NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 768

E Douverschelle

M, #19176, b. about 1810


E Douverschelle was born about 1810.1
Living Otago 1840 passenger on Sancta Maria FT.


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters


M, #19177, b. about 1810


Drummond was born about 1810.1
Living Otago 1845.


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

John Duffy

M, #19178, b. about 1810


John Duffy was born about 1810.1,2
John Duffy immigrated to to Otago about 1842.2 He was a whaler in Hughe's gang Moeraki in 1843.1


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters
  2. [S536] Bob MATTHEWS, OASES database of early settlers to Otago.

Captain De MAU

M, #19179, b. about 1810


Captain De MAU was born about 1810.1
Living Otago 1843 FT.


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

M Duncan

M, #19180, b. about 1810


M Duncan was born about 1810.1
Living Otago 1845 FT.


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters


M, #19182, b. about 1810


Dureste was born about 1810.1
Dureste was a whaler, Otago in 1838.1


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

Agnes McLEAN

F, #19183, b. 1810, d. 1 February 1874
Pedigree Link

Family: Francis Greer (b. 1809, d. 15 May 1855)

DaughterAgnes Greer (b. about 1835)
SonJohn Greer (b. about 1836)
SonFrancis Clarence Greer+ (b. 16 April 1838, d. 8 July 1917)
DaughterMary Greer (b. about 1842)
SonHugh Lamont Greer (b. about 1846, d. 11 July 1940)
SonSamuel Edward Greer (b. 16 September 1848, d. 30 August 1919)
DaughterEleanor Greer (b. about 1850)


Agnes McLEAN was born in 1810 in SCT.1 She and Francis Greer were married. She died on 1 February 1874, at age ~64, in Porirua, Wellington, NZ.1
Agnes McLEAN immigrated to arrived Wellington feb 1855 in 1854.2


  1. [S704] PECK of TAITA, web site extensive trees
  2. [S723] Arthur H CARMAN, Tawa Flat and the Old Porirua Road


M, #19184, b. about 1810


Eager was born about 1810.1
On board "Lucy Ann" 1840 FT.


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

Percy Earle

M, #19185, b. about 1810


Percy Earle was born about 1810.1,2,3
" member of SHORTLAND's party" FT
amateur naturalist PMO. Percy Earle immigrated to to Otago before 1844.2


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters
  2. [S536] Bob MATTHEWS, OASES database of early settlers to Otago.
  3. [S645] Paul MOON, The Voyagers

Henry East

M, #19186, b. about 1810


Henry East was born about 1810.1
Henry East was a whaler in 1837.1


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters


M, #19187, b. about 1810


Edmeads was born about 1810.
Possibly EDWARDS FT. Edmeads was a whaler Otago in 1839.1


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

George Edwards

M, #19188, b. about 1810


George Edwards was born about 1810.1
1834 living Otago FT.


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

Captain Edwards

M, #19189, b. about 1810


Captain Edwards was born about 1810.1
Captain Edwards was a master of ship Columbia in 1842.1


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

Thomas Ellis

M, #19190, b. about 1810


Thomas Ellis was born about 1810.1
1841 living Otago, had been at Akaroa FT.


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

Thomas Emery

M, #19191, b. about 1810


Thomas Emery was born about 1810.1
Thomas Emery was a blacksmith, Moeraki, Otago in 1841.1


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters


M, #19192, b. about 1810


Entwistle was born about 1810.1
Note a Hannah ENTWISTLE immigrated to Port Chalmers sep 1840. Entwistle was a whaler Otago in 1837.1


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

Joseph Farmer

M, #19193, b. about 1810


Joseph Farmer was born about 1810.1
1843 living Otago FT.


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters

Robert Hattaway

M, #19194, b. 1823, d. 21 December 1904
Pedigree Link

Family: Maria O'Leary (b. 1825)

SonRobert Hattaway (b. 1852)


Robert Hattaway was born in 1823.1,2,3 He and Maria O'Leary were married about 1851.1 He died on 21 December 1904, at age ~81, in Howick, Auckland, NZ.1
Wrote a diary of his experiences in the fighting in NZ and wrote "Reminiscences of the Northern War" published in Auckland Weekly News 1899 (Alexander Turnbull Library) MB
took discharge 1856 and settled in Howick, Auckland. MB
Auckland 1840's DM. Robert Hattaway immigrated to arrived Auckland 25 mar 1845 on the North Star in 1845.3 He was a soldier 58th Regt in 1845.1


  1. [S334] Michael BARTHORP, To Face the Daring Maoris
  2. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  3. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll

John (Corporal) Mitchell

M, #19195, b. about 1810, d. after 1899


Pedigree Link

Family: Julia Maher (b. about 1825)

DaughterMary Mitchell (b. 11 March 1848, d. 13 September 1928)


John (Corporal) Mitchell was born about 1810 in Stamford, LINC, ENG.1,2 He and Julia Maher were married on 26 April 1847 in NSW, AUS.1 He died after 1899 in NZ.1
Enlisted in th 58th Regt at Uppingham in 1841, wounded at Ohaeawai 1845. later Captain in NZ Militia.Wrote an account of his experiences. MIBA
stayed in NZ MIBA. John (Corporal) Mitchell was a soldier 58th regt in 1845.1


  1. [S334] Michael BARTHORP, To Face the Daring Maoris
  2. [S497] R M PROKHOVNIK, A Reluctant Pioneer

William (Corporal) Free

M, #19196, b. about 1826, d. 1919


William (Corporal) Free was born about 1826 in IRL died aged 93 MB.1 He died in 1919, at age ~93, in New Plymouth, NZ.1
Taranaki Rifle Volunteers 1859 wounded in knee, MB. William (Corporal) Free was a soldier 58th regt in 1845.1


  1. [S334] Michael BARTHORP, To Face the Daring Maoris

Joseph (Sergeant) Hinton

M, #19197, b. about 1815
Pedigree Link


Joseph (Sergeant) Hinton was born about 1815.1 He and Unknown were married in 1852 in ENG.1
His story of fighting in NZ told in a book "Told From the Ranks" by E Milton SMALL pub 1898. MB
returned to England 1850, was married 1852. MB. Joseph (Sergeant) Hinton was a soldier 58th regt in 1845.1


  1. [S334] Michael BARTHORP, To Face the Daring Maoris

George (Lieutenant) Hyde Page

M, #19198, b. about 1815
Pedigree Link


George (Lieutenant) Hyde Page was born about 1815.1,2 He and Charlotte Pitt were married in 1848 in NZ.1
Sketched, 1845/46 Hutt Valley MB. George (Lieutenant) Hyde Page was a soldier 58th regt in 1845.1


  1. [S334] Michael BARTHORP, To Face the Daring Maoris
  2. [S932] H F McKILLOP, Reminiscences of Twelve Months' Service in NZ

John (Lance Sergeant) Williams

M, #19199, b. about 1815


John (Lance Sergeant) Williams was born about 1815.1,2
Sketched and painted MB. John (Lance Sergeant) Williams was a soldier 58th regt in 1845.1


  1. [S334] Michael BARTHORP, To Face the Daring Maoris
  2. [S354] Thomas MORLAND, series of lectures on Early NZ History to Otago Institute

S Fern

M, #19200, b. about 1810


S Fern was born about 1810.1
S Fern was a member of whaling gang, Taieri and Otago in 1839.1


  1. [S195] Frank TOD, Whaling in Southern Waters