann was born in 1834 in Germany.1,2
Franz Heinrich Beckmann had person sources.3 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

J Heinrich (Frederick?) Franz Beckmann

M, #3689, b. 1805
Pedigree Link

Family: Anna Maria (b. 1806)

SonFranz Heinrich Beckmann (b. 1834)
DaughterMaria Beckmann (b. 1835)
DaughterKatarina Christina Beckmann (b. 1836)
SonPeter Paul Beckmann (b. 25 January 1843)


J Heinrich (Frederick?) Franz Beckmann was born in 1805 in Germany.1,2,3,4 He and Anna Maria were married.
GDB reference:

Hi, I have been doing some research in respect to my G/G Mother who is known from her Marriage Certificate to be a Minnie Beckman when she married a Peter George Pierson in 1873. I have a tree on the NZGD Web site known as Pierson Family Tree where she is shown. Currently her parents are shown as a Nagel and Duker as advised by a member of Minnie?s second marriage?s family but I seen nothing really conclusive to accredit this parentage.

Do you have any further information on your Maria?

Looking forward to hearing from you.



1845 Census for Nelson has Frederick BECKMAN, wife and 2 female and 2 male children, labourer, land, section 138, "quantity fenced" = none, cultivated 1/2 acre, , 6 hens, 1 raupo house, tenant. J Heinrich (Frederick?) Franz Beckmann had person sources.5 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.2 He was a joiner in 1843.2,4


  1. [S204] Sheila NATUSCH, Brother Wohlers
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  3. [S581] Ruth M ALLAN, Nelson a history of early settlement
  4. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  5. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Katarina Christina Beckmann

F, #3690, b. 1836


FatherJ Heinrich (Frederick?) Franz Beckmann (b. 1805)
MotherAnna Maria (b. 1806)
Pedigree Link


Katarina Christina Beckmann was born in 1836 in Germany.1,2
Katarina Christina Beckmann had person sources.3 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Maria Beckmann

F, #3691, b. 1835


FatherJ Heinrich (Frederick?) Franz Beckmann (b. 1805)
MotherAnna Maria (b. 1806)
Pedigree Link


Maria Beckmann was born in 1835 in Germany.1,2
Maria Beckmann had person sources.3 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Karl Behrends

M, #3692, b. 1823


Karl Behrends was born in 1823 in Germany.1,2,3
JBJL has disembarked 23 mar 1843 Bahia... possibly arrived later?? Karl Behrends had person sources.4 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.2 He was a yeoman in 1843.2,3


  1. [S204] Sheila NATUSCH, Brother Wohlers
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  3. [S770] Naturalisations 1844 German Settlers
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John Beit

M, #3693, b. about 1820


FatherJohann Nicholas Beit (b. about 1810)
MotherSarah (b. about 1800)
Pedigree Link


John Beit was born about 1820.1,2
John Beit had person sources.3 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1 He emigrated from Nelson to Australia in 1849.4


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S870] H F AULT, The Nelson Narrative
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  4. [S581] Ruth M ALLAN, Nelson a history of early settlement

Alika Antonia Beit

F, #3694, b. about 1821


FatherJohann Nicholas Beit (b. about 1810)
MotherSarah (b. about 1800)
Pedigree Link


Alika Antonia Beit was born about 1821.1
Alika Antonia Beit had person sources.2 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Medora Eliza Beit

F, #3695, b. about 1827


FatherJohann Nicholas Beit (b. about 1810)
MotherSarah (b. about 1800)
Pedigree Link


Medora Eliza Beit was born about 1827.1
Medora Eliza Beit had person sources.2 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

William Beit

M, #3696, b. about 1828


FatherJohann Nicholas Beit (b. about 1810)
MotherSarah (b. about 1800)
Pedigree Link


William Beit was born about 1828.1
William Beit had person sources.2 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Jeanette Beit

F, #3697, b. about 1834


FatherJohann Nicholas Beit (b. about 1810)
MotherSarah (b. about 1800)
Pedigree Link


Jeanette Beit was born about 1834.1,2
Jeanette Beit had person sources.3 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S769] Naturalisations 1846
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Marianne Beit

F, #3698, b. about 1838


FatherJohann Nicholas Beit (b. about 1810)
MotherSarah (b. about 1800)
Pedigree Link


Marianne Beit was born about 1838.1
Marianne Beit had person sources.2 She immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Henry Beit

M, #3699, b. about 1840


FatherJohann Nicholas Beit (b. about 1810)
MotherSarah (b. about 1800)
Pedigree Link


Henry Beit was born about 1840.1
Henry Beit had person sources.2 He immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 on 26 December 1842.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #3700, b. about 1800
Pedigree Link

Family: Johann Nicholas Beit (b. about 1810)

SonJohn Beit (b. about 1820)
DaughterAlika Antonia Beit (b. about 1821)
DaughterMedora Eliza Beit (b. about 1827)
SonWilliam Beit (b. about 1828)
DaughterBeit (b. about 1830)
DaughterJeanette Beit (b. about 1834)
DaughterMarianne Beit (b. about 1838)
SonHenry Beit (b. about 1840)
SonBeit (b. 21 July 1844)


Sarah was born about 1800.1 She and Johann Nicholas Beit were married.
Sarah immigrated to Germany to NZ on the St Pauli arriving NZ 17/6/1843 26/12/1842. She had person sources.2 She was in 1843. She emigrated from Nelson to Australia in 1849.3


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  3. [S581] Ruth M ALLAN, Nelson a history of early settlement