Ebenezer Hay was born in 1814 in Annadale, AYR, SCT.
1,2,3,4,5 He and
Agnes Orr were married in October 1839 in AYR, SCT.
5 Class: cabin
settled Pigeon Bay, Banks Peninsula 1843 JD
in 1843 had a part share in the 30 t schooner Richmond with Captain Francis SINCLAIR DNZB
"A few months before the hoisting of the flag at Akaroa there arrived in New Zealand a party of colonists destined to play an important part in the early history of Canterbury. In February, 1840, the Bengal Merchant reached Wellington, carrying a Scotch family named Hay, who had come to take up land there. In 1841 the Blenheim brought out Captain Sinclair, who soon built a schooner, in which Mr. Hay became part owner. Being dissatisfied with their prospects of obtaining the land they wanted, Messrs Hay and Sinclair got their land orders transferred by the New Zealand Company to the South Island, and started in their little beat to explore it. They landed at Port Cooper (Lyttelton Harbour), and worked their way up the end of the bay by Gebbie's Valley; but they seem to have overlooked the possibilities of the site later chosen for Christchurch. They went down the coast as far as Otago, but saw nothing to equal Banks' Peninsula in fertility and general convenience, and so they returned to Wellington, having decided to fix their home at Pigeon Bay." NZETC The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]
for fuller details of the family there is a book by Brenda Guthrie Northcroft called New Zealand Memories printed abt 1930 She was a grandaughter of Ebenezer Hay . Ebenezer Hay had person sources.
6 He immigrated to SCT to NZ on the Bengal Merchant arriving NZ 20/2/1840 on 31 October 1839.
7 He was in 1840. He was farming Porirua in 1841.
8,2 He was farming Pigeon Bay, Banks Peninsula in 1843.