The family arrived in Sydney from England on board ship "Orontes" 18 May 1838.
Haven't found the ship they were on from Sydney to Russell, BOI.
The left Russell for Auckland sep 1840 on the Anna Watson.
Left NZ june 1852 on the Raven to Sydney
Auckland Police Census
Thomas 1842 in Mechanics Bay 2 boys (2-7yrs) 1 girl (2-7yrs) 2 girls (7-14 yrs) Religion Church of England, House Raupo.
1845 Owner Windsor Tce (Off Parnell Rd) plan 7b section 68 (several names on plan for section 68) see copies
The barque "Anna Watson," having on board several Officers of the Government. mechanics, labourers, &c. anchored in the Harbour of Waitemata, on Tuesday the 15th instant, and this site for the intending settlement on its shores having been selected by the Surveyor- General,- on Friday the 18th September the ceremony of taking formal possession in the name of Her Majesty, was duly performed. The whole party having landed, the British Flag was hoisted on a staff, erected on a bold promontory, commanding a view of the entire Harbour. The Flag was immediately saluted by twenty-one guns from the "Anna Watson" followed by a salute of fifteen guns from the barque "Platina," after which her Majesty's health was drank at the foot of the flagstaff, and greeted by three times three hearty cheers. The "Anna Watson," then fired a salute of seven guns in honor of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor. The Officers of the Government present on the occasion consisted of the Police Magistrate - the Colonial Surgeon - the Harbour-Master - the Superintendent of Works - the Sub-Protector of Aborigines - and the Surveyor- General and his Lady.
Passenger list has: Wright, Thomas, carpenter, with his wife and 4 children.
Emigration may 29th 1852
PPA Daily Southern Cross, Volume VIII, Issue 514, 1 June 1852, Page 2
May 29? -Raven, brig, 170 tons, Bowden, for Sydney, Passengers, Miss Brown, Mr. Robertson, Mr. & Mrs. H. Keesing, and 3 children, Mr. & Mrs. Bell, and 3 children, Dr. Kemball, Mrs. Oaborne and 2 children. Mr. G. Taber, Mr. T. Kevan, Mr. & Mrs. Clarke and 2 children, Mr. ,T. Wright and 3 children, Mr. & Mrs. W. M'Kenzie, and child, Mr. & Mrs. J. Robertson, Mr. & Mrs. G. Lilly and, 3 children, Mrs. R. Stone, Mr. Adamson and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Farrington, Mrs. Hegarty, Mrs. Crowthen and 2 children, and Messrs, J. Chynowetb, W. Fraser, Thos. Russell, H. Thompson, J.*B. Macgrrgor, W. Brenner, D. Pierce, P. FrVdrickion, James Dixon, William Henry, D. Lorigan, J. Tayman, Easton & J, Losee. W. S. Grahime, agent
PPA New Zealander, Volume 8, Issue 640, 2 June 1852, Page 2
Raven, brig, 170 tons, Bowden, for Sidney. Passengers ? Mr. Roberton, Miss .Brown, Mr. & Mis. H. Keesing and three children, Rlr. and Mrs. Bell, and 3 children, Dr. Kembell, Mrs>. Oaborne, and 2 children, Mr. G. T-ibor, Mr. T. Keven, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, and 2 children, Mr. Wright, 2 sons and 1 daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Mackenzie and child, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Lilly, and 3 children, Mrs. 11. Stone, Mr. Adamson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Fairing ton, Mrs. Ilagerty, Mrs. Crowtbsr, and 2 children, Messrs. J. Chynoweth, W. Fraser, T. Russell, 11. Thompson, J. R. Macgregor, VV. Brennan, D. Pierce, P. Frednckson, J. I)ixon, Wm. Henry, D. Lorigan, J. Tdyman, J. Losee, and ? Eas>ton. ? W. S. Grahame, agent. Thomas Wright immigrated to Sydney to Bay of Islands. about 1839.
3 He was a storekeeper in 1840.
8 He immigrated to arrived Auckland from BOI 15 sep 1840 on the Anna Watson in September 1840 not on SL.
1 He was a carpenter Mechanics Bay, Auckland between 1842 and 1849.
9 He was a carpenter Parnell, Auckland in 1851.
9 He emigrated from Auckland to Sydney on the Raven on 1 June 1852.