John Waring Saxton was born in 1808 in ENG.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 He and
Priscilla Crumpton were married. He died in 1866, at age ~58, in Nelson, NZ.
Charles Waring SAXTON and John Waring SAXTON were brothers from a family of 13 children from Whitchurch in Shropshire. Charles' first wife Mary (née LAUGHLIN) gave birth to a son Clifford during the voyage to Nelson. Mary died just 3 months after arriving in Nelson, Charles having to take the funeral service. On 20 May 1842 Charles left Nelson with son Clifford on 'Essex" for England via Valparaiso, then became a school headmaster in Newport, Shropshire. A son from Charles' second marriage, Henry Waring SAXTON, emigrated to New Zealand in 1876, took up residence in New Plymouth where he worked as a civil engineer.
Miss Lucy, a cousin, daughter of Charles' & John's uncle John, married Edward SWEET and returned to Hampshire. John Waring SAXTON remained in Nelson and has many descendants. Parts of his diaries are held at the National Library in Wellington. Mrs Eleanor CRUMPTON was mother of John's wife Priscilla. If you have any connection with the SAXTON families or wish to share information please contact Joanna Broad
sketch of an albatross in Alexander Turbull library. John Waring Saxton had person sources.
11 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Clifford arriving NZ 11/5/1842 on 18 December 1841.
8 He was a gentleman, artist in 1842.
8 He was an esquire, Brook St., Nelson in 1844.