NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 409

Phillip (Hans Homman Jensen FALK) (Te Tapihana) Tapsell

M, #10201, b. 1777, d. 6 August 1873


Pedigree Link

Family: Hinei Turama (Hineturama) Ngatiki (b. 1818, d. 2 April 1864)

DaughterKataraina (Catherine) Tapsell+ (b. 1834, d. 1917)
SonRetireti (Retreat) Tapsell+ (b. April 1836, d. 1913)
SonPerepe (Philip) Tapsell+ (b. 1838, d. 1913)
SonIeni (Hans) Tapsell+ (b. about 1839, d. 1901)
DaughterEwa Tapsell+ (b. 1840, d. 2 April 1864)
DaughterDorothy (Tote) Tapsell+ (b. 1842, d. 1870)


Phillip (Hans Homman Jensen FALK) (Te Tapihana) Tapsell was born in 1777 in Copenhagen, Denmark.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 He and Maria Ringa were married on 23 June 1823 in Matauwhi Bay, Bay of Islands, NZ, 1st NZ marriage performed by Rev Thomas KENDALL, witnessed by William DARBY. (possibly at Oihi?)
JL has witnesses as Captain BRIND of the Asp and Captain WILLSON of the Royal Sovereign.2,13,19,20,21 He and Karuhi were married on 21 April 1830 in Kerikeri, NZ, married by MARSDEN JL.2,12,20,18 He and Hinei Turama (Hineturama) Ngatiki were married in 1841 in Whakatane, BOP, ANWA2 has 1841 in Whakatane by Bishop POMPALLIER
another source has 1840 CC by Bishop POMPALLIER
JOHO had 1845
HEMP has 1845.1,18 He died on 6 August 1873, at age ~96, in Maketu, NZ.15 He was buried in 1873 in Wharekahu Cemetery, Maketu, BOP, NZ.6
First arrived NZ 1809 as a mate on a whaling ship. CC
note was born Hans Hommanfelk
could be first marriage that was officiated by the church involving a Maori.
Maria disappeared immeadiately after the marriage and was never seen again! JL
went to Sydney from Matata sep 1836 to re stock stores after his trading post sacked and returned and settled in Whakatane..
signed petition to King William IV 1837 JL
Hans Homman Jensen Falk was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1777. After being involved in the war against England he posed as a Manxman and assumed the name Philip Tapsell. He was keen to go to the South Pacific and arrived in New Zealand in 1809 as a mate on a whaling ship. By the 1820s he was ships captain on trading boats between the Bay of Island and Sydney. His first marriage is said to have been New Zealand's first registered marriage, however it did not last the day as the bride absconded. After hearing that she had died he married again and with his new bride in tow set off for the Bay of Plenty arriving in Maketu around November 1830. At the invitation of Te Arawa and in agreement with Ngaiterangi he set up a trading post where he would accept dressed flax in exchange for muskets. As well as setting up outstations, Maori settled at Maketu and all worked feverishly to purchase as many guns as they could. Many of their enemies were already armed and they lived in fear of annihilation.
Not long after arrival Karuhi died and he took her body home to the Bay of Islands. Upon his return Tapsell was presented with his third wife, Hine-i-turama of Ngati Whakaue (Te Arawa) and Ngati Raukawa (Tainui) descendancy. They had eight children, of whom six lived to adulthood. Hine-i-turama often took her children to Maungatautari (near Cambridge) to visit their Tainui cousins and in adulthood Perepere (Philip) and Ewa (Eva) settled with them. Tragically Hine-i-turama and daughter Ewa, then married to Dr Hooper were both killed at the Battle of Orakau when troops stormed the sieged pa killing its occupants.
After the sacking of Maketu in March 1836 the Tapsell family escaped to Mokoia Island and then moved to Whakatane. Captain Tapsell lived with his daughter on Motut Little recorded his reminiscences. He died in August 1873 and is buried at Wharekahu Cemetery, Maketu
TASPSELL employed other Europeans: NICHOLSON at Ohiwa, WHITE at Matata, FARRAR at Tauranga, CLEMENTSON at Matamata. ES
Further details of his life in a book " A Trader in Cannibal Land" CHT
PPA NZ Herald 25th feb 1899
The Waimate Church is one of the earliest missions and churches, and is beautifully looked after. All the graves in the cemetery are carefully tended. It was. here that Captain Grant and Lieutenant Phillpott, and other officers who fell at Ohaeawai are buried. A handsome monument has been put up to their memory by the Government. I looked at the church register, the first page of which contains the entry of the marriager of the
second officer of the whaler Asp, Phillip Tapsell, to a Maori woman named Maria Dinga or Ringa, on June 23, 1823. There were ten witnesses, and Mr Kendall was the officiating minister. The register is bound in rough brown calf, and has no duplicate. A duplicate should be made in case of fire or other mishap.

