Henry (Captain) H Parker was born about 1780.
1,2,3,4,5 He died in 1850, at age ~70, in California, USA.
1 The H Parker I'm talking about was the same Captain Henry Parker who went to the Chathams in 1833. He died in California in 1850 having taken the brig 'Noble' there to the gold rush. There was a scandal when he left passengers in Norfolk Island, all documented in Papers Past. (Captain)
Edward is his brother. These two were very much involved with the early founders of Auckland Brown and Campbell. Edward had a native wife, Mary, and at least one half caste son, Johnny (both listed in his will). We believe that our great great grandfather , James Frederick Parker b1825, may also have been his son.
The Parker and Paaka descendants in the Hokianga ascribe to be descended from H Parker.
There was also another brother William who I think came to New Zealand later (1840ish), and maybe a sister Ellen Allport.
If you know of anything further we'd be most interested.
Here's hoping Brenda
went to Chathams 1833 DNZB p 348.
took part in revenge attack on Te Pahi for Boyd massacre JL
visited Wellington 1833 RHYR3
1834 visited NZ as a passenger on the Emma Kemp and traded. RHYR3. Henry (Captain) H Parker was a Captain of whaler Diana in 1810.
6 He was a Captain of the Phoenix in 1815.
6 He was a Captain of Speculator in 1830.
4 He was a merchant Sydney, partner in McLAREN and Coy and Captain of Speculator in 1833.