NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 1,526

Idalia Louie Ward

F, #38126, b. 27 January 1902


FatherRedwood (b. about 1860)
MotherLouisa Honoria O'Brien (b. 1863)
Pedigree Link


Idalia Louie Ward was born on 27 January 1902.
Married her cousin - at least a second cousins, possible link through both Ward and Redwood family trees. WIKI.

William Joseph Augustine Smith

M, #38127, b. 18 November 1833, d. 28 May 1912
Pedigree Link


William Joseph Augustine Smith was born on 18 November 1833 in Shropshire, ENG.1 He and Ann Mary Ward were married on 29 November 1871 in NZ.1 He died on 28 May 1912, at age 78, in Marlborough, NZ.1
William married the RC Bishop of Christchurch's niece. He then became a wealthy sheep farmer in the Clarence Valley in the Kaikoura district of Marlborough. All the facilities of the RC church in Kaikoura are on Ludstone Road, named after his birth place in honour of his generous financial support of his new religion. WIKI.


  1. [S789] Wikipedia, on line WIKI trees

George Redwood

M, #38128, b. 11 April 1842, d. 1842


FatherHenry Redwood (b. 14 June 1794, d. 19 June 1873)
MotherMary Gilbert (b. 1794, d. 1879)
Pedigree Link


George Redwood was born on 11 April 1842 in ENG.1 He died in 1842, at age ~0, in at sea on the George Fyfe.1


  1. [S789] Wikipedia, on line WIKI trees

Esther Redwood

F, #38129, b. 22 June 1831, d. 3 April 1832


FatherHenry Redwood (b. 14 June 1794, d. 19 June 1873)
MotherMary Gilbert (b. 1794, d. 1879)
Pedigree Link


Esther Redwood was born on 22 June 1831 in Stafforshire, ENG.1 She died on 3 April 1832, at age 0, in Stafforshire, ENG.1


  1. [S789] Wikipedia, on line WIKI trees


M, #38130, b. about 1805


Fergusen was born about 1805.
Visited Wellington and chatham Islands RHYR3. Fergusen was an officer on the Lord Rodney in 1835.1


  1. [S1090] Rhys RICHARDS, The First Pakehas Around Wellington and Cook Strait 1803 - 1839


M, #38131, b. about 1805


Davis was born about 1805.
Visited Wellington and Chatham Islands RHYR3. Davis was a passenger on the Lord Rodney in 1835.1


  1. [S1090] Rhys RICHARDS, The First Pakehas Around Wellington and Cook Strait 1803 - 1839


M, #38132, b. about 1800


Dawson was born about 1800.1
Dawson was trading master on the Lord Rodney in 1835.1


  1. [S1090] Rhys RICHARDS, The First Pakehas Around Wellington and Cook Strait 1803 - 1839

Daniel (Captain) Thompson

M, #38133, b. about 1800


Daniel (Captain) Thompson was born about 1800 in US?1
Daniel (Captain) Thompson was a Captain of the US ship Halcyon in 1836.1


  1. [S1090] Rhys RICHARDS, The First Pakehas Around Wellington and Cook Strait 1803 - 1839

George Henry York

M, #38134, b. 1853


FatherThomas Francis York (b. 1813, d. 13 June 1853)
MotherHarriet Dew (b. 13 January 1830, d. 14 December 1890)
Pedigree Link


George Henry York was born in 1853 in Wellington, NZ.1


  1. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices


U, #38135, b. 1856


FatherCornelius John Croft (b. about 1823, d. 1880)
MotherHarriet Dew (b. 13 January 1830, d. 14 December 1890)
Pedigree Link


Croft was born in 1856.1


  1. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices

John Dew Croft

M, #38136, b. 1870


FatherCornelius John Croft (b. about 1823, d. 1880)
MotherHarriet Dew (b. 13 January 1830, d. 14 December 1890)
Pedigree Link