PPA Northern Advocate, 28 June 1934, Page 2
Sir, In your paper-of june 28, I found an article dealing with the life of Phillip Tapsell. 1 am writing to you as a grandson of the deceased. He had three sons and' three daughters. The three sons were called Retreat, Hans and Phillip. Phillip Tapsell, whose name Avas Hans Honiman Folk, was a Dane. Born in Copenhagen in 1777, he went to sea at the age of 11, serving lirst: in the Danish navy and later in. the British mercantile marine. In the Danish service he took part in the wars of the time. Ho was for a period in command of a privateer in the Baltic, and later had the misfortune to be coniined as a prisoner of Avar in Sweden. He took the name, of ?Topsail??of which Tapsell is a corruption?upon Joining the British merchant service, accounting for his accent by claiming to be a Manxman. As a man nearing middle life, he entered the Avhaling trade in. Australian and New Zealand waters, becoming ultimately a trader between Port Jackson and the Bay of Islands, exchanging muskets and pnAvder for flax and gum with the tribes of that district, He was thrice legally married to Maori wives. On June 23, 1823, when chief mate of I]k> whaler Asp, lie was married at Oihi, Day of Islands, by the b?ev. Thomas Eendall, to a young N?gnpnhi woman named .Maria Itiiiga. This was the lirst marriage liet ween Maori nnd Pakeha- blessed, by the Christian Clmi-ch. The bride, however, disappeared, shortly afterwards | from her home, and Tapsell, who continued his seafaring life, Avas informed, some years later, of her death.

Topsail's second marriage was, .?is Marsden records, celebrated at Tverikcri on April 21, 18. r !0, Tlie bride was .?I lligll-liom VOllng AVOID!l 11, sistOl' ()f the celebrated Xgapulii eliiei', Waikato. To Topsail's ,groat grioT, slio

died soon after her marriage at Makotu. The bereaved husband brought her body baek to her home, at the Bay of Islands, and gave it burial on a hilltop above Oihi. Topsoil?s third wife was the ehieftainess Hineiturama, of To Arawa, among whom he had been induced to settle by the promise of a grant of land, much opportunity for trade, and a bride from among the maidens of the. tribe. The marriage was regularised about the year 184:1 by the Homan Catholic Bishop PompaUier, The descendants of this union are the Wha-nan-a-Tnpihana of the present day. Mr Kiri Tapsell, of Maketn, Bay of Plenty, son of Rctiriti, or Retreat Tapsell, is now the head of the family. Hineiturama, renowned among Te Arawa as ninth in direct descent from Hinemoa, and a. composer of songs, died in Œ?tragic, fashion in the final assault of April, 18H4, by th,e British upon the Orakau pa on the Upper Waikato, where the Kingites made their last, stand for independence. Hineiturama. was visiting her daughter, the wife of Hr. R. Hooper, who lived at Orakau, when she was made prisoner by the Kingites and married to one of their number, Ropata. Ropata was killed during the siege, while Hineiturama was bayoneted in the final assault.

Tapsell himself became celebrated both ns n t.rnrler and ns n loader nmoi;fl To Arnwa, and the guns from ii.s vessel are still preserved and fired upon special occasions. Ho died at Maketn in 1873, the patriarch of the PakehaMaoris. His tombstone, presented by the New Zealand Government in recognition of his services to both the New Zealand and the British Governments, records that lie was originally a Danish naval officer who served Te Arawa and the Government well, and died, honoured both, by Maori and Pakeha. I am, etc.,

K. RETREAT TAPSELL Romuora Estate, Ohaeawai. Phillip (Hans Homman Jensen FALK) (Te Tapihana) Tapsell was a 1st Mate ship Asp. later Trader in 1823.2,22,23 He was a 1st Mate Sisters in 1825.24 He immigrated to settled Maketu, Bay of Plenty, in 1828 MB has arrival date as 1828
ESR has arrived BOI 1823.2,24 He was a trader Maketu, BOP in 1830.6


  1. [S8] The Coming of the Pakeha to Auckland Province, John Horsman
  2. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  3. [S24] petition to King William IV 1837 by settlers, Bay of Islands, listed in "The Bay of Islands" by Jack LEE. see JL
  4. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  5. [S25] Margit BREW, Scandanavian Footprints
  6. [S26] Christine CLEMENT, Christine Clement , note have several word documents on file. BAKER, TAPSELL, CHAPMAN, FARROW, ROGERS
  7. [S355] Evelyn STOKES, A History of Tauranga County
  8. [S411] Jocelyn CHISHOLM and Denice McCARTEN, BRIND of the Bay of Islands
  9. [S511] Joseph Angus McKAY, Historic Poverty Bay
  10. [S513] GIFFORD W H and WILLIAMS H B, A Centennial History of Tauranga
  11. [S565] Vincent O'MALLEY, The Meeting Place
  12. [S592] Angela MIDDLETON, Pewhairangi Bay of Islands 1814-1845
  13. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage
  14. [S755] Harry MORTON, The Whale's Wake
  15. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  16. [S871] Ormond WILSON, Kororareka & other essays
  17. [S1090] Rhys RICHARDS, The First Pakehas Around Wellington and Cook Strait 1803 - 1839
  18. [S1141] Angela WANHALLA, Matters of the Heart
  19. [S880] H J RYBURN, Te Hemara James HAMLIN 1803 - 1865
  20. [S879] ed Rosalie-Ann NICHOLSON, Dairy of James HAMLIN1830-1834
  21. [S1063] Demographic History of BOI section 3 marriages 1814 - 1899
  22. [S27] J M R Owens, Prophets in the Wilderness
  23. [S28] J Bassett, K Sinclair, M Stenson., The Story of New Zealand
  24. [S5] C W VENNELL, The Brown Frontier

