NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 262


M, #6526, b. 1837


FatherJohn Day (b. 1792)
MotherJane (b. 1802)
Pedigree Link


Day was born in 1837.1
Day had person sources.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


M, #6527, b. 1839


FatherJohn Day (b. 1792)
MotherJane (b. 1802)
Pedigree Link


Day was born in 1839.1
Day had person sources.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Arthur William Duncan

M, #6528, b. 1823


Arthur William Duncan was born in 1823.
Arthur William Duncan immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 5/7/1840. He had person sources.1 He was a Seaman in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John Goldie

M, #6529, b. 1819
Pedigree Link

Family: Barbara Brander (b. 1819)

DaughterJane Brander Goldie (b. 1841, d. 16 January 1843)
SonJohn Goldie (b. 10 November 1844)
SonRobert Goldie (b. 21 November 1848)


John Goldie was born in 1819 in Elgin, MOR, SCT.1,2,3,4 He and Barbara Brander were married.
1840s Auckland DM. John Goldie had person sources.5 He was a Square Wright in 1840.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840 arrived Auckland 1843 ESR.2 He was a carpenter, Auckland in 1845.6


  1. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  2. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  3. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  4. [S1052] Register of Families 1849 Presbyterian Church Auckland
  5. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  6. [S1021] Wesleyan Church, Register of Baptisms 1844-1972 Auckland area

Barbara Brander

F, #6530, b. 1819
Pedigree Link

Family: John Goldie (b. 1819)

DaughterJane Brander Goldie (b. 1841, d. 16 January 1843)
SonJohn Goldie (b. 10 November 1844)
SonRobert Goldie (b. 21 November 1848)


Barbara Brander was born in 1819.1 She and John Goldie were married.
Barbara Brander had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Leonard Goodens, Goodin

M, #6531, b. 1800
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary (b. 1802)

DaughterAnna (Hannah) Goodens, Goodin (b. 1821)
SonPhilip Goodens, Goodin (b. 1823)
DaughterEllice Goodens, Goodin (b. 1825)
DaughterCaroline Goodens, Goodin (b. 