Jul 1840 subscribed to the fund for making a road, BOI PP1840 BOI
Russell Museum
Photocopies of Invoices from 3 Kororareka, BOI, merchants: a) Hoggard & Pollen (1841), b) R & D Graham (1944) and c) Ewan McLennan 1843. Copies made by Ivan Hall from originals held by Doug Bedggood.
BDMBOI has Ewen MacLENNAN buried 30 oct 1844 aged 29 Kororareka.
From Russell Churchyard Burials (Russell Museum) have died 11 sep 1845 and buried sep 1845. (either incorrect or there was another Ewen McLENNAN.)
PPA Daily Southern Cross, Volume 2, Issue 82, 9 November 1844, Page 2
At Russell, on the 27th October, Mr. Ewen McLennan, much and justly regretted. ? Mr. M'Lennan was one of the first and most successful settlers both at Auckland and Russell.
PPA Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist, Volume 2, Issue 66, 7 November 1844, Page 2
Death.On Sunday, October 27th, at his residence, Kororarika, Mr, Ewen McLennan, aged 28 years. Mr. McLennan was much (and deservedly) respected by all who knew him.
previously had a ref "merchant Auckland 1842" from Auck"
Note: there was a merchant in Auckland Ewen McLENNAN not sure if same person.
PPA Auckland Times, Volume 3, Issue 135, 9 August 1845, Page 2
In the Estate of the Late Ewen McLennan, of Auckland, New Zealand parties indebted to the above Estate are requested to pay the Amount of their Accounts to the Undersigned at Waterloo House, Shortland Street, on or before Wednesday, the 13th day of August, Instant. All outstanding debts, after that date, will be put into a Solicitor's hand for recovery. RODERICK M'KENZIE, Executor. Auckland, July 9, 1845.
In the Estate of the Late Ewen McLennan, of Auckland, New Zealand. FIRST Dividend, of 15s. in the Pound, will be paid on Thursday the 14th, and Friday the 15th, of August, Instant, at Waterloo House, Shortland Street,?where all parlies, having claims against the Estate, are requested to call between the hours of 11 and 3. RODERICK McKENZIE, Executor. Auckland, August 8, 1845. Ewen McLENNAN immigrated to to Russell in 1840.
2,5 He was a MMK has 1839 in merchant, Kororareka, in 1840.