Maria Ringa

F, #10202, d. 1823


Pedigree Link


Maria Ringa and Phillip (Hans Homman Jensen FALK) (Te Tapihana) Tapsell were married on 23 June 1823 in Matauwhi Bay, Bay of Islands, NZ, 1st NZ marriage performed by Rev Thomas KENDALL, witnessed by William DARBY. (possibly at Oihi?)
JL has witnesses as Captain BRIND of the Asp and Captain WILLSON of the Royal Sovereign.1,2,3,4,5 She died in 1823 in BOI.2
One note has it that Maria disappered shortly after the marriage. see source JH AMID
DINGA BOIMAR1. Maria Ringa was baptized on 4 March 1823.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage
  3. [S880] H J RYBURN, Te Hemara James HAMLIN 1803 - 1865
  4. [S879] ed Rosalie-Ann NICHOLSON, Dairy of James HAMLIN1830-1834
  5. [S1063] Demographic History of BOI section 3 marriages 1814 - 1899


F, #10203, b. about 1790, d. 20 November 1841
Pedigree Link

Family: John (Captain) Roberton (b. about 1790, d. 17 October 1840)

SonGordon Roberton (b. 1833, d. 20 November 1841)
SonAskena Roberton (b. 1839, d. 20 November 1841)


Elizabeth was born about 1790.1,2,3,4,5 She and John (Captain) Roberton were married in 1834.6 She died on 20 November 1841, at age ~51, in Motuarohia (Roberton Island) BOI, NZ, part of household murdered by Maori, Maketu.
DNZB p 40.7,8,6,4,5
Murdered by Maori, Maketu along with her manservant Thomas BULL and her two children and another child, Captain BRIND's daughter.. Maketu tried and hung in Auckland. JL. Elizabeth immigrated to to Hokianga in 1828.5


  1. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  2. [S198] Florence KEENE, by this we conquer
  3. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage
  4. [S779] Adam Plover, Blood and Tears
  5. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  6. [S411] Jocelyn CHISHOLM and Denice McCARTEN, BRIND of the Bay of Islands
  7. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  8. [S29] Desmond F Price, Of Captains, Colonists and Convicts

John (Rev) Gare Butler

M, #10204, b. March 1781, d. June 1841


FatherButler (b. about 1750)
MotherHannah Gare (b. about 1755)
Pedigree Link

Family: Hannah (HATCHMAN) Hitchman (b. about 1776, d. 12 May 1852)

SonSamuel Butler+ (b. 12 December 1801, d. 5 December 1836)
DaughterHannah Butler (b. 1818, d. 12 May 1852)
SonThomas Butler (b. about 1820)


John (Rev) Gare Butler was born in March 1781 in ENG.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 He and Hannah (HATCHMAN) Hitchman were married in 1798 in Paddington, LON, ENG.7 He died in June 1841, at age 60, in Wellington, NZ.20,8
Arrived Australia 1819 in the Baring. ( a convict transport ship) ASH
went to NSW on the Dragon nov 1823.
1819 was at Kerikeri set up new Mission at Kerikeri.
1823 dismissed by MARSDEN
returned to England 1824
left ENG again 19 nov 1939 to travel to NZ on the Bolton arriving NZ 21/4/1840 acted as magistrate in new settlement of Wellington.
subscriber to a fete may 1840 Wellington PP 23 may 1840
NZGG 13 oct 1841Land Claim no.288 Wellington
Around 1824 a dispute between Marsden and Butler resulted in Butler being suspended (Jan 13th, 1824), and shortly thereafter, leaving New Zealand, with his wife and young daughter, Hannah. His son. Samuel, remained in New Zealand.
John, accompanied by his wife and daughter, returned to New Zealand to take up the position of Native Guardian and Interpreter with the New Zealand Company. The family emigrated to New Zealand aboard "Bolton", which anchored in Port Nicholson on 21st April 1840. The family purchased a house in the Brittania settlement at Petone, Wellington. During mid 1840, in addition to his other duties, Butler finished his guide to the Maori language, which he had started working on from when he was first in New Zealand in the 1820's. The vocabulary was first published on 1 August 1840 and issued monthly in 6 parts.[2] John fell ill in early 1841 and died on 18 June 1841 after 12 weeks of terrible pain, He was buried in a Maori cemetery on Gear Island, Petone. Subsequently this grave was washed away. John (Rev) Gare Butler was a clerk, accountant, foreman London Transport Coy. in 1815.8 He immigrated to arrived Bay of Islands on the General Gates 12 august 1819 in 1819 BHS had 1815.14,21,10 He was a missionary in 1819.22


