NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 290

John Davis

M, #7226, b. 1819


John Davis was born in 1819.
John Davis immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man. He had person sources.1 He was a Carpenter in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Richard Grigg

M, #7227, b. 1805, d. 1883
Pedigree Link


Richard Grigg was born in 1805 in Bideford, North Devon, ENG, died aged 79.1,2 He and Unknown were married about 1843 in Auckland?3 He and Mary Cook were married on 10 October 1851 in Russell, BOI, NZ.3 He died in 1883, at age ~78, in Auckland, NZ.4
One of 13 children
Single man.
PPA Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 4215, 17 December 1883, Page 2
Mr Richard Grigg.known as "Tho Police Court Rhymer," died at 10 o'clock yesterday morning at his rcsidonoo in Dockstreet, Freeman's Bay. Deceased was a native of North Devon, born ia the pleasant town of Bidoford in the summer of 1805,
" Nelson's year," as he termed the year of tlie great naval hero's death. Mr Grigg was never weary of talking of the worthies of Devonshire, immortalised in tho " WestWard, Ho!" of Canon Kingsloy, and the poetry of Capcrn, Mr Grieg was born at the Dolphin Inn, in Bidoford Market Place, overlooking the foaming Torridgo. Ho was one of thirteen children, and was apprenticed to a blacksmith at Bidoford, but completed his term at Barnstaple. Whilo yet a young man lie found his way te London, and worked for a short time in the great city.and for two years at Blackheath. In lSilO he emigrated to Wellington, New Zealand, in the barque Cuba, under thij Emigration Company, and reached Wellington after n tedious voyage of eight months. Ho worked there as a ship's smith for two yours, and left for Auckland in 18-11. He worked for somo time at Simile's Point, and then mado a start in business in Queen-street, noar the corner of Vulcan Lane. He used to say that ho mado tho first horse-shoe in Auckland, but this honour has been claimed by James Pollock, He worked on for some years with fair success, and having acquired sufficient means for tho support of his wffo aud himself, ho quitted tho smithy for a cottago of content in Elliott - street. In 18-15 he became n total abstainer, und remained true to his principles through life. He attended tho sittings of the Police Court almost without intermission for thirty years for tho only purpose of listening to eases and occasionally tolling a nativo in the Maori tongue that ho was charged with being drunk, and must pay 5s and costs. Sumo two years ago, Mr 11. C. Barstow made a presont of a handsomo cushion to the old man, and tho gift was thoroughly appreciated. Mr Grigg was an honest, inoffensive man, and attended tho Court, making crude rhymes ns long as his health would permit. His burial will tako place to-morrow afternoon in the I'resbyteriau cemetery. Richard Grigg had person sources.5 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 on 1 August 1839.1 He was a Smith in 1840.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  3. [S1064] Demographic History BOI section 3
  4. [S1012] Diane WILSON, The Wilson Collection
  5. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #7228
Pedigree Link

Family: Joshua Rix (b. about 1810)

DaughterElizabeth (Betsy) Rix+ (b. about 1840)
SonGeorge Rix (b. 3 August 1851)


Martha and Joshua Rix were married.

John Hast

M, #7229, b. 1816


John Hast was born in 1816.
John Hast immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man. He had person sources.1 He was a Gardener in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

William Heaphy

M, #7230, b. 1816, d. 24 March 1891


Pedigree Link

Family: Ann Kelly (b. about 1815, d. 11 October 1871)

DaughterHonorah (Norah) Heaphy (b. 22 January 1842, d. 1924)
DaughterCatherine Genevieve Heaphy (b. 8 September 1846)
SonEdward Patrick Heaphy (b. 1848, d. 1909)
SonWilliam Courtney Heaphy (b. 1849, d. 1906)
SonRichard Heaphy (b. 1851)
SonJoseph Heaphy (b. 1853, d. 1908)
DaughterJosephine Heaphy (b. 1853, d. 3 April 1871)
DaughterMary Ann Heaphy (b. 1945, d. 1862)