John Dew Croft was born in 1870.1


  1. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices

William (Te TUPONGA) Henry Keenan

M, #38137, b. about 1806, d. 1880


FatherRichard Siddins (b. about 1780)
MotherCatherine Keenan (b. about 1780)
Pedigree Link

Family: Katarina Hikimapu Takune (b. about 1810, d. 1894)

SonJohn Keenan (b. 1837, d. 1868)
SonWilliam (Pire) Henry Keenan+ (b. 1839, d. 1892)
SonJames Dermont Keenan (b. 1843, d. 1870)
DaughterCatherine Keenan (b. October 1845)
DaughterAnne Elizabeth Keenan+ (b. 18 September 1848, d. 2 September 1902)
SonJoseph Keenan (b. 1850, d. 1892)
DaughterMaraea (Maria) Henrietta Harriet (Ariha) Keenan (b. 11 December 1853, d. 16 December 1895)


William (Te TUPONGA) Henry Keenan was born about 1806 in Sydney, NSW, AUS.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 He and Katarina Hikimapu Takune were married on 28 November 1845 in Te Awaiti, Marlborough Sounds, Rev REAY witness Patrick NORTON.10 He died in 1880, at age ~74, in Queen Charlotte Sound, NZ.1
William (Te TUPONGA) Henry Keenan was a whaler Kapiti area 1834 ON.2 Early settler Wellington (1835) then Queen Charlotte.
involved in defence of Otako stronghold, New Plymouth 1832 JST
probably the William who came to NZ in 1828 on the Adventure with Richard BARRETT RYHR3
William Henry Keenan (Te Puponga), was born in 1806 in Sydney, but was said to have been from County Cork, Ireland. He firrst landed in Taranaki in the 1820s, and was among the group of Päkehä, including Dicky Barrett and John Love, who assisted the local Ngämotu people when Ötaka Pä was attacked by Waikato tribes:
several children
PPA Marlborough Press, Volume XXI, Issue 1242, 1 October 1880, Page 2
The most recent loss has taken place in the death of Mr William Keenan,- who died at his residence, Queen Charlotte Sound, on Tuesday last. Born in the early part of this century in New ?South Wales, his roving disposition led him at the age of 24 to New Zealand, and he has remained in this colony for fifty years, the greater part of the time being spent on the borders /: of Queen Charlotte Sound With the gift of a fluent tongue and retentive memory what tales he could have told about the manners and customs of clden times, before the advent of any but European adventurers in the colony; when the early comers were more Maorised than the natives themselves, and might, not right, ruled this fair land. For the long period of fifty years Keenan was an inhabitant of New Zealand, and had he but possessed the pen of a ready writer what secrets he could have made known ; but it is all over now, his worldly wisdom is no longer available, and he is in possession of the secret we all shall learn sooner or later when we are called upon to join the great majority. Few residents in this psrt but can call to mind the tall upright figure that was conspicious, especially on regatta days, his curt sentences, as if he waiTafntid to use two words when one would answer the purpose, and his curiosity io inquiring into the use and meaning of anything new or strange. For the past year or two Keenan was suffering from a malignant form of cancer, which caused him intense suffering during his latter days, and it is probable that before the end came he was weary of the life he had borne so long. He passed away as we have said on Tuesday last, having attained the age of 74 years e short time before his death,
1832 Involved in defence of Ngamotu Pa which attacked by Waikato Maori. 11 Europeans involved DOWI
1853 Catholic priest Father GARIN baptised 7 children and re-married William and Katarina. DOWI. He was a seaman on the Adventure in 1828.4 He immigrated to to Taranaki from Australia about 1830 age 24 PPA.1


  1. [S1097] NZ Electronic Text Collection, Victoria University
  2. [S1090] Rhys RICHARDS, The First Pakehas Around Wellington and Cook Strait 1803 - 1839
  3. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  4. [S12] Angela CAUGHEY, The Interpreter the biography of Dicky BARRETT
  5. [S281] Dianne SHEARER, researcher
  6. [S331] J S TULLETT, The Industrious Heart
  7. [S889] Don WILSON, Whaler by Providence
  8. [S1141] Angela WANHALLA, Matters of the Heart
  9. [S1144] Helen BEAGLEHOLE, One Hundred Havens the settlement of the Marlborough Sounds
  10. [S1120] Don Wilson, Whaler by Providence