  1. [S18] John HOBBS 1800 - 1883, WILLIMENT T M I
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  3. [S241] MULGAN Alan, the City of the Strait
  4. [S497] R M PROKHOVNIK, A Reluctant Pioneer
  5. [S523] ROSS Ruth M, New Zealand's First Capital
  6. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  7. [S592] Angela MIDDLETON, Pewhairangi Bay of Islands 1814-1845
  8. [S731] Andrew SHARP, Crisis at Kerikeri
  9. [S755] Harry MORTON, The Whale's Wake
  10. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  11. [S846] J D RAESIDE, Sovereign Chief, a Biography of Baron de THIERRY
  12. [S871] Ormond WILSON, Kororareka & other essays
  13. [S878] Alexander McCRAE, Journal kept in NZ in 1820
  14. [S13] Early New Zealand, Bretts Historical Series 1890
  15. [S835] NZ Government Gazette
  16. [S1130] E J TAPP, Early New Zealand 1788 -1841
  17. [S1145] Early Europeans in the North
  18. [S1168] John Rawson ELDER ed, Marsden's Lieutenants
  19. [S789] Wikipedia, on line WIKI trees
  20. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  21. [S9] Jack LEE, The Bay of Islands
  22. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Gilbert Mair

M, #10205, b. 23 May 1799, d. 16 July 1857


FatherRobert Mair (b. 1764, d. 1844)
MotherJohnstone (d. 1815)
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth Gilbert Puckey (b. 1809, d. 1870)

DaughterCaroline Elizabeth Mair+ (b. 15 October 1828, d. 23 June 1917)
SonRobert Mair+ (b. 16 June 1830, d. 1920)
SonWilliam (Major) Gilbert Mair+ (b. 20 November 1832, d. 1912)
ChildMair (b. 1833)
DaughterMarianne Mair (b. 1834, d. 1893)
SonHenry Abbott Mair+ (b. 17 August 1836, d. 12 November 1881)
DaughterEliza Mary Mair (b. about 1837)
DaughterCharlotte Mair+ (b. 1838, d. 1891)
DaughterJessie Eliza Mair (b. 20 December 1840, d. 10 May 1899)
SonGilbert (Captain) (Tawa) Mair+ (b. 10 January 1843, d. 29 November 1923)
DaughterMatilda Helen Mair (b. 1845, d. 1927)
DaughterEmily Francis Mair (b. 12 November 1847, d. 1902)
DaughterSophia Marella Mair (b. 1850, d. 1884)
SonLavina Laura Mair (b. 1852, d. 1936)


Gilbert Mair was born on 23 May 1799 in Peterhead, ABD, SCT.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 He and Elizabeth Gilbert Puckey were married on 12 September 1827 in St. James, Parramatta., Sydney, NSW, Aus.1 He died on 16 July 1857, at age 58, in Kaipara, NZ, or Whangarei.1,18
1st visited NZ, BOI 1820 in the whaler "New Zealander"
2nd visit in the whaler Sarah 1823
3rd visit in whaler Mariana 1824
returned to live in Paihia, BOI april 1825 to work with Missionaries as a boat builder. Built and skippered the "Herald".
1831 bought 350 acres at Wahapu Bay, Bay of Islands.
tried whaling, Bay of Plenty but not successful. JCA
1831 - 1836 was employing 15 Europeans including a school teacher. In 1841 there were 33 men, 7 women and 16 children at Wahapu Bay.
In 1843 moved with his large family to land near Whangarei.
made donation to Christ Church building fund and built the church.
1826 and 1828 visited Tauranga in the "Herald" ES
nvolved in land purchases and claims by J BERNARD see NZGG 20 oct 1841 claim 817b, 817 c, 817 h
1839 purchased land Whangarei. Had Mr and Mrs COOK and their 2 sons as caretakers till MAIR family could settle there. JOEL. Gilbert Mair was in seaman, carpenter, in 1820.4 He immigrated to arrived on the New Zealander in 1824 previously had 1820 but should be as per DNZB has 1824 or 1825 came from Sydney. not sure if New Zealander is correct.
ESR has 1820 on the New Zealander to Kororareka.23,4,18 He was a carpenter, merchant trader in 1836.1 He resided in Bream Bay, NZ, in 1839.24 He was a magistrate on 7 July 1841.21 He was in farmer Whangarei. in 1842.1,25