William Heaphy was born in 1816 in Fermoy, Co. Cork, IRL.1,2 He and Ann Kelly were married. He died on 24 March 1891, at age ~75, in Greymouth, NZ, William Heaphy's Death cert. tell us he was a No. 50205 Surveyor
Aged 76 yrs
Died 24 March 1891 Greymouth Hospital. (B. abt 1814/15 (JB))
Born County Cork Ireland
In New Zealand for 51 years
Father Edmund Heaphy occup Farmer
Mother Anne Heaphy maiden name Casey
Married in Wellington aged 26 to Ann Kelly
Issue living Males aged 43, 42, 40, 38 and Females 49, 48
Buried 27 March 1891 in Greymouth
Cause of Death General Paralysis - 1 month
Medical Attendant C.L. Morice last saw deceased 24 March 1891.
(Males Edmund 43, William 42, Richard 40, Joseph 38 Females Norah 49, Mary Ann 48 (JB)) JBO.3,1
William Heaphy immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man.
William Heaphy was the first European to explore Canterbury north of Kaiapoi.
See photocopied pages of his explorations and survey trips.
Book Cheviot Kingdom to Country by John Wilson Page 20 Otago to Nelson walk.
The Pioneer Land Surveyors of N.Z. pages 109 to 112 Walk Otago to Nelson.
A History of early Nelson Page 421 Walk Otago to Nelson.
The Exploraton of NZ 2nd ed. 1959 page 48
Encyclopaedia of NZ 2 page 705 Oamaru
Encyclopaedia of NZ 2 page 34 South Island Exploration.
Breaching the Unknown guide for Charles Torlesse, exploratory expedition north of Waimakariri Dec. 1848. and mentioned in other Torlesse papers
Nelson Examiner 5 July 1845 walk Otago to Nelson
Nelson Examiner 14 June 1845 Otago to Nelson
Wellington Independent 28 May 1845 Otago to Nelson
The Press Friday 29 October 1982 writing about a macabre exhibit in Akaroa Museum of a german ship's officer murdered in Port Levy How the Port Levy murderer cheated the gallows Heaphy was a witness to the murder he was living in Port Levy at the time, article has picture. Murder took place 30 Dec 1846.
Book about Banks Penninsula pages 73 74 refers to shooting and William Heaphy, according to this Heaphy was farming at Port Levy had applied for a liquor license, picture showing Heaphy's cottage.
Kairuri: The Measure of Land - The life of the 19th century Surveyor pictured in his art and writings. Page ?07
A History of early Nelson page 221 he is listed as a Riwaka resident in 1844
Also Country Land Book page 221
William Heaphy worked for Samuel Stephens in Riwaka, Nelson. There is quite a bit on internet about Samuel Stephens, (google N.Z. - Samuel Stephens)
Unpublished manuscript of Stephens Samuel - Journal (1843-44) Ms Papers 2698/1A Alexander Turnbull Library.
Also Letters and Journals of Samuel Stephens at Nelson Provincial Museum.
From 1840 Heaphy surveyor for the New Zealand Company.
In 1840 Wellington
In Riwaka, Nelson 1844 (Samuel Stephens)
In 1846 Farming in Port Levy.
Applied for liquor license 1846
1851 Heaphy's coffee house in Lyttleton
1855 Licensee of Universal Inn Lyttleton
1864 Gardener in Invercargill - Harnetts Dunedin Directory 1864.
1871 Greymouth
Heaphy's buried Karoro Cemetery Greymouth
Heaphy Josephine age 18 1871
Heaphy Albert Edwin
Heaphy Ann age 56 1871
Heaphy Edward Albert age 2 days 1888
Heaphy William 76 yrs 1891.
Heaphy Edmund Patrick 60 yrs 1909

JBO. He had person sources.4 He was a Labourer in 1840. He was a surveyor's assistant in 1841.1 He resided in Riwaka, Nelson, in 1843.2


  1. [S526] Julie BOURKE, email address;
  2. [S581] Ruth M ALLAN, Nelson a history of early settlement
  3. [S135] Death Certificate
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Arthur Heymans

M, #7231, b. 1817


Arthur Heymans was born in 1817.
Arthur Heymans immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man. He had person sources.1 He was a Miner in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Henry Jackson

