PPA New Zealander, Volume 12, Issue 1070, 19 July 1856, Page 2
CAUTION. THE Public are cautioned against giving credit to my wife, MARGARET FLEMING, she having left my House without cause. Matthew Fleming. Dated 17th July, 1856.
PPA New Zealander, Volume 12, Issue 1111, 10 December 1856, Page 2
Fire in Freeman's Bay.?Last Saturday night, about 9 o'clock, an alarm of fire was given, by the fire-bells and bugle, and on the inhabitants hastening to the direction of the conflagration, it was found that a' large and valuable cottage, erected in Freeman's Bay by Mr. Matthew Fleming, was in flames-, and from its peculiarity of situation the Fire Brigade were unable to get the engines up to the place. The fire, indeed, had dot such a overpowering sway, that all attempts to save the house or its contents were hopeless. In less than two hours from the time of the alarm nothing but the brick chimney.and a few charred timbers remained of a property that had cost more than 600Z iu its erection. The origin of the fire remains in utter obscurity, but the gravest suspicions are entertained that the act was one of an incendiary. The cottage, which had two storeys, and contained more tban 12,000 feet of timber, had been unoccupied for some time. On Saturday, however, Mr. Scott, son-in-law to Mr. Fleming, conveyed to it one or two cart loads of furniture, including Mr- Fleming's tool chest?he and his son-in-law intending to move in on Monday morning. No lights had'been in the house for months; no light was taken into it with the furniture; not one of the men who went in even smoked a pipeThey left a little after six, locked the door, and left all in perfect security. Two hours afterwards the attention of a neighbour was attracted by a loud crackling noise, and on endeavouring to ascertain the cause, he saw the flames. Almost instantly after they burst out, and not an article of the furniture could be saved. .We are glad to" find that our suggestion of the institution of lire Inquests lias been revived through the suspicion entertained as to the origin of this fire; and as a reward of 50/, for the discovery of the supposed party or parties has been offered by the United Fire Office, we trust the agent will also endeavour to procure the assent of the Provincial authorities to an official inquiry being-made in this case.
NOTICE. WHEREAS my Wife, Sarah Fleming, has left her home without any cause or provocation, I hereby caution the public against giving hei credit, as I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract. Matthew Fleming. Ilowick, 26th October, 1858. Matthew Fleming immigrated to to Russell in 1839.