NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 301

Donald McLennan

M, #7501, b. 1821


Donald McLennan was born in 1821.1,2
Report on Inquest into death of Archibald MILNE NZ Gazette and Wellington Spectator 1 jan 1842. Donald McLennan had person sources.3 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.2


  1. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


M, #7502, b. about 1810


Goff was born about 1810.1
Cabin passenger from Nelson to Sydney 1844 on the Star of China MAR
possibly Louis Clifford GOFFE ?


  1. [S664] NSW Gov records

Henry Meech

M, #7503, b. 1812
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Ann (b. 1815)

SonMeech (b. 22 December 1840)
Son(Meach) Meech (b. 30 July 1842)


Henry Meech was born in 1812.1,2,3 He and Mary Ann were married.
Henry Meech immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. 1842 Thorndon Quay
1840 boatbuilding partnership with OXENHAM and HENRY PP1840. He had person sources.4 He was a shipbuilder in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Mary Ann

F, #7504, b. 1815
Pedigree Link

Family: Henry Meech (b. 1812)

SonMeech (b. 22 December 1840)
Son(Meach) Meech (b. 30 July 1842)


Mary Ann was born in 1815. She and Henry Meech were married.
Mary Ann immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


M, #7505, b. about 1810


Whitehaven was born about 1810.1
Cabin passenger on the Star of China from Nelson to Sydney 1845 MAR.


  1. [S664] NSW Gov records

Henry Moreing

M, #7506, b. 1815


Henry Moreing was born in 1815.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Advertised apr 1840 as "General Agent" PP1840
shifted to Wanganui 1843 DHRN
probably the Henry MOREING who purchased Mana Island off Thomas BELL and Frederick PATERSON may 1840
subsequently the crown agreed that Moering the owner and he sold Mana Island to the crown FOMI. Henry Moreing had person sources.10 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.9 He was a farmer Hutt River in 1842.4


  1. [S41] E J WAKEFIELD, Adventure in New Zealand.
  2. [S245] H S Chapman, The New Zealand Portfolio
  3. [S189] CROAD N E, New Zealand from Tasman to Massey
  4. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  5. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  6. [S344] Edward Jerningham WAKEFIELD, London Journal
  7. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  8. [S851] David HAMER & Roberta NICHOLLS, The Making of Wellington 1800-1914
  9. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  10. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John O'Brien

M, #7507, b. 1818
Pedigree Link


John O'Brien was born in 1818.1 He and Ellen were married.
Possibly obtained a bush licencne for 5pds, North Shore Auckland 8 april 1845 BULI. John O'Brien had person sources.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7508, b. 1815
Pedigree Link


Ellen was born in 1815.1 She and John O'Brien were married.
Ellen had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John Palfrey

M, #7509, b. 1789
Pedigree Link


John Palfrey was born in 1789. He and Ellen were married.
John Palfrey immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7510, b. 1809
Pedigree Link


Ellen was born in 1809. She and John Palfrey were married.
Ellen immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

George Payne

M, #7511, b. 1811
Pedigree Link


George Payne was born in 1811. He and Maria were married.
George Payne immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7512, b. 1818
Pedigree Link


Maria was born in 1818. She and George Payne were married.
Maria immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

W Ryden

M, #7513, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Unknown



W Ryden was born about 1810.1 He and Unknown were married.
Steerage passenger Nelson to Stydney on the Star of China 1845 MAR.


  1. [S664] NSW Gov records

Charles Rodgers, Rogers

M, #7514, b. 1811, d. 25 August 1840
Pedigree Link

Family: Cecelia Eliza Herbert (b. 1819, d. 26 July 1886)

SonThomas Rogers (b. 29 February 1840, d. 3 July 1933)


Charles Rodgers, Rogers, was born in 1811.1 He and Cecelia Eliza Herbert were married on 26 July 1838 in Essex, ENG.1 He died on 25 August 1840, at age ~29, in Wellington Harbour, WGTN, NZ, drowned in boating accident.1
(Mass drowning, 9 settlers, Port Nicholson, 25th August 1840: (NZETC: Early Wellington):
Shortly after this (25th August, 1840), a fatal accident occurred at Pito-one, when a boat party of twelve persons were within a hundred yards of the beach. The boat was upset, and though they were in less than seven feet of water, only three survived the accident.
These were Mr. Francis Bradey, Mr. Fowler and the steersman. Those drowned were Messrs. J. Pierce; W. Elsdon; R. Hight; Lancaster; Josiah Tucker; Martin, a sailor belonging to the boat and lately of the ?Jewess?; Griffin, late steward of the ?Cuba; Rogers, a thatcher; and a person known as ?Colonial Bill.?
Other sources:
Complete story:

1840 "late of Waltham Abbey" NP
New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume I, Issue 21, 29 August 1840. Charles Rodgers, Rogers, had person sources.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.3 He was in 1840.