M, #7232, b. 1818


Henry Jackson was born in 1818.1
Single man.
possible marriage 22 may 1847 at Waiwhetu Mr H H JACKSON to Miss Sarah SAXBY. PPA. Henry Jackson had person sources.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 on 1 August 1839.1 He was a Gardener in 1840.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Charles William Keys

M, #7233, b. 15 March 1818, d. 25 November 1900


Pedigree Link

Family: Maria Hunt (b. 31 July 1816, d. 1 May 1909)

DaughterJane Fanny Keys (b. 23 June 1841, d. 29 January 1928)
SonCharles William Keys (b. 10 July 1843, d. 13 May 1922)


Charles William Keys was born on 15 March 1818 in Tring, HERT, ENG.1,2 He and Maria Hunt were married on 1 June 1840 in Petone, Wellington, NZ, Rev J G BUTLER.1,2,3 He died on 25 November 1900, at age 82, in Lower Hutt, NZ.1
Servant to Captain Smith. Charles William Keys had person sources.4 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 on 1 August 1839.5 He was in 1840.


  1. [S704] PECK of TAITA, web site extensive trees
  2. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  3. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  5. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists

Michael Lee

M, #7234, b. 1820


Michael Lee was born in 1820.
Michael Lee immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man. He had person sources.1 He was a Sawyer in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

William Muttheim

M, #7235, b. 1818, d. 1839


William Muttheim was born in 1818.1 He died in 1839, at age ~21, in at sea on the Cuba.1
Single man. - Died at sea. William Muttheim had person sources.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 on 1 August 1839.1 He was a Clerk in 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

George Oulds

M, #7236, b. 1815


George Oulds was born in 1815.
George Oulds immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man. He had person sources.1 He was a Gamekeeper in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John Benge

M, #7237, b. about 1710, d. 27 September 1783
Pedigree Link

Family: Ann Vousley (b. about 1710, d. 14 August 1777)

SonJohn Benge+ (b. 12 September 1737, d. 1 January 1799)


John Benge was born about 1710 in ENG.1 He and Ann Vousley were married on 14 November 1735 in Goldhurst, Hollington, ENG.1 He died on 27 September 1783, at age ~73, in ENG.1


  1. [S704] PECK of TAITA, web site extensive trees

Michael Shannon

M, #7238, b. 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Florence (b. 1808)

DaughterSarah Shannon (b. 1839)


Michael Shannon was born in 1810.1 He and Florence were married.
Michael Shannon immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Married man. Wife and child to be sent in next ship. (Wife 22yrs,daughter 1 yr.) He had person sources.2 He was a Gardener in 1840. He was a sawyer, Waimea West, Nelson in 1844.1


  1. [S554] papers past, Juror list 1844 Nelson
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

George Mason

M, #7239, b. about 1860


FatherGeorge Mason (b. 12 March 1810, d. 20 April 1889)
MotherElizabeth (Betsy) Rix (b. about 1840)
Pedigree Link


George Mason was born about 1860 in Okain's Bay, BP, NZ.1 He and Mary Ann Harris were married.


  1. [S662] Okain's Bay Museum

Charles Stitchbury

M, #7240, b. 1819, d. 1887
Pedigree Link

Family: Ann Turner (b. 1819, d. September 1904)

SonHenry Stitchbury (b. 1842, d. 1922)
SonWilliam Stitchbury (b. 1850, d. 1918)


Charles Stitchbury was born in 1819 age 72 in 1892 JGOC.1,2,3 He and Ann Turner were married on 22 March 1840 in Wellington, NZ, by Rev FARLANE.4,5,6 He died in 1887, at age ~68.1
Single man.
40 descendants in 1892 jgoc. Charles Stitchbury had person sources.7 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 on 1 August 1839.2,1,3 He was a Sawyer in 1840.2


  1. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  2. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  3. [S807] J J CRAIG, Jubilee Gathering of Old Colonists October 10 1892
  4. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  5. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  6. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  7. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Mary Ann Harris

F, #7241, b. about 1860
Pedigree Link


Mary Ann Harris was born about 1860.1 She and George Mason were married.
11 children OBM.


