Richard (Dick) Driver was born in 1810 in Stokescraft, Bristol, ENG, previously had 1812.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 He and
Motoitoi were married.
5 He and
Elizabeth Robertson were married in 1849 in Otago, NZ.
9 He died on 19 January 1897, at age ~87, in Purakaunui, Otago, NZ, died aged 85.
5,9 Living Otago 1841 FT
Motoiti saved Richard's life.
PPA Evening Star, Issue 10219, 22 January 1897, Page 2
AN ADVENTUROUS LIFE. Richard Driver, whose death was announced this week, was born in the year 1810 at Stokescroft, near Bristol. He served his apprenticeship to the sea in the West Indies trade, and on reaching man?s estate got in amongst American ships, becoming chief officer of a whaler that sailed in and out of the ports of Otago. Leaving that vessel, he started to act as pilot at Otago Heads. It was while l living there that R Driver married his first wife, a Maori woman. In his spare time be used to catch wild pigs on the site whore Dunedin now stands, and take them to the Heads, where he salted the pork and disposed of it to the whalers. This was the sort of life he led up to the time of the first settlers arriving, when he became the only authorised pilot. With the outbreak of the goldfields some assistance was required, and, Mr Driver getting rather independent, the Provincial Government superannuated him with compensation to the tune of £SOO, paid in two instalments.. He then settled at Purakanui was, in fact, the first settler there. Previous to that his first wife had died, and he married Miss Robertson, who came out. in the first ship. This lady survives the patriarch, and a very numerous family keep her company, Mr Driver having been the father of sixteen children by his first wife and twenty by his second. Richard (Dick) Driver was in whaler (American?) in 1838.
5 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the "John and Edward" arrived 22 may 1839 ? in 1838.
3,5,6 He was a 1st Pilot Otago in 1841.