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S24] petition to King William IV 1837 by settlers, Bay of Islands, listed in "The Bay of Islands" by Jack LEE. see JL
  3. [S30] REED A H, Historic Northland
  4. [S209] J C ANDERSON & G C PETERSON, The MAIR Family
  5. [S355] Evelyn STOKES, A History of Tauranga County
  6. [S354] Thomas MORLAND, series of lectures on Early NZ History to Otago Institute
  7. [S411] Jocelyn CHISHOLM and Denice McCARTEN, BRIND of the Bay of Islands
  8. [S423] Petticoat Whalers, Joan DRUETT
  9. [S497] R M PROKHOVNIK, A Reluctant Pioneer
  10. [S515] Jeanette RICHARDSON, A Capital Story
  11. [S523] ROSS Ruth M, New Zealand's First Capital
  12. [S566] Adrienne PUCKEY, Trading Cultures a history of the far north
  13. [S565] Vincent O'MALLEY, The Meeting Place
  14. [S572] NZ Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette
  15. [S636] A W REED, Before The Treaty of Waitangi
  16. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage
  17. [S652] Jane WORDSWORTH, Women of the North
  18. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  19. [S871] Ormond WILSON, Kororareka & other essays
  20. [S879] ed Rosalie-Ann NICHOLSON, Dairy of James HAMLIN1830-1834
  21. [S835] NZ Government Gazette
  22. [S1133] R C J STONE, Young Logan Campbell
  23. [S8] The Coming of the Pakeha to Auckland Province, John Horsman
  24. [S13] Early New Zealand, Bretts Historical Series 1890
  25. [S1126] Joan LEVERSEDGE, In Memoriam Mission Graound Cemetery 1840 - 2010

Alfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown

M, #10206, b. 23 October 1803, d. 7 September 1884


Pedigree Link

Family: Charlotte Arnett (b. about 1795, d. 13 November 1855)

SonBrown (b. 1830, d. 1830)
SonAlfred Marsh Brown (b. about 1831, d. 14 September 1845)
DaughterMarianne Celia Brown (b. 1835, d. 1928)


Alfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown was born on 23 October 1803 in Colchester, Essex, ENG.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 He and Charlotte Arnett were married in 1829 in ENG.1 He and Christina Crombie Grant Johnston were married on 18 February 1860 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died on 7 September 1884, at age 80, in Tauranga, NZ.1 He was buried in September 1884 in Mission Cemetery, Tauranga.1
Witness to declarations by James John PIERCY and John L FAULKNER relating to the age of their children who wanted to marry but were under 21 years of age.
gave donation to the building fund for the new Christ Church in Russell, 1834
signed petition to King William IV 1837 JL
SELWYN met him at Tauranga 17 dec 1842 NMT
1834 visited Tauranga with William WILLIAMS. jan 1838 took up residence in Tauranga ( also WILSON family) ES, CHT
dec 1829 Paihia
1835/36 Matamata
1838 Tauranga/TePapa AMID. Alfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown immigrated to to Australia on the Elizabeth and then to Bay of Islands on the City of Edinburgh arriving 29 apr 18 in 1829.1 He was in teacher, Paihia CMS mission, then Waimate 1831, Matamata 1833, in 1829.2


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S21] Caroline FITZGERALD, Letters From the Bay of Islands The story of Marianne WILLIAMS.
  3. [S198] Florence KEENE, by this we conquer
  4. [S5] C W VENNELL, The Brown Frontier
  5. [S24] petition to King William IV 1837 by settlers, Bay of Islands, listed in "The Bay of Islands" by Jack LEE. see JL
  6. [S8] The Coming of the Pakeha to Auckland Province, John Horsman
  7. [S252] MONIN Paul, Hauraki Contested
  8. [S355] Evelyn STOKES, A History of Tauranga County
  9. [S354] Thomas MORLAND, series of lectures on Early NZ History to Otago Institute
  10. [S513] GIFFORD W H and WILLIAMS H B, A Centennial History of Tauranga
  11. [S519] A H REED, Family Life in New Zealand 1840-1850 James West STACK
  12. [S543] R BURROWS, Heke's War in the North 1845 extracts from Diary
  13. [S583] ed Nancy M TAYLOR, Early Travellers in New Zealand
  14. [S592] Angela MIDDLETON, Pewhairangi Bay of Islands 1814-1845
  15. [S755] Harry MORTON, The Whale's Wake
  16. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  17. [S871] Ormond WILSON, Kororareka & other essays
  18. [S880] H J RYBURN, Te Hemara James HAMLIN 1803 - 1865
  19. [S879] ed Rosalie-Ann NICHOLSON, Dairy of James HAMLIN1830-1834
  20. [S13] Early New Zealand, Bretts Historical Series 1890
  21. [S898] Jack LEE, The Old Land Claims in NZ
  22. [S1141] Angela WANHALLA, Matters of the Heart
  23. [S1145] Early Europeans in the North

Joseph Brown

M, #10207
Pedigree Link


SonAlfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown+ (b. 23 October 1803, d. 7 September 1884)

