NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 298


F, #7426, b. 1804
Pedigree Link

Family: Isaiah Crouther (b. 1810)

DaughterCrouther (b. 1832)
DaughterCrouther (b. 1835)


Ann was born in 1804. She and Isaiah Crouther were married.
Ann immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7427, b. 1832


FatherIsaiah Crouther (b. 1810)
MotherAnn (b. 1804)
Pedigree Link


Crouther was born in 1832.
Crouther immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7428, b. 1835


FatherIsaiah Crouther (b. 1810)
MotherAnn (b. 1804)
Pedigree Link


Crouther was born in 1835.
Crouther immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Jabez Dean

M, #7429, b. 1819
Pedigree Link

Family: Ann (b. 1821)

SonDean (b. 1839)
DaughterDean (b. 14 May 1841)
DaughterDean (b. 14 December 1850)


Jabez Dean was born in 1819.1,2 He and Ann were married.
Witness to marriage of John WADE and Marianne HOWE Wellington 16 feb 1841 other witness was Ann Maria SMITH MARRWES. Jabez Dean had person sources.3 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.4 He was a painter Lambton Quay in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  4. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists


F, #7430, b. 1821
Pedigree Link

Family: Jabez Dean (b. 1819)

SonDean (b. 1839)
DaughterDean (b. 14 May 1841)
DaughterDean (b. 14 December 1850)


Ann was born in 1821.1 She and Jabez Dean were married.
Ann had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


M, #7431, b. 1839


FatherJabez Dean (b. 1819)
MotherAnn (b. 1821)
Pedigree Link


Dean was born in 1839.
Dean immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Robert Detcham

M, #7432, b. 1802


Robert Detcham was born in 1802.
Robert Detcham immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John Downey

M, #7433, b. 1817
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary (b. 1817)

SonDowney (b. 1839)


John Downey was born in 1817. He and Mary were married.
John Downey immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7434, b. 1817
Pedigree Link

Family: John Downey (b. 1817)

SonDowney (b. 1839)


Mary was born in 1817. She and John Downey were married.
Mary immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


M, #7435, b. 1839


FatherJohn Downey (b. 1817)
MotherMary (b. 1817)
Pedigree Link


Downey was born in 1839.
Downey immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

George Duppa

M, #7436, b. 1819, d. 1888


Pedigree Link


George Duppa was born in 1819.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 He and Unknown were married in 1871 in ENG.14 He died in 1888, at age ~69, in Hollingbourne, Kent, ENG.14
To New Plymouth from Wellington on the Brougham feb 1841 CCD
1840 on committee organizing Ball and Fete PP1840
subscriber to a fete may 1840 Wellington PP 23 may 1840
shifted to Nelson 1842 DHRN
became major runholder and sheep farmer and sold out in 1862 before returning to England 1863 MDL. George Duppa had person sources.15 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.13 He was a draughtsman in 1841.6 He was a gentleman and farmer, Waimea East, Nelson in 1844.8 He emigrated from NZ to ENG in 1863.14


  1. [S189] CROAD N E, New Zealand from Tasman to Massey
  2. [S41] E J WAKEFIELD, Adventure in New Zealand.
  3. [S40] Cecil and Celia MANSON, Curtain Raiser to a Colony
  4. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  5. [S344] Edward Jerningham WAKEFIELD, London Journal
  6. [S346] The New Plymouth Settlement 1841-1843
  7. [S354] Thomas MORLAND, series of lectures on Early NZ History to Otago Institute
  8. [S554] papers past, Juror list 1844 Nelson
  9. [S569] Paers past, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  10. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  11. [S581] Ruth M ALLAN, Nelson a history of early settlement
  12. [S723] Arthur H CARMAN, Tawa Flat and the Old Porirua Road
  13. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  14. [S857] Max D LASH, Nelson Notables 1840-1940
  15. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Daniel William Eaton

M, #7437, b. 1823


FatherRichard Augustus Eaton (b. 1787)
MotherUnknown (d. before 1840)
Pedigree Link


Daniel William Eaton was born in 1823.
Daniel William Eaton immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was farming Hutt Valley in 1841.2


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  2. [S245] H S Chapman, The New Zealand Portfolio

John W Eaton

M, #7438, b. 1824


FatherRichard Augustus Eaton (b. 1787)
MotherUnknown (d. before 1840)
Pedigree Link


John W Eaton was born in 1824.
John W Eaton immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Arthur Eaton

M, #7439, b. 1825


FatherRichard Augustus Eaton (b. 1787)
MotherUnknown (d. before 1840)
Pedigree Link


Arthur Eaton was born in 1825.
Arthur Eaton immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Richard Augustus Eaton

M, #7440, b. 1787
Pedigree Link

Family: Unknown (d. before 1840)

SonDaniel William Eaton (b. 1823)
SonJohn W Eaton (b. 1824)
SonArthur Eaton (b. 1825)
SonEdward Eaton (b. 1828)
SonHenry Richard Eaton (b. 1830, d. 15 May 1840)
SonRichard Augustus Eaton (b. about 1832)


Richard Augustus Eaton was born in 1787.1 He and Unknown were married.
Richard Augustus Eaton immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. Witness at inquest into death of his son Henry EATON PP1840
note at inquest a "Mrs EATON" mentioned. He had person sources.2 He was a Widower, miller and farmer in 1840.1


  1. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Edward Eaton

M, #7441, b. 1828


FatherRichard Augustus Eaton (b. 1787)
MotherUnknown (d. before 1840)
Pedigree Link


Edward Eaton was born in 1828.1
Edward Eaton immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. To Wairarapa 1854 JRJ. He had person sources.2 He was in 1840.


