William Emery was born in 1810.
1 He and
Martha were married. He died on 2 April 1841, at age ~31, in drowned in Wellington Harbour could be previous friday 26 mar.
2 Class: steerage
son of celebrated actor PPA
PPA New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume I, Issue 51, 3 April 1841, Page 2
On Friday sennight, about 7 o'clock in the evening, a cutter belonging to Messrs. Ridgways, Guyton, and Earp, and in charge of Mr. Hill, late first officer of the London, and Mr. Emary, (son of the celebrated actor of that name,) who came passenger in the same ship, left the River Hutt, for Wellington, laden with a portion of the dwelling-house belonging to Mr. Boyton, and several other articles since when the boat has not been heard of. When they started, the wind was light from NW., but later in the evening the wind freshened a little, with occasional squalls. At no period, however, during the night, that we can learn, was the wind so strong as to endanger the lives of persons m a craft similar to the one missing. It is conjectured that having gone to leeward of Somes' Island, and, perhips, not being sufficienrly acquainted with the harbour to know where they were during the night, they were driven out to sea, and there perished ; as up to the time of our going to press, no tidings have been received of them, although the most diligent search has been madein the various bays round the port. This is another melancholy instance of the imprudence of overloading vessels of this class ; she was, to use the expressions of a man who assisted in loading her at Petoni, " double loaded," and was borne down to the water's edge. Both have left widows, and Mrs. Emary has two children. this accident is the more to be deplored on this account; and also because they were steady and industrious men, and had given the greatest satisfaction to those who had employed them. Messrs. Ridgways and Co. have sent a boat in quest of her, with instructions to institute a strict search along the coast for the bodies of the unfortunate men. William Emery was in 1840. He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the London arriving NZ 12/12/1840 on 13 August 1840.