Jimmy (QUINN) Walker was born about 1820 about 18 when arrived BOI HCJA.
1,2 He died about 1870, at age ~50, in Rangitata River.
2 Aka One Eyed Jimmy FT
HJCA has extensive description of Jimmy WALKER's life and change of name to Jimmy WAKA and then WALKER.
arrived BOI abt 1839 aged 18, worked splitting timber but after about a year went to Auckland and worked for Sir George GREY as a gardener but was dismissed after a short time and went with a Maori maiden to live with her tribe for about 8 years and he helped the tribe in trading but had a row with the chief and in the fight lost his eye. Then went to BOI and worked on the Whaler Eliza for 2 years then signed off in BOI and went to Akaroa and then Little River cutting bush. Then to Otago gold diggings.
PPA Lake Wakatip Mail, Volume I, Issue 7, 23 May 1863, Page 4
There have been few cases at the Court for the last week, and those of but little importance. A man named James Walker, alias James Prendergast, alias "One-eyed Jimmy," was charged on Thursday with being a prisoner of the Crown illegally at large from Tasmania. In defence, he stated he had been in New Zealand thirty-three years, and had fought as a volunteer in the North Island. He referred the Court for a character to Mr. John Jones, of Dunedin. His Worship remanded him for a week.
Tales from Banks Peninsula:
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume VI, Issue 577, 24 January 1882, Page 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume VI, Issue 575, 17 January 1882, Page 2. Jimmy (QUINN) Walker immigrated to to BOI in 1839.
2 He was a whaler, Waikouiti in 1850.