Joseph Wright was born about 1789 died aged 77 PPA.
1,2 He died on 4 December 1866, at age ~77, in Mount Street, Auckland, NZ.
3 Police Census Auckland 1842-46
Joseph WRIGHT is listed in the 1845 Census but not the earlier 1842, 43, 44 censuses
Settler, Owner, Freeman's Bay, Auckland.
The original census would have more details on the housing, farming, etc. as well as any family. (will check further)
Jury Lists 1842-54
Joseph WRIGHT listed 1845 and each year up to 1853 but not 1854. Variously described as settler, farmer, gentleman.
1858 Listed as Gentleman, Mount Street.
From above fairly certain that there are two Josephs, one in Hokianga a sawyer and probably no family. The other settled in Auckland 1845 in Freeman's Bay as a farmer and later was listed as a gentleman
There is a connection between Joseph and the BLAGROVE family. It is possible that Joseph was the father of Val BLAGROVE born 1834 London? and who arrived in the BOI abt 1838 with his mother and possibly an uncle Val BLAGROVE.
From PPA on his death Joseph bequeathed a quarter of his property to Mrs BLAGROVE (Ann HAMILTON).
There are many references in PPA to Joseph WRIGHT and Val BLAGROVE including one court report relating to palings being stolen from the front fence of Joseph's house. Both Val and Ann BLAGROVE give evidence which would make it likely they living with Joseph or close by? Joseph Wright was a settler, Freeman's Bay, Auckland in 1845.