NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 505

John (Jack) McNEISH

M, #12601, b. about 1838


FatherDavid (MacNEISH) MacNISH (b. about 1812, d. 10 April 1863)
MotherTe Ani (Kaaterena) Moanaroa (b. about 1820)
Pedigree Link


John (Jack) McNEISH was born about 1838 in Waikorea, NZ.1


  1. [S598] Tony McCRACKEN, descendant


M, #12602, b. 1841, d. 1870


FatherDavid (MacNEISH) MacNISH (b. about 1812, d. 10 April 1863)
MotherTe Ani (Kaaterena) Moanaroa (b. about 1820)
Pedigree Link


Henry McNEISH was born in 1841 in Waikorea, NZ.1 He died in 1870, at age ~29, in Thames, NZ.1


  1. [S598] Tony McCRACKEN, descendant


F, #12603, b. about 1845, d. 23 August 1924


FatherDavid (MacNEISH) MacNISH (b. about 1812, d. 10 April 1863)
MotherTe Ani (Kaaterena) Moanaroa (b. about 1820)
Pedigree Link


Susan McNEISH was born about 1845 in Waikorea, NZ.1 She died on 23 August 1924, at age ~79.1


  1. [S598] Tony McCRACKEN, descendant

William (Billy) McNEISH

M, #12604, b. 1850, d. 27 July 1883


FatherDavid (MacNEISH) MacNISH (b. about 1812, d. 10 April 1863)
MotherTe Ani (Kaaterena) Moanaroa (b. about 1820)
Pedigree Link


William (Billy) McNEISH was born in 1850 in Te Horea, NZ.1 He died on 27 July 1883, at age ~33, in Mercury Bay, NZ.1


  1. [S598] Tony McCRACKEN, descendant

James (Jim) McNEISH

M, #12605, b. 1853, d. 14 October 1908


FatherDavid (MacNEISH) MacNISH (b. about 1812, d. 10 April 1863)
MotherTe Ani (Kaaterena) Moanaroa (b. about 1820)
Pedigree Link


James (Jim) McNEISH was born in 1853 in Te Horea, NZ.1 He died on 14 October 1908, at age ~55, in NZ.1
Grandfather of Sir James McNEISH, writer. TMC.


  1. [S598] Tony McCRACKEN, descendant

Charles (Charlie) McNEISH

M, #12606, b. about 1857, d. 21 January 1934


FatherDavid (MacNEISH) MacNISH (b. about 1812, d. 10 April 1863)
MotherTe Ani (Kaaterena) Moanaroa (b. about 1820)
Pedigree Link


Charles (Charlie) McNEISH was born about 1857 in Te Horea, NZ.1 He died on 21 January 1934, at age ~77, in Coromandel Hospital, Coromandel, NZ.1


  1. [S598] Tony McCRACKEN, descendant

George McNEISH

M, #12607, b. 1 July 1859, d. 4 August 1892


FatherDavid (MacNEISH) MacNISH (b. about 1812, d. 10 April 1863)
MotherTe Ani (Kaaterena) Moanaroa (b. about 1820)
Pedigree Link


George McNEISH was born on 1 July 1859 in Te Horea, NZ.1 He died on 4 August 1892, at age 33, in Te Hutewai, NZ.1


  1. [S598] Tony McCRACKEN, descendant

John (Captain) Roberton

M, #12608, b. about 1790, d. 17 October 1840


Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth (b. about 1790, d. 20 November 1841)

SonGordon Roberton (b. 1833, d. 20 November 1841)
SonAskena Roberton (b. 1839, d. 20 November 1841)


John (Captain) Roberton was born about 1790.1,2,3,4,5,6 He and Elizabeth were married in 1834.3 He died on 17 October 1840, at age ~50, in BOI, NZ, drowned while crossing to his island. possibly november PPA.7,1
John (Captain) Roberton was whaling captain.1 Bought Motu Arohia island BOI, ( now Roberton Island) 1839 JL. He immigrated to to Hokianga in 1828.6 He was a trader, Wahihi in 1840.8