Charlotte Arnett

F, #10208, b. about 1795, d. 13 November 1855
Pedigree Link

Family: Alfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown (b. 23 October 1803, d. 7 September 1884)

SonBrown (b. 1830, d. 1830)
SonAlfred Marsh Brown (b. about 1831, d. 14 September 1845)
DaughterMarianne Celia Brown (b. 1835, d. 1928)


Charlotte Arnett was born about 1795 in Eng.1,2,3 She and Alfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown were married in 1829 in ENG.1 She died on 13 November 1855, at age ~60, in Auckland, NZ.1,3 She was buried in 1855 in Parnell, Auckland.1
Charlotte Arnett emigrated from to Australia on the Elizabeth and then to Bay of Islands on the City of Edinburgh arriving 29 apr 18 in 1829.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S592] Angela MIDDLETON, Pewhairangi Bay of Islands 1814-1845
  3. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll


M, #10209, b. 1830, d. 1830


FatherAlfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown (b. 23 October 1803, d. 7 September 1884)
MotherCharlotte Arnett (b. about 1795, d. 13 November 1855)
Pedigree Link


Brown was born in 1830 in Oihi, Bay of Islands, NZ.1,2 He died in 1830, at age ~0, in Oihi, Bay of Islands, NZ, stillborn.1,2


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S828] MI and memorials Marsden Cross, Oihi, Rangihou Bay, BOI

Alfred Marsh Brown

M, #10210, b. about 1831, d. 14 September 1845


FatherAlfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown (b. 23 October 1803, d. 7 September 1884)
MotherCharlotte Arnett (b. about 1795, d. 13 November 1855)
Pedigree Link


Alfred Marsh Brown was born about 1831 in Paihia, BOI, NZ, died aged 14.1,2,3,4 He died on 14 September 1845, at age ~14, in Tauranga, NZ, died aged 14.1,5,2,6,4
1838 planted an apple tree. Alfred Marsh Brown was baptized on 24 July 1831 in Pahia, BOI, NZ.7,8


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S513] GIFFORD W H and WILLIAMS H B, A Centennial History of Tauranga
  3. [S543] R BURROWS, Heke's War in the North 1845 extracts from Diary
  4. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  5. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  6. [S579] Shirley KENDALL, Early Auckland Biths and Deaths
  7. [S627] Index to Anglican Baptisms, Burials & Marriages in the BOI
  8. [S1062] Register 1153 BOI Baptisms 1823 - 1840

Marianne Celia Brown

F, #10211, b. 1835, d. 1928


FatherAlfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown (b. 23 October 1803, d. 7 September 1884)
MotherCharlotte Arnett (b. about 1795, d. 13 November 1855)
Pedigree Link


Marianne Celia Brown was born in 1835 in Paihia, BOI, NZ.1,2 She and John Kinder were married. She died in 1928, at age ~93.2
Marianne Celia Brown was baptized on 28 May 1837 in Paihia, BOI, NZ.3,4


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  3. [S627] Index to Anglican Baptisms, Burials & Marriages in the BOI
  4. [S1062] Register 1153 BOI Baptisms 1823 - 1840

Christina Crombie Grant Johnston

F, #10212, d. 26 June 1887


Pedigree Link


Christina Crombie Grant Johnston and Alfred (Rev) Nesbit Brown were married on 18 February 1860 in Wellington, NZ.1 She died on 26 June 1887 in Tauranga, NZ.2


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S513] GIFFORD W H and WILLIAMS H B, A Centennial History of Tauranga

Thomas Williams

M, #10213, b. 27 May 1753, d. 6 January 1804


FatherThomas Williams (b. about 1724, d. 19 June 1770)
MotherRebecca Isgar (b. 1713, d. 8 April 1799)
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Marsh (b. 10 April 1756, d. 7 November 1831)

DaughterMary Williams (b. 2 March 1784, d. 19 April 1786)
SonThomas Sydney Williams (b. 11 February 1786, d. 12 February 1869)
DaughterLydia Williams (b. 17 January 1788, d. 13 December 1859)
DaughterJohn Williams (b. 22 March 1789, d. 9 March 1855)
SonHenry (Rev) Williams+ (b. 11 February 1792, d. 16 July 1867)
DaughterMary Rebecca Williams (b. 3 June 1795, d. 17 December 1858)
DaughterCatherine Williams (b. 28 July 1797, d. 11 July 1881)
SonWilliam (Rev) Williams+ (b. 18 July 1800, d. 9 February 1878)


Thomas Williams was born on 27 May 1753 in Gosport SMWO has 1754.1,2 He and Mary Marsh were married on 17 April 1783.1,2 He died on 6 January 1804, at age 50, in Nottingham, ENG, died of typhoid.3
Close friend of Alfred BROWN. see DNZB p 43
had at least 9 children. William was the 9th.
became one of two Sherrifs of Nottingham in 1803.
his father was the Congregational Minister at Gosport from 1750 - 1770 (Nevil WILLIAMS NZ Genealogist jan 2006 p4.) Thomas Williams was a lace manufacturer, hosier in 1790.1


