Christine Maria Sophie Busch was born in 1831 died aged 74.
1,2,3,4 She and
William Berkett were married in 1851 in Nelson, NZ.
2 She died in 1903, at age ~72, in Nelson, NZ.
2 PPA Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXVII, Issue 56, 21 March 1903, Page 2
Nelson pioneers of settlement still sur viving and a large circle of old residents will regret fco hear ( of the death yesterday of one of their earliest members M? Wm. (Christina) BerkeU, at her daugh tort residence (Mrs Schi-oede^), ?f f, road's Valley), afc the age of 74. Mra Berkett camo to Nelson in 1841 when she wa, a girl of 12, with Mr f&IUnS & Of"?** 1 tl^eyfouud Sfo Sn ! !ʿ rd , Sellia ?f' and had to dig for MJ,Zrir W i erO i irith tooreot "^dhuts. a ff i a ? Bt f' Ihya1 hya 6ho m ar ? pd later on. settled in the dUtricl, and with her hugband earned on faruiing pursoits for many years. She passed through all the vioßs.tudes and-. trials of the oar , set. iia/s but she had her reward n h Tviuataoiily, the respect and eßteain of a larjje c±rc c and a fair endowment of thu world s xooda. During the last two years lue deceased lady had been in failing noalth, suffuriog from dropsy an heart
disease, and she and her husband d wit with their daughter, Mrs Schroeder, at Redwood's Valley. Mra Berkett was of a most Unily aud charitable exposition, and always willing t>> help neighbours, friends, or strangers if deserving. She ,ook an active inlerost iv church mat-* ters while she was able to tlo co, aud abe was always foremost in bar district in promoting any good causy. Her husbsnl (Mr fm. BerlieL!) -survives her, and i Aged £2, and sfce hrn left a vevy largo family (o the tbird generation. Her sons are Messra Henry, William, Thomas, and Charles Berkett, Ibo three last in the . S-oflh luli-ud, and the lasl-awned at Hope. Her dauglHera are Hire J-imea (Ahaara), Mrs P. Cross (Nelißon), Mrs Schroeder (Ked wood's Valley), and Mrs Frost ( Wellington.) She Was a Bister of Mr Fred Buscb, ihe well-kaown racingman of Oliristcbarcb, and among her is Mr Buscb, who ii with Sir Percy idams, Nelson. The graud? children aumber 45, and the great grand 1 * siiildren 13, and the younger off jho-jts from tLiB prolific parent tree are settled in various pans of New Zealand. Christine Maria Sophie Busch had person sources.
5 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Skiold arriving NZ 1/9/1844 on 21 April 1844.