  1. [S399] Jenny Robin JONES, No Simple Passage
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Henry Richard Eaton

M, #7442, b. 1830, d. 15 May 1840


FatherRichard Augustus Eaton (b. 1787)
MotherUnknown (d. before 1840)
Pedigree Link


Henry Richard Eaton was born in 1830.1 He died on 15 May 1840, at age ~10, in Wellington, NZ, died of wounds after being attacked by Maori.1
Henry Richard Eaton immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. Inquest held Wellington 17 may 1840 PP1840. He had person sources.2


  1. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

William Elsdon

M, #7443, b. 1815, d. 25 August 1840


William Elsdon was born in 1815.1 He died on 25 August 1840, at age ~25, in Wellington Harbour, Wellington, NZ, drowned when boat overturned RP.2
Mass drowning, 9 settlers, Port Nicholson, 25th August 1840: (NZETC: Early Wellington):
Shortly after this (25th August, 1840), a fatal accident occurred at Pito-one, when a boat party of twelve persons were within a hundred yards of the beach. The boat was upset, and though they were in less than seven feet of water, only three survived the accident.
These were Mr. Francis Bradey, Mr. Fowler and the steersman. Those drowned were Messrs. J. Pierce; W. Elsdon; R. Hight; Lancaster; Josiah Tucker; Martin, a sailor belonging to the boat and lately of the ?Jewess?; Griffin, late steward of the ?Cuba; Rogers, a thatcher; and a person known as ?Colonial Bill.?
Other sources:
Complete story:
And: NZ Gazette & Wellington Spectator 29 August 1840: Burials
resident in Wellington in 1843 WP. William Elsdon had person sources.3 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.4 He was a publican, Wellington in 1840.1


  1. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  2. [S268] Robert PHILLIPS, email address;
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  4. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists

Samuel Estaugh

M, #7444, b. 1819
Pedigree Link


Samuel Estaugh was born in 1819. He and Ann were married.
Samuel Estaugh immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7445, b. 1818
Pedigree Link


Ann was born in 1818. She and Samuel Estaugh were married.
Ann immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

William Everett

M, #7446, b. 1820
Pedigree Link


William Everett was born in 1820.1,2 He and Eliza Beckers were married in 1843 in Wellington, NZ, Old St Pauls reg Rev COLE.3 He and Eliza Ruth Bannister were married in 1895.
William Everett had person sources.4 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.1 He was a printer, later farmer in 1840.2


  1. [S723] Arthur H CARMAN, Tawa Flat and the Old Porirua Road
  2. [S851] David HAMER & Roberta NICHOLLS, The Making of Wellington 1800-1914
  3. [S788] Diane WILSON, Diane Wilson
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Richard Fairbrother

M, #7447, b. 1817
Pedigree Link

Family: Sophia Elizabeth (b. 1818)

DaughterElizabeth Helen Fairbrother (b. 16 April 1840)


Richard Fairbrother was born in 1817. He and Sophia Elizabeth were married.
1840, from Hackney Rd, LON, ENG NP. Richard Fairbrother had person sources.1 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.2 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists

Sophia Elizabeth

F, #7448, b. 1818
Pedigree Link

Family: Richard Fairbrother (b. 1817)

DaughterElizabeth Helen Fairbrother (b. 16 April 1840)


Sophia Elizabeth was born in 1818. She and Richard Fairbrother were married.
Late of Hackney Road, London. PP1840. Sophia Elizabeth had person sources.1 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.2 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists

William Fardon

M, #7449, b. 1824


William Fardon was born in 1824.
William Fardon immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John (Dr) Patrick Fitzgerald

M, #7450, b. 1817


FatherFitzgerald (b. about 1790)
Pedigree Link

Family: Eliza Sarah Christian (b. about 1820)

DaughterFitzgerald (b. 4 November 1843)
SonFitzgerald (b. 1846)


John (Dr) Patrick Fitzgerald was born in 1817.1,2,3 He and Eliza Sarah Christian were married in 1842 in Wellington, NZ, Rev COLE.
Subscriber to a fete may 1840 Wellington PP 23 may 1840
NZ Colonist Port nich advertiser. John (Dr) Patrick Fitzgerald had person sources.4 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.2 He was consulting physician to the infirmary Wellington (Colonial Surgeon) in 1840.5,2,3


  1. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  3. [S835] NZ Government Gazette
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  5. [S272] Newspapers Past,