  1. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  2. [S198] Florence KEENE, by this we conquer
  3. [S411] Jocelyn CHISHOLM and Denice McCARTEN, BRIND of the Bay of Islands
  4. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage
  5. [S779] Adam Plover, Blood and Tears
  6. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  7. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  8. [S66] pearl's Pad web site, Baptisms and Marriages in the Parish of Kerikeri

Thomas Bull

M, #12609, b. about 1780, d. 20 November 1841


Thomas Bull was born about 1780.1,2,3,4 He died on 20 November 1841, at age ~61, in Roberton Island, Bay of Islands, NZ, murdered by Maketu.5,1,6
Was manservant to Mrs ROBERTON and was murdered by Maketu.
was involved with William WEBSTER in stealing tobacco PP1840BOI.


  1. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  2. [S411] Jocelyn CHISHOLM and Denice McCARTEN, BRIND of the Bay of Islands
  3. [S572] NZ Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette
  4. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage
  5. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  6. [S779] Adam Plover, Blood and Tears

Thomas (Captain) Beckham

M, #12610, b. 1810, d. 31 July 1875
Pedigree Link


Thomas (Captain) Beckham was born in 1810.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 He and Henrietta Clinton Baddeley were married in 1855 in St Pauls Church, Symonds St, Auckland.21 He died on 31 July 1875, at age ~65.16
Jul 1840 arrived Bay of Islands from Sydney on the Diana PP1840BOI
sketch of Russell shows his house AMID
22 descendants 1892 JGOC. Thomas (Captain) Beckham immigrated to arr jul 1840 to Russell on the Diana in 1840.16,17,22 He was an Officer in 28th Regt in 1840.12 He was a police magistrate, Russell, NZ in 1841.23,1,12,20 He was a police magistrate Auckland between 1845 and 046.14


  1. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  2. [S18] John HOBBS 1800 - 1883, WILLIMENT T M I
  3. [S191] Robin HYDE, Check to Your King ( story of Baron de THIERRY )
  4. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  5. [S238] N Z Govt, List of Officers in NZ Government 1840 (from Blue Book)
  6. [S304] Geraldine O'REILLY, NZ Genealogist pp 167-169 jul/aug 2010
  7. [S354] Thomas MORLAND, series of lectures on Early NZ History to Otago Institute
  8. [S411] Jocelyn CHISHOLM and Denice McCARTEN, BRIND of the Bay of Islands
  9. [S452] Jack LEE, Hokianga
  10. [S515] Jeanette RICHARDSON, A Capital Story
  11. [S523] ROSS Ruth M, New Zealand's First Capital
  12. [S572] NZ Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette
  13. [S592] Angela MIDDLETON, Pewhairangi Bay of Islands 1814-1845
  14. [S633] Owen J CHERRETT, Without Fear or Favour
  15. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage
  16. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  17. [S807] J J CRAIG, Jubilee Gathering of Old Colonists October 10 1892
  18. [S846] J D RAESIDE, Sovereign Chief, a Biography of Baron de THIERRY
  19. [S871] Ormond WILSON, Kororareka & other essays
  20. [S835] NZ Government Gazette
  21. [S1012] Diane WILSON, The Wilson Collection
  22. [S813] ed Forbes EADIE annotations by APL Librarian P M FRENCH may 1973, Early Settler Roll Auckland Province with additional notes in pencil by Ak PL Librarian
  23. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Charles (Barrington) Babington Brewer

M, #12611, b. about 1810


Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth Eleanor Clayton (b. about 1820)

DaughterEleanor Ann Brewer (b. 1842)


Charles (Barrington) Babington Brewer was born about 1810.1,2,3,4,5 He and Elizabeth Eleanor Clayton were married on 13 October 1841 in Russell, BOI, NZ.3,6
Early settler in Auckland DM
involved in establishing a bank in Russell PP1840
jul 1840 subscribed to the fund for making a road, BOI PP1840 BOI. Charles (Barrington) Babington Brewer immigrated to LON to BOI, NZ arriving feb 1840, in 1839 ESR has 1840 to Coromandel.7 He was a lawyer, Auckland in 1841.8,9,10,7,11 He was a clerk of the peace on 8 September 1841.5 He was a Judge of country court Nelson in 1844.7,2