  1. [S268] Robert PHILLIPS, email address;
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  3. [S431] various, Shipping Lists

Cecelia Eliza Herbert

F, #7515, b. 1819, d. 26 July 1886
Pedigree Link

Family 1: Charles Rodgers, Rogers, (b. 1811, d. 25 August 1840)

SonThomas Rogers (b. 29 February 1840, d. 3 July 1933)

Family 2: Richard Rush (b. about 1800, d. 15 June 1846)

DaughterSarah Ann Maria Rush (b. 1842)
ChildRush (b. about 1843)
ChildRush (b. about 1844)
ChildRush (b. 1845)

Family 3: John George Rush (b. 1827, d. about 1901)

SonJohn Henry Rush (b. about 1850)


Cecelia Eliza Herbert was born in 1819 in Essex, ENG.1 She and Richard Rush were married. She and John George Rush were married. She and Charles Rodgers, Rogers, were married on 26 July 1838 in Essex, ENG.1 She died on 26 July 1886, at age ~67, in Palmerston North, NZ.1
Cecilia Eliza was my great-great-grandmother. RP; = grandson
5 children with Richard RUSH including one born 1846 after his death. APL. Cecelia Eliza Herbert had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.3 She was in 1840.


  1. [S268] Robert PHILLIPS, email address;
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  3. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists

John Salmon

M, #7516, b. 1820
Pedigree Link


John Salmon was born in 1820.
John Salmon immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7517, b. 1820
Pedigree Link


Eliza was born in 1820.
Eliza immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Richard Burgess Sayer

M, #7518, b. 1819
Pedigree Link


Richard Burgess Sayer was born in 1819.1,2 He and Jemimah Oxenham were married on 8 May 1842 in Wesleyan Chapel, Wellington, NZ.3
Aka Burgess SAYERS. Richard Burgess Sayer had person sources.4 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.1 He was a Chief Constable in 1842.2


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S325] Wellington Burgess Roll 1843
  3. [S912] Marriage Register 1841-1862 Wesley methodist Church Wellington
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Richard Seed

M, #7519, b. 1813, d. 22 January 1853
Pedigree Link


Richard Seed was born in 1813.1,2,3,4,5 He and Harriet Walton were married in 1840.4 He died on 22 January 1853, at age ~40, in Bendigo, VIC, AUS, gold fields.6
1842 Lambton Quay
1950's Porirua Road LEW
1844 living on Porirua Road halfway between Wellington and Porirua ACHT
purchased land on Porirua Rd 1843 ACHT
no children ACHT
uncle to Mary Ann WALTON . ACHT not sure connection. Richard Seed had person sources.7 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839. He was a cordwainer in 1842.1 He emigrated from Wellington to Bendigo, AUS, about 1852.5


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S80] List of Directors NZ Land Coy, petition
  3. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  4. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  5. [S723] Arthur H CARMAN, Tawa Flat and the Old Porirua Road
  6. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  7. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Harriet Walton

F, #7520, b. 1815
Pedigree Link


Harriet Walton was born in 1815. She and Richard Seed were married in 1840.1 She and M (George) G Brown were married on 2 March 1854 in Wellington, NZ.2
Boot and shoe repairer ? Harriet Walton had person sources.3 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.


  1. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  2. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Archibald Watson Shand

M, #7521, b. 1815
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth Alexandrina Greig (b. 1821)

SonAlexander Shand (b. 15 November 1840)
DaughterJane Shand (b. 1842)
DaughterMargaret Ann Shand (b. 1 August 1844)
SonRobert Roger Shand (b. 16 September 1846)
DaughterSusan Shand (b. 17 March 1848)
DaughterElizabeth Shand (b. 16 June 1849)
DaughterCatherine Shand (b. 1851)
DaughterHelen Shand (b. 1854)
DaughterAgnes Shand (b. 1859)
SonArchibold Shand (b. 1860)
SonShand (b. 5 July 1860)


Archibald Watson Shand was born in 1815.1,2,3 He and Elizabeth Alexandrina Greig were married.4
Note a SHAND resident Russell 1834 JL
settled Otago ? OASES. Archibald Watson Shand had person sources.5 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.3,6 He was a collector of customs in 1860.7


  1. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  2. [S80] List of Directors NZ Land Coy, petition
  3. [S536] Bob MATTHEWS, OASES database of early settlers to Otago.
  4. [S436] NZ Government Department Internal Affairs, Index of Births Deaths and Marriages
  5. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  6. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  7. [S272] Newspapers Past,

Elizabeth Alexandrina Greig

F, #7522, b. 1821
Pedigree Link

Family: Archibald Watson Shand (b. 1815)

SonAlexander Shand (b. 15 November 1840)
DaughterJane Shand (b. 1842)
DaughterMargaret Ann Shand (b. 1 August 1844)
SonRobert Roger Shand (b. 16 September 1846)
DaughterSusan Shand (b. 17 March 1848)
DaughterElizabeth Shand (b. 16 June 1849)
DaughterCatherine Shand (b. 1851)
DaughterHelen Shand (b. 1854)
DaughterAgnes Shand (b. 1859)
SonArchibold Shand (b. 1860)
SonShand (b. 5 July 1860)


Elizabeth Alexandrina Greig was born in 1821.1 She and Archibald Watson Shand were married.1
Elizabeth Alexandrina Greig had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 on 15 September 1839.3 She was in 1840.


  1. [S436] NZ Government Department Internal Affairs, Index of Births Deaths and Marriages
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  3. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists


F, #7523
Pedigree Link

Family: W Ryden (b. about 1810)



Unknown was born.1 She and W Ryden were married.
Steerage passenger Nelson to Stydney on the Star of China 1845 MAR.


  1. [S664] NSW Gov records

Abel Spencer

M, #7524, b. 1813
Pedigree Link


Abel Spencer was born in 1813. He and Grace were married.
Abel Spencer immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7525, b. 1817
Pedigree Link


Grace was born in 1817. She and Abel Spencer were married.
Grace immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Oriental arriving NZ 31/1/1840 15/9/1839. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database