  1. [S200] EVANS Rex D, Faith and Farming the legacy of Henry WILLIAMS and William WILLIAMS
  2. [S808] Sybil M WOODS, Samuel Williams of Te Aute
  3. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

William F Brown

M, #10214, b. about 1809, d. 19 January 1898
Pedigree Link

Family: Jessie Smith (b. about 1810)

SonOwen Brown (b. 1842)
DaughterLaura Mary Howard Brown (b. 22 January 1848)


William F Brown was born about 1809 in Dundee, SCT?1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 He and Jessie Smith were married about 1835 in SCT. He died on 19 January 1898, at age ~89, in ENG.
William and Jessie went to Adelaide Australia in 1839
long time business partner of Logan CAMPBELL
1840 was a partner with John Logan CAMPBELL at Waiomu, Coromandel.(living with George WEBSTER, American trader) Building a boat ? also 1840 living with CAMPBELL on Brown's Island, Auckland Harbour.
is not same as William BROWN 1809 ??
notes previously had Mary Jane BROWN as a daughter but dates all seem wrong. checking with Elizabeth GORRELL.
note a W F BROWN signed petition to King William IV 1837 JL
1857, Russell, signed letter to Captain McGREGOR 65th regt. MKI. William F Brown immigrated to Arrived Bay of Islands 2 feb 1840 from Sydney, AUS., in 1840.1,2 He emigrated from returned to England on 7 February 1856.


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S13] Early New Zealand, Bretts Historical Series 1890
  3. [S1133] R C J STONE, Young Logan Campbell
  4. [S57] Elizabeth GORRELL
  5. [S48] John GRAINGER, The Auckland Story
  6. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  7. [S345] Marjorie APPLETON, They Came to New Zealand
  8. [S400] Donald KERR, The Smell of Powder - duelling in NZ
  9. [S633] Owen J CHERRETT, Without Fear or Favour
  10. [S644] Marie KING, A Most Noble Anchorage

Jessie Smith

F, #10215, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: William F Brown (b. about 1809, d. 19 January 1898)

SonOwen Brown (b. 1842)
DaughterLaura Mary Howard Brown (b. 22 January 1848)


Jessie Smith was born about 1810 in SCT? She and William F Brown were married about 1835 in SCT.
Jessie Smith emigrated from returned to England with family on 7 February 1856.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

Owen Brown

M, #10216, b. 1842


FatherWilliam F Brown (b. about 1809, d. 19 January 1898)
MotherJessie Smith (b. about 1810)
Pedigree Link


Owen Brown was born in 1842 in Auckland, NZ.1,2,3
1881 census lodger, Hampshire.

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability
Mary BARTER Head U Female 63 Poole, Dorset, England Schoolmistress
Elizabeth BARTER Sister U Female 59 Poole, Dorset, England Schoolmistress Assistant
Louisa BARTER Sister U Female 50 Poole, Dorset, England Schoolmistress Assistant
George BARTER Brother U Male 53 Poole, Dorset, England Late Bank Manager
Amy BARTER Visitor U Female 61 Poole, Dorset, England
Ellen BARTER Visitor U Female 57 Poole, Dorset, England
Mary Elizabeth SAUNDERS Serv U Female 23 Longfleet, Dorset, England Housemaid Dom Serv
Isabel Gibbs GARDENER Serv U Female 22 Bourton, Dorset, England Cook Dom Serv
Mary McBride BROWN Lodger U Female 41 Australia Landowner
Eliza Leake BROWN Lodger U Female 39 Australia Landowner
Florence Mary LYALL Serv U Female 17 Singapore (Dom)
William BROWN Lodger M Male 70 Scotland Bond And Shareholder (No Occ))
Jessie BROWN Lodger M Female 64 Scotland Bond And Shareholder (No Occ))
Owen BROWN Lodger U Male 39 New Zealand Bond And Shareholder (No Occ))
Ann RONER Serv U Female 34 Hungerford, Berkshire, England Ladys Maid Dom Serv
Jane WHITFIELD Lodger U Female 40 Poole, Dorset, England Schoolmistress
Charles Gilbert HEATHCOTE Lodger M Male 40 Conington, Huntingdon, England Barrister At Law
Lucy Edith HEATHCOTE Lodger M Female 33 London St Georges, London, Middlesex, England Wife Of Barrister At Law
Isabel Lucy HEATHCOTE Lodger U Female 9 Wandsworth, Surrey, England Dau Of Barrister At Law
Mabel Frances HEATHCOTE Lodger U Female 8 Wandsworth, Surrey, England Dau Of Barrister At Law

Source Information:
Dwelling Grove Road Mordew Ho
Census Place Christchurch, Hampshire, England
Family History Library Film 1341293
Public Records Office Reference RG11
Piece / Folio 1194 / 119
Page Number 11. Owen Brown emigrated from went to London with parents on 7 February 1856.