Katarina Hikimapu Takune

F, #38138, b. about 1810, d. 1894
Pedigree Link

Family: William (Te TUPONGA) Henry Keenan (b. about 1806, d. 1880)

SonJohn Keenan (b. 1837, d. 1868)
SonWilliam (Pire) Henry Keenan+ (b. 1839, d. 1892)
SonJames Dermont Keenan (b. 1843, d. 1870)
DaughterCatherine Keenan (b. October 1845)
DaughterAnne Elizabeth Keenan+ (b. 18 September 1848, d. 2 September 1902)
SonJoseph Keenan (b. 1850, d. 1892)
DaughterMaraea (Maria) Henrietta Harriet (Ariha) Keenan (b. 11 December 1853, d. 16 December 1895)


Katarina Hikimapu Takune was born about 1810 in New Plymouth, NZ.1,2 She and William (Te TUPONGA) Henry Keenan were married on 28 November 1845 in Te Awaiti, Marlborough Sounds, Rev REAY witness Patrick NORTON.3 She died in 1894, at age ~84.2


  1. [S1097] NZ Electronic Text Collection, Victoria University
  2. [S889] Don WILSON, Whaler by Providence
  3. [S1120] Don Wilson, Whaler by Providence

William (Pire) Henry Keenan

M, #38139, b. 1839, d. 1892


FatherWilliam (Te TUPONGA) Henry Keenan (b. about 1806, d. 1880)
MotherKatarina Hikimapu Takune (b. about 1810, d. 1894)
Pedigree Link

Family 1: Sarah Heberley (b. 1839, d. 31 December 1868)

SonWilliam Martin Keenan (b. 1858)

Family 2: Phoebe (Piki) Love (b. 1851, d. 1892)

DaughterHannah Keenan (b. 1872)
DaughterHenrietta Keenan (b. 1875)
SonDaniel Keenan (b. 1878)


William (Pire) Henry Keenan was born in 1839 in Te Awaiti, Marlborough Sounds, NZ.1,2 He and Sarah Heberley were married in 1858 in St Mary's Catholic Church, Nelson, NZ.3 He and Phoebe (Piki) Love were married in 1869.4 He died in 1892, at age ~53.2
Had red hair. 20 children? William (Pire) Henry Keenan was baptized on 28 November 1845 in Te Awaiti, Marlborough Sounds.5


  1. [S1097] NZ Electronic Text Collection, Victoria University
  2. [S889] Don WILSON, Whaler by Providence
  3. [S788] Diane WILSON, Diane Wilson
  4. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices
  5. [S1120] Don Wilson, Whaler by Providence

Sarah Heberley

F, #38140, b. 1839, d. 31 December 1868


FatherJames (Captain) (Worser) Heberley (b. 22 January 1809, d. 26 September 1899)
MotherMaata (Martha) Te Naihi e Wai (b. about 1810, d. June 1877)
Pedigree Link

Family: William (Pire) Henry Keenan (b. 1839, d. 1892)

SonWilliam Martin Keenan (b. 1858)


Sarah Heberley was born in 1839 in Te Awaiti, Marlborough Sounds, NZ, died aged 28.1 She and William (Pire) Henry Keenan were married in 1858 in St Mary's Catholic Church, Nelson, NZ.2 She died on 31 December 1868, at age ~29.3
6 children see DOWI.


