Octavius (Rev) Hadfield was born on 6 October 1814 in Bonchurch, Isle of White, ENG.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 He and
Catherine (Kate) Williams were married on 19 May 1852 in Rangiatea Church, Otaki, NZ.
1,17,18 He died on 11 December 1904, at age 90, in Marton, NZ.
1 Ordained 6 jan 1839 in the Bay of Islands. (DNZB)
Comment by Barbara Macmorran
"Octavius Hadfield was 24 when he arrived in New Zealand, in 1839, to work as a missionary. After a brief period at Paihia, in the Bay of Islands, he responded to a request to establish an Anglican Mission on the Kapiti Coast.
Hadfield arrived in Waikanae in November 1839, and soon won the confidence of local Maori. Under his direction, Te ti Awa built a large wooden church within the Waikanae p. It was this church which inspired Te Rauparaha to build Rangitea at Otaki.
Hadfield's strong sense of social justice often made him bitterly unpopular with the colonial government. For example, during the Taranaki war, he supported the rights of his Te ti Awa converts. Hadfield's attitude was based on his conviction that 'every act in New Zealand must be productive of good or evil to generations to come"
Wrote a diary. copy in Wellington Public Library.
LEW has a death 5 apr 1853 for Mrs HADFIELD wife of Archdeacon HADFIELD ??
Bishop SELWYN visited oct 1842 RMT
1839 Paihia
1839 Waimate
late 1839 Waikenae AMID. Octavius (Rev) Hadfield was baptized on 6 November 1814 in Isle of White, ENG.
1 He immigrated to from London to Sydney to Pahia in 1839 ESR has 1838.
19,12 He was a missionary, Waikanae. in 1839.
19,20 He was an Archbishop of NZ in 1890.