  1. [S662] Okain's Bay Museum

James Storah

M, #7242, b. 1820


James Storah was born in 1820.
James Storah immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man. He had person sources.1 He was a Labourer in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John (James) Stratford

M, #7243, b. 1814
Pedigree Link

Family: Anne Hodnett (b. 1822)

DaughterStratford (b. 9 March 1841)


John (James) Stratford was born in 1814 in Bristol, ENG.1,2 He and Anne Hodnett were married on 26 April 1840 in Wellington, NZ.1,2,3
John (James) Stratford immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man. He had person sources.4 He was a Gamekeeper?, pipemaker? in 1840.1


  1. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  2. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  3. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Joseph Trigg

M, #7244, b. 1817


Joseph Trigg was born in 1817.
Joseph Trigg immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 1/8/1839. Single man. He had person sources.1 He was a Labourer in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Charles Frederick Webb

M, #7245, b. 1820


Charles Frederick Webb was born in 1820.1,2,3,4
Single man.
witness at wedding of Joseph LAWRENCE and Ann (Wilmott) TILKE MARRWES. Charles Frederick Webb had person sources.5 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 on 1 August 1839.3 He was a Bricklayer in 1840.3 He was a bricklayer, Guildford Tce in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  4. [S943] Len DANGERFIELD, The First Independent Church Wellington 1842-49
  5. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Robert Wyeth

M, #7246, b. 14 October 1814, d. 15 July 1903
Pedigree Link

Family: Jane Runnalls (b. 6 December 1816, d. 30 July 1886)

SonWilliam George Runnalls Wyeth (b. 27 April 1841, d. 8 July 1916)
SonCharles Wyeth (b. 18 September 1842, d. 20 December 1928)
DaughterMaria Ann Wyeth+ (b. 14 December 1844, d. 20 July 1920)
DaughterSarah Jane Wyeth+ (b. 4 February 1847, d. 15 July 1930)
SonThomas (Tom) Wyeth (b. 6 March 1849, d. 13 April 1940)
DaughterMary Wyeth (b. 23 March 1851, d. 23 August 1852)
SonWyeth (b. 23 April 1853, d. 24 April 1853)
SonJoseph Wyeth (b. 25 June 1854, d. 30 April 1937)
DaughterElizabeth Ann Wyeth+ (b. 17 September 1856, d. 18 December 1921)
SonJohn Wyeth (b. 31 December 1858, d. 8 January 1942)
DaughterMary Ellen Wyeth (b. 6 December 1861, d. 3 November 1951)
SonWyeth (b. 6 March 1864, d. 7 March 1864)


Robert Wyeth was born on 14 October 1814 in Jamaica, WI.1,2,3 He and Jane Runnalls were married on 27 April 1840 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died on 15 July 1903, at age 88, in Masterton, NZ.3,4
Single man.
could be WYTHE?
extensive notes on web site PECK of Tawa Robert Wyeth had person sources.5 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Cuba arriving NZ 3/1/1840 on 1 August 1839.6 He was a Timber Feller in 1840.6


  1. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  2. [S629] Family Re-union October 2015 (also October 2017?), NZ Genealogist August 2015 p 171/ June 2017 p 123
  3. [S630] Family Website,
  4. [S704] PECK of TAITA, web site extensive trees
  5. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  6. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists

Richard (Major) Baker

M, #7247, b. 1810, d. 22 December 1854
Pedigree Link

Family: Jane Emiily Morgan (b. about 1815)

SonBaker (b. 6 June 1843, d. 1843)
DaughterBaker (b. 19 July 1851)


Richard (Major) Baker was born in 1810 died aged 44.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,3,8,9 He and Jane Emiily Morgan were married on 24 December 1840 in Wellington, NZ.10 He died on 22 December 1854, at age ~44, in Wellington, NZ.5,10 He was buried in 1854 in Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington, NZ.11,12
Richard (Major) Baker immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Aurora arriving NZ 7/1/1840 18/9/1839. Immigrant to Wellington 1840, Dr DORSET dined with him feb 1840 in Wellington. CRC
went to Sydney 1840 (left 13 jul on the Hope) and returned to Wellington on the Coromandel 29 aug 1840. EJW
1840 on committee organizing Ball and Fete PP1840
subscriber to a fete may 1840 Wellington PP 23 may 1840. He had person sources.13 He was a Magistrate for the New Zealand Co in 1840. He was a wine merchant in 1840.2 He was a wine merchant in 1843.9