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S31] NZ born Citizens in the 1881 UK Census
  3. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll

Laura Mary Howard Brown

F, #10217, b. 22 January 1848


FatherWilliam F Brown (b. about 1809, d. 19 January 1898)
MotherJessie Smith (b. about 1810)
Pedigree Link


Laura Mary Howard Brown was born on 22 January 1848 in Auckland, NZ.1,2
Laura Mary Howard Brown emigrated from went to England with parents. on 7 February 1856.


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S635] Shirley E KENDALL, Births and Deaths Pertaining to Early Auckland

Marcus Stone

M, #10218, b. about 1845
Pedigree Link


Marcus Stone was born about 1845 in London?

Thomas Brunner

M, #10219, b. 22 April 1821, d. 22 April 1874


Pedigree Link


Thomas Brunner was born on 22 April 1821 in Oxford, ENG.1,2,3,4,5 He and Jane Robson were married on 11 October 1855 in Nelson, NZ.1 He died on 22 April 1874, at age 53, in Nelson, N.Z.1
No children from marriage. Thomas Brunner immigrated to arrived Nelson, NZ 9 sep 1841 on the Whitby, in 1841.1 He was a surveyor and explorer in 1842.1 He was a surveyor, Motueka, Nelson in 1844.3


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S354] Thomas MORLAND, series of lectures on Early NZ History to Otago Institute
  3. [S554] papers past, Juror list 1844 Nelson
  4. [S581] Ruth M ALLAN, Nelson a history of early settlement
  5. [S870] H F AULT, The Nelson Narrative

William Brunner

M, #10220
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth Ann Fraser

SonThomas Brunner (b. 22 April 1821, d. 22 April 1874)

Elizabeth Ann Fraser

F, #10221
Pedigree Link

Family: William Brunner

SonThomas Brunner (b. 22 April 1821, d. 22 April 1874)

Jane Robson

F, #10222, b. about 1825
Pedigree Link


Jane Robson was born about 1825. She and Thomas Brunner were married on 11 October 1855 in Nelson, NZ.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

George Buckingham

M, #10223, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Anne Jessop (b. about 1815, d. 20 April 1861)

SonGeorge Buckingham (b. about 1835, d. 19 August 1864)
SonWalter Buckingham (b. about 1838)
SonConrad Buckingham (b. about 1839)
DaughterRosetta (Rosa) Buckingham+ (b. about 1843, d. 19 August 1864)
SonAlfred Buckingham (b. 1 July 1845)
DaughterBuckingham (b. about 1846)
SonConrad Sidney Buckingham (b. 8 December 1849)
DaughterBuckingham (b. about 1850)
SonHenry Douglas Buckingham (b. 29 September 1852)
SonBuckingham (b. about 1854)
DaughterBuckingham (b. about 1856)


George Buckingham was born about 1810 in Eng?1,2,3 He and Anne Jessop were married on 21 July 1834 in Sydney, NSW, AUS.1
George Buckingham was an actor.1 Not known for sure where and when he was born. could have gone to Australia as a convict. DNZB p 50. He immigrated to from Sydney, NSW to Auckland on the City of Sydney., in December 1843.1,2


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  2. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  3. [S813] ed Forbes EADIE annotations by APL Librarian P M FRENCH may 1973, Early Settler Roll Auckland Province with additional notes in pencil by Ak PL Librarian

Anne Jessop

F, #10224, b. about 1815, d. 20 April 1861
Pedigree Link

Family: George Buckingham (b. about 1810)

SonGeorge Buckingham (b. about 1835, d. 19 August 1864)
SonWalter Buckingham (b. about 1838)
SonConrad Buckingham (b. about 1839)
DaughterRosetta (Rosa) Buckingham+ (b. about 1843, d. 19 August 1864)
SonAlfred Buckingham (b. 1 July 1845)
DaughterBuckingham (b. about 1846)
SonConrad Sidney Buckingham (b. 8 December 1849)
DaughterBuckingham (b. about 1850)
SonHenry Douglas Buckingham (b. 29 September 1852)
SonBuckingham (b. about 1854)
DaughterBuckingham (b. about 1856)


Anne Jessop was born about 1815. She and George Buckingham were married on 21 July 1834 in Sydney, NSW, AUS.1 She died on 20 April 1861, at age ~46, in Campbelltown, NSW, AUS.1
Anne Jessop immigrated to from Sydney, NSW to Auckland on the City of Sydney., in December 1843.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1

George Buckingham

M, #10225, b. about 1835, d. 19 August 1864


FatherGeorge Buckingham (b. about 1810)
MotherAnne Jessop (b. about 1815, d. 20 April 1861)
Pedigree Link


George Buckingham was born about 1835 in Auckland, NZ.1 He died on 19 August 1864, at age ~29, in Croisilles Harbour, NSW, AUS, drowned in boating accident see DNZB p 50.1


  1. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1