NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 752

Henry Hall

M, #18776, b. about 1810


Henry Hall was born about 1810.1,2
Henry Hall was a carter Te Aro in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843

James (Dr) Thomas Hansard

M, #18777, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link


SonHansard (b. 23 December 1843)


James (Dr) Thomas Hansard was born about 1810.1,2,3
James (Dr) Thomas Hansard immigrated to to Wellington on the Lady Leigh in 1842.1 He was a physician in 1842.1 He was an M D in 1843.3


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S325] Wellington Burgess Roll 1843


M, #18778
Pedigree Link


SonRichard Harvey+ (b. 1817)
SonJohn Harvey+ (b. 1821)


F, #18779
Pedigree Link


Sarah and George Alder Stratford were married.


F, #18780
Pedigree Link

Family: George Alder Stratford (b. 1810)

SonJames Stratford (b. 1835)


Sarah and George Alder Stratford were married.

Peter Hume

M, #18781, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Sarah (b. about 1814, d. 1844)

DaughterElizabeth Sarah Hume (b. 1 May 1842)


Peter Hume was born about 1810.1,2,3,4 He and Sarah were married. He and Ann Avery were married on 26 February 1846 in St Pauls, Wellington, NZ.5
14 children see PECK
SL has HAWE?
witness at wedding of William SCANLAN and Ann HOPGOOD Wellington 20 sep 1842 MARRWES. Peter Hume immigrated to arrived Wellington from Sydney 16 mar 1840 on the Lady Lilford on 5 March 1840.1,4 He was a carter in 1842.1 He was a carter Wellington in 1843.3


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S325] Wellington Burgess Roll 1843
  4. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  5. [S704] PECK of TAITA, web site extensive trees

Edward Johnson

M, #18782, b. about 1815, d. 1845


Edward Johnson was born about 1815.1,2,3,4 He died in 1845, at age ~30, in Wellington, NZ.5,4
Partner in JOHNSON and MOORE. Edward Johnson immigrated to from England to Wellington on the Martha Ridgway arriving 14 nov 1840 on 5 July 1840.1 He was a merchant Lambton Quay in 1842.1 He was a merchant, Wellington in 1843.3


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S325] Wellington Burgess Roll 1843
  4. [S851] David HAMER & Roberta NICHOLLS, The Making of Wellington 1800-1914
  5. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington

William Johnson

M, #18783, b. about 1810


William Johnson was born about 1810.1,2,3
1842 Manners St
possible witness to marriage of George PILCHER and Ellen HARRIS 1 apr 1843 MARRWES. William Johnson was a joiner in 1842.1 He was a joiner, Wellington in 1843.3


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S325] Wellington Burgess Roll 1843

William (Dr) Johnston

M, #18784, b. about 1810


William (Dr) Johnston was born about 1810.1,2,3
1842 Medical Hall
1840 on committee organizing Ball and Fete PP1840
possibly witness at wedding of John GOWEN and Mary Ann ATKINSON. William (Dr) Johnston immigrated to to Wellington about 1840.3 He was a medical doctor in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator


M, #18786
Pedigree Link


SonSolomon Levy+ (b. 1817)
SonBenjamin Levy+ (b. 1819)

Alexander Lyall

M, #18787, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Jane Malcolm (b. 1822)

SonLyall (b. before 1843, d. 1843)


Alexander Lyall was born about 1810 in Dundee, SCT.1,2,3,4 He and Jane Malcolm were married on 15 January 1842 in Wellington, NZ.3
Note an Alexander LYALL was a steward on the Olympus arriving Wellington 20 apr 1841 and he 'deserted' the ship. Captain WHYTE claimed he had stolen a number of articles.(see PPA 5th june 1841). Alexander Lyall was a pp has baker in butcher Lambton Quay in 1842.1 He was a butcher, Wellington in 1843.4


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  4. [S325] Wellington Burgess Roll 1843

Charles Maybe

M, #18788, b. about 1810


Charles Maybe was born about 1810.1
Charles Maybe immigrated to from England to Wellington on the Olympus arriving 20/4/1841 on 6 December 1840.1 He was in labourer River Hutt in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842

Thomas Milne MacHattie

M, #18789, b. about 1810


Thomas Milne MacHattie was born about 1810.1,2,3
Thomas Milne MacHattie immigrated to to Wellington on the Hannah in 1840.1,3 He was in merchant lambton Quay in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S570] Papers Past 1840, N Z Gazette & Wellington Spectator

John Gibling

M, #18790, b. about 1810


John Gibling was born about 1810.1
From Paula
Our Gibling ancestors not in N.Z. until 1865, none of the previous 3 generations left U.K. Not a common name and the only one I have found earlier in N.Z. is a John Gibling in Auckland, he was there on a list of Jurors - I think. Don't know where he is from but in 2 Papers Past items (below) had been in Auckland before 1845 and I think it is probably the same man later on in South Island - no John from our family -Kaiapoi.

Papers Past: New Zealander,29 November 1845,Page 1,Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 and Grey River Argus, Volume XXVI, Issue 4221, 13 March 1882, Page 2.


  1. [S347] Paula KING, email address;

Henry Hopwood

M, #18791, b. about 1819, d. 1852
Pedigree Link


Henry Hopwood was born about 1819.1,2 He and Mary Ann Worsley were married on 6 March 1844 in Wesleyan Chapel, Wellington, NZ.3,1,2 He died in 1852, at age ~33, in Wellington, NZ.1,3
I am desperate to locate a Henry Hopwood coming to N.Z. - searching for years to find where he is from or born. Marries 1844 in wellington. dies 1852 at 33y in Wellington. so born around 1819.
Any Hopwoods in your data base by the name of Henry? Paula KING PK
died in lunatic asylum but coroner's report has "natural causes." Henry Hopwood was a police seargent, Wellington in 1844.3,2


  1. [S317] Paula, descendant
  2. [S912] Marriage Register 1841-1862 Wesley methodist Church Wellington
  3. [S399] Jenny Robin JONES, No Simple Passage

James Smith Andrew

M, #18792, b. about 1860, d. 10 July 1902
Pedigree Link


James Smith Andrew was born about 1860.1 He and Caroline Matilda Pilcher were married on 24 May 1881 in Havelock North, NZ.1 He died on 10 July 1902, at age ~42, in Dannevirke, NZ.1


  1. [S704] PECK of TAITA, web site extensive trees

George Moore

M, #18793, b. about 1805, d. 6 October 1877


George Moore was born about 1805.1,2,3,4,5 He died on 6 October 1877, at age ~72, in Wellington, NZ.3,6
1842 Burgess Roll has arrival 1840 Martha Ridgeway but he was not on the shpping list? (cabin passengers listed in PPA)
PPA New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 5172, 19 October 1877, Page 2
We notice in our obituary column an announcement of the death of one ot-our earliest settlers, ?Mr. George Moore.? Mr. Moore arrived in Wellington in 1842, and was a member of Sir George Grey?s nominee Council. For a few years ho occupied a position both .in public and local politics, but gradually retired from each field, and/for the last fifteen or twenty years devoted ? himself to his private affairs. He revisited England some time ago. He was much esteemed and respected. It will be seen that he dic-d-at a ripe old age, having passed the allotted three score years and ten. The funeral which took place bn Wednesday, October XOtb; was attended by a large number of persons who desired to pay this mark of respect to the memory of a good and useful colonist who formerly took an active part in public life, and ±as much esteemed by a large circle of friends. George Moore immigrated to arrived Wellington 14 nov 1840 on the Martha Ridgeway on 5 July 1840.6 He was a merchant Lambton Quay in 1842.1 He was a merchant, Wellington in 1843.4


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S642] Dallas MOORE, Old St Pauls
  4. [S325] Wellington Burgess Roll 1843
  5. [S851] David HAMER & Roberta NICHOLLS, The Making of Wellington 1800-1914
  6. [S272] Newspapers Past,

Henry Morton

M, #18794, b. about 1810


Henry Morton was born about 1810.1,2
Henry Morton was a warehouseman, manners St in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843

Anthony Murray

M, #18795, b. about 1810


Anthony Murray was born about 1810.1,2
Antonia possible marriage Mrs VIOLS ? Wellington Colonist. Anthony Murray was a cook Thorndon Flat in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843

Robert Murray

M, #18796, b. about 1810


Robert Murray was born about 1810.1,2
Possibly arrived on the Will Watch?? Robert Murray was a cooper in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843

Timothy O'Loughlin

M, #18797, b. about 1810, d. 2 August 1848


Timothy O'Loughlin was born about 1810.1,2 He died on 2 August 1848, at age ~38, in Wellington Harbour drowned.3
Resident Wellington 1842 AHC
PPA Wellington Independent, Volume IV, Issue 294, 5 August 1848, Page 2
We regret to state that on Sunday last, Mr. T.O'Loughlin, and a man known as Jemmy the Spaniard, in attempting to cross the bay, in a whaleboat, were unfortunately drowned. The boat was discovered on Monday morning, near Ngahauranga, and the body of O'Loughlin was found attached by a rope which got entangled round his neck. On tuesday, an inquest was held, at Mr. Munn s, on view of the body, when the jury_ returned a verdict of " Accidental death Dy drowning." The remains of deceased, who was greatly respected, were followed to. the grave, on Thursday, by a large number of the inhabitants. Timothy O'Loughlin was a dairyman Te Aro in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S272] Newspapers Past,

Harry Robson

M, #18798, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Unknown (b. about 1815)

DaughterRobson (b. 24 August 1844)


Harry Robson was born about 1810.1,2,3,4 He and Unknown were married.
Report on Inquest into death of Archibald MILNE NZ Gazette and Wellington Spectator 1 jan 1842
PPA New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume I, Issue 32, 21 November 1840, Page 2
ARRIVED. Nov. 14, barque "Eleanor," Rhodes, from the east coast. Same day, ship "Martha Ridgway," 621, from England ; left the Downs 9th July. Passengers ? Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Losack and five children, Miss Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. F. John Knox and five children. Mr. and Mrs. H. Robson, and Messrs. Geo. Moore, William James, W. B. Ralph, T. iiine, R. B. Barnes, A. Renny, J. Butler, and J. and A. Alexander. 1 95 in the steerage. Harry Robson immigrated to arrived Wellington 14 nov 1840 on the Martha Ridgeway on 5 July 1840 not on shipping list?1,4 He was a storekeeper Lambton Quay in 1842.1,3


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S40] Cecil and Celia MANSON, Curtain Raiser to a Colony
  4. [S272] Newspapers Past,

Robert Rose

M, #18799, b. about 1801, d. 1888
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary James (b. about 1811, d. 1900)

SonRobert James Rose (b. about 1850, d. before 1900)


Robert Rose was born about 1801 died aged 87.1,2,3 He and Unknown were married. He and Mary James were married on 1 October 1847 in Wellington, NZ.4 He died in 1888, at age ~87, in Rangitikei, Otago, NZ.4
1842 Te Aro
Robert is a mystery man. This is pure conjecture but I feel as he was in Wellington in 1842 and Mary was alone and would have needed to work so maybe she became housekeeper for the Roses. She may even have been companion to his sick wife. I also suspect being Welsh that Mary was a Methodist (married in the C of E church but so were all dissenters at that time). She married Robert Rose in the Methodist church so maybe the church looked after Mary and her children and she met the Roses that way. ????? Like I say I am putting 2 and 2 together here but probably not making 4! Mary and Robert certainly married very quickly after his wife's death but that is often not unusual as she had young children and he might have had children too. He is not a direct ancestor but info about him will fill out Mary's life in NZ. KCL. Robert Rose was a carter, Te Aro in 1842.1 He was a milkman, Te Aro, Wellington in 1844.5 He was a shopkeeper in 1849.5


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  4. [S622] Kay CLARKE, email address
  5. [S132] jury list

Joseph Ryall

M, #18800, b. about 1810


Joseph Ryall was born about 1810.1,2
1842 Thorndon Flat. Joseph Ryall was in labourer in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843