  1. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  2. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  3. [S80] List of Directors NZ Land Coy, petition
  4. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  5. [S344] Edward Jerningham WAKEFIELD, London Journal
  6. [S1] Department of Internal Affairs, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol 1
  7. [S41] E J WAKEFIELD, Adventure in New Zealand.
  8. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator
  9. [S325] Wellington Burgess Roll 1843
  10. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  11. [S129] Bolton Street Cemetery, from a web site with notes on burials
  12. [S40] Cecil and Celia MANSON, Curtain Raiser to a Colony
  13. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

James Barrow

M, #7248, b. about 1790
Pedigree Link

Family: Ann (b. 1795)

SonJames (jnr) Barrow (b. 16 December 1816)
SonCharles Barrow+ (b. 14 September 1818)
SonThomas Barrow (b. 5 August 1820, d. 8 January 1874)
SonJesse Barrow (b. 24 December 1822)
DaughterSarah Ann Barrow+ (b. 13 September 1825, d. 9 December 1886)
SonStephen Barrow (b. 15 April 1828, d. December 1904)
SonCharles Barrow (b. 1829)
DaughterAmy Barrow (b. 11 August 1830, d. before 1840)
SonGeorge Barrow (b. 30 April 1833)
DaughterEmily Barrow+ (b. 16 January 1837, d. 19 October 1925)
DaughterKeziah Barrow (b. 1838)


James Barrow was born about 1790 in Kent, ENG.1 He and Ann were married.
Established farm Porirua. Family from Kent. 6 children also on Aurora voyage ACHT. James Barrow had person sources.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Aurora arriving NZ 7/1/1840 on 18 September 1839.3 He was a Labourer in 1840.


  1. [S723] Arthur H CARMAN, Tawa Flat and the Old Porirua Road
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  3. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists


F, #7249, b. 1795
Pedigree Link

Family: James Barrow (b. about 1790)

SonJames (jnr) Barrow (b. 16 December 1816)
SonCharles Barrow+ (b. 14 September 1818)
SonThomas Barrow (b. 5 August 1820, d. 8 January 1874)
SonJesse Barrow (b. 24 December 1822)
DaughterSarah Ann Barrow+ (b. 13 September 1825, d. 9 December 1886)
SonStephen Barrow (b. 15 April 1828, d. December 1904)
SonCharles Barrow (b. 1829)
DaughterAmy Barrow (b. 11 August 1830, d. before 1840)
SonGeorge Barrow (b. 30 April 1833)
DaughterEmily Barrow+ (b. 16 January 1837, d. 19 October 1925)
DaughterKeziah Barrow (b. 1838)


Ann was born in 1795 in Kent, ENG.1 She and James Barrow were married.
Ann had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Aurora arriving NZ 7/1/1840 on 18 September 1839.3 She was in 1840.


  1. [S723] Arthur H CARMAN, Tawa Flat and the Old Porirua Road
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  3. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists

Sarah Ann Barrow

F, #7250, b. 13 September 1825, d. 9 December 1886


FatherJames Barrow (b. about 1790)
MotherAnn (b. 1795)
Pedigree Link

Family: William Jones (b. about 1822, d. 10 June 1891)

SonJames Jones (b. about 1848)
DaughterSarah Ann Jones (b. about 1850)


Sarah Ann Barrow was born on 13 September 1825 in Kent, ENG.1 She and William Jones were married about 1844 in Wellington, NZ. She died on 9 December 1886, at age 61, in NZ.1
Stated to be first white woman to come ashore in petone ACHT
10 children ACHT
lived Pauatahanui. Sarah Ann Barrow had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Aurora arriving NZ 7/1/1840 on 18 September 1839.


  1. [S723] Arthur H CARMAN, Tawa Flat and the Old Porirua Road
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database