  1. [S889] Don WILSON, Whaler by Providence
  2. [S788] Diane WILSON, Diane Wilson
  3. [S272] Newspapers Past,

Black (E Tori) Lee

M, #38141, b. about 1790


Black (E Tori) Lee was born about 1790 in USA.1,2
1832 Involved in defence of Ngamotu Pa which attacked by Waikato Maori. 11 Europeans involved DOWI. Black (E Tori) Lee was a whaler New Plymouth then Te Awaiti in 1834.1


  1. [S1090] Rhys RICHARDS, The First Pakehas Around Wellington and Cook Strait 1803 - 1839
  2. [S1120] Don Wilson, Whaler by Providence

William Martin Keenan

M, #38142, b. 1858


FatherWilliam (Pire) Henry Keenan (b. 1839, d. 1892)
MotherSarah Heberley (b. 1839, d. 31 December 1868)
Pedigree Link


William Martin Keenan was born in 1858 in Te Awaiti, Marlborough Sounds, NZ.1,2
William Martin Keenan was baptized on 26 February 1859 in Te Awaiti, Marlborough Sounds, NZ.3


  1. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices
  2. [S889] Don WILSON, Whaler by Providence
  3. [S1120] Don Wilson, Whaler by Providence

Phoebe (Piki) Love

F, #38143, b. 1851, d. 1892
Pedigree Link

Family: William (Pire) Henry Keenan (b. 1839, d. 1892)

DaughterHannah Keenan (b. 1872)
DaughterHenrietta Keenan (b. 1875)
SonDaniel Keenan (b. 1878)


Phoebe (Piki) Love was born in 1851 died aged 38.1 She and William (Pire) Henry Keenan were married in 1869.2 She died in 1892, at age ~41, in Waikawa, Picton, NZ, DOWI has 1889.1
Ldren see DOWI.


  1. [S788] Diane WILSON, Diane Wilson
  2. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices

Daniel Keenan

M, #38144, b. 1878


FatherWilliam (Pire) Henry Keenan (b. 1839, d. 1892)
MotherPhoebe (Piki) Love (b. 1851, d. 1892)
Pedigree Link


Daniel Keenan was born in 1878.1


  1. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices

Henrietta Keenan

F, #38145, b. 1875


FatherWilliam (Pire) Henry Keenan (b. 1839, d. 1892)
MotherPhoebe (Piki) Love (b. 1851, d. 1892)
Pedigree Link


Henrietta Keenan was born in 1875.1


  1. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices

Hannah Keenan

F, #38146, b. 1872


FatherWilliam (Pire) Henry Keenan (b. 1839, d. 1892)
MotherPhoebe (Piki) Love (b. 1851, d. 1892)
Pedigree Link


Hannah Keenan was born in 1872.1


  1. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices

Harriet Baldick

F, #38147, b. about 1834


FatherGeorge Baldick (b. about 1810, d. 1840)
MotherMary Ann Sharwood (b. 1814, d. 1884)
Pedigree Link


Harriet Baldick was born about 1834 in AUS.1


  1. [S1098] Ruth SIMONSEN, httPort Underwood Association


U, #38148, b. about 1840


FatherGeorge Baldick (b. about 1810, d. 1840)
MotherMary Ann Sharwood (b. 1814, d. 1884)
Pedigree Link


Baldick was born about 1840 in Port Underwood, NZ.1


  1. [S1098] Ruth SIMONSEN, httPort Underwood Association

Thomas Deakin

M, #38149, b. November 1841


FatherWilliam (DAKEN) Deakin (b. 1811, d. 1893)
MotherMary Ann Sharwood (b. 1814, d. 1884)
Pedigree Link


Thomas Deakin was born in November 1841 in Tory Channel, Marlborough Sounds, NZ.1


  1. [S1098] Ruth SIMONSEN, httPort Underwood Association

Matthew Deakin

M, #38150, b. August 1844


FatherWilliam (DAKEN) Deakin (b. 1811, d. 1893)
MotherMary Ann Sharwood (b. 1814, d. 1884)
Pedigree Link


Matthew Deakin was born in August 1844 in Tom Cane Bay, Port Underwood.1
Matthew Deakin immigrated to to USA to find father.1


  1. [S1098] Ruth SIMONSEN, httPort Underwood Association