  1. [S572] NZ Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette
  2. [S581] Ruth M ALLAN, Nelson a history of early settlement
  3. [S627] Index to Anglican Baptisms, Burials & Marriages in the BOI
  4. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  5. [S835] NZ Government Gazette
  6. [S1063] Demographic History of BOI section 3 marriages 1814 - 1899
  7. [S400] Donald KERR, The Smell of Powder - duelling in NZ
  8. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  9. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  10. [S245] H S Chapman, The New Zealand Portfolio
  11. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator

Edward Meurant

M, #12612, b. 1802, d. 1 November 1851
Pedigree Link

Family: Hekina (b. about 1810)

DaughterKorah Meurant (b. about June 1834)
SonAlbert Augustus Meurant (b. 2 August 1835)
SonHenry Meurant (b. 1843)


Edward Meurant was born in 1802.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 He and Hekina were married. He and Raiha Kenehuru were married in January 1835 in WMS Mission, Kawhia.8 He died on 1 November 1851, at age ~49, in Parnell, Auckland, NZ.9,7
Spent some years sealing in Fiordland in the 1820's ? AB
wrote a diary. NM
signed petition to King William IV 1837 JL
settled Kawhia? RMP
wrote a journal RMP. Edward Meurant immigrated to to BOI from Kawhia in 1836.7 He was an interpreter and translator in Auckland in 1841.10


  1. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  2. [S354] Thomas MORLAND, series of lectures on Early NZ History to Otago Institute
  3. [S497] R M PROKHOVNIK, A Reluctant Pioneer
  4. [S543] R BURROWS, Heke's War in the North 1845 extracts from Diary
  5. [S581] Ruth M ALLAN, Nelson a history of early settlement
  6. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage
  7. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  8. [S1141] Angela WANHALLA, Matters of the Heart
  9. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  10. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Frederick Maning

M, #12613, b. about 1785
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Barrett

SonA H Maning (b. about 1810)
SonFrederick Edward (MANNING) Maning+ (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)


Frederick Maning was born about 1785 in IRL? He and Mary Barrett were married in May 1810 in IRL.1
Immigrated to Australia 1823.


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Mary Barrett

F, #12614
Pedigree Link

Family: Frederick Maning (b. about 1785)

SonA H Maning (b. about 1810)
SonFrederick Edward (MANNING) Maning+ (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)


Mary Barrett and Frederick Maning were married in May 1810 in IRL.1
Immigrated to Australia 1823.


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1


F, #12615
Pedigree Link

Family: Frederick Edward (MANNING) Maning (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)

SonManing (b. 1837)


While at Kohukohu, Maning engaged in trade and lived as a Pakeha-Maori, apparently fathering the child of a Maori woman. In 1837, however, he returned to Tasmania.


M, #12616, b. 1837


FatherFrederick Edward (MANNING) Maning (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)
Pedigree Link


Maning was born in 1837 in Hokianga, NZ.1
Nothing more known of child or what name he went under. from 1837 baptism register Wesleyen, Hokianga.


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Te Hikutu Moengaroa

F, #12617
Pedigree Link

Family: Frederick Edward (MANNING) Maning (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)

DaughterMaria Amina Maning (b. about 1841)
SonHauraki Hereward Maning (b. about 1843)
DaughterMary Maning (b. about 1845)
DaughterSusan Maning (b. about 1846, d. 1880)


Te Hikutu Moengaroa was born.1


  1. [S564] Angela WANHALLA, Invisible Sight

Maria Amina Maning

F, #12618, b. about 1841


FatherFrederick Edward (MANNING) Maning (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)
MotherTe Hikutu Moengaroa
Pedigree Link


Maria Amina Maning was born about 1841 in Onoke, Whirinaki River, Hokianga, NZ.1,2


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S592] Angela MIDDLETON, Pewhairangi Bay of Islands 1814-1845

Hauraki Hereward Maning

M, #12619, b. about 1843


FatherFrederick Edward (MANNING) Maning (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)
MotherTe Hikutu Moengaroa
Pedigree Link


Hauraki Hereward Maning was born about 1843 in Onoke, Whirinaki River, Hokianga, NZ.1 He and Hera (Sarah) Cochrane were married.


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Mary Maning

F, #12620, b. about 1845


FatherFrederick Edward (MANNING) Maning (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)
MotherTe Hikutu Moengaroa
Pedigree Link


Mary Maning was born about 1845 in Onoke, Whirinaki River, Hokianga, NZ.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Susan Maning

F, #12621, b. about 1846, d. 1880


FatherFrederick Edward (MANNING) Maning (b. 5 July 1811, d. 25 January 1883)
MotherTe Hikutu Moengaroa
Pedigree Link


Susan Maning was born about 1846 in Onoke, Whirinaki River, Hokianga, NZ.1 She died in 1880, at age ~34, in Hokianga, NZ.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Thomas Herbert Kelly

M, #12622, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary (b. about 1810)

SonJames Henry Kelly (b. 26 March 1836)


Thomas Herbert Kelly was born about 1810 p 265.1,2,3,4 He and Mary were married.
Signed petition to King William IV 1837 BOI JL
1834 residing Kohukohu, Hokianga. JLHK
OLCHK 266, 273 KELLY, NICHOLSON and others 2000ac at Pakahikatoa on the Waima River Scrip Pds 979 to KELLY Scrip Pds 489.5 to LLOYD, Scrip pds 244.75 to HOLLINGSWORTH Scrip Pds 244.75 to BAKER JLHK
On panel to consider a land claim 23 aug 1834 deed 263 see Thomas MITCHELL. Thomas Herbert Kelly immigrated to Hokianga about 1833 p 265 ESR has 1836 to BOI.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  3. [S452] Jack LEE, Hokianga
  4. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll

Edward Markham

M, #12623, b. about 1810


Edward Markham was born about 1810 p 265.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Visited Hokianga on Brazil Packet 18 feb 1834 DNZB p 265 and BOI 1834 JL. JLHK
wrote a journal JL
a Regency adventurer, lived with the early boat builders in Hokianga 1834 (King Kauri by Gordon ELL.)


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  3. [S46] ELL Gordon, King Kauri
  4. [S216] Patricia BAWDEN, The Years Before Waitangi
  5. [S452] Jack LEE, Hokianga
  6. [S523] ROSS Ruth M, New Zealand's First Capital
  7. [S565] Vincent O'MALLEY, The Meeting Place
  8. [S645] Paul MOON, The Voyagers
  9. [S880] H J RYBURN, Te Hemara James HAMLIN 1803 - 1865
  10. [S879] ed Rosalie-Ann NICHOLSON, Dairy of James HAMLIN1830-1834
  11. [S1141] Angela WANHALLA, Matters of the Heart
  12. [S1165] Roger EVANS, Truth and Obedience - life and letters of George Clarke 1798 - 1875

Henry R Oakes

M, #12624, b. about 1790
Pedigree Link

Family: Harriet (b. about 1795)

SonHenry Richard Oakes (b. about 1815)
DaughterMaria Louisa Oakes (b. 8 October 1836)


Henry R Oakes was born about 1790.1,2,3,4 He and Harriet were married.
Was in the Hokianga 1833 DNZB p 265 p 291
signed petition to King William IV 1837 BOI JL
left NZ 1837 to Sydney JLHK
OLC 270 300ac at Pa Punui, Pakanae Exchanged for land at Auckland JLHK
argument with MARKHAM EDMA.


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  3. [S452] Jack LEE, Hokianga
  4. [S838] Edward MARKHAM, New Zealand and Recollections Of It (Travels in NZ 1834)

A H Maning

M, #12625, b. about 1810


FatherFrederick Maning (b. about 1785)
MotherMary Barrett
Pedigree Link


A H Maning was born about 1810.1
Living Hobert, Tasmania 1844 JDRA.


  1. [S846] J D RAESIDE, Sovereign Chief, a Biography of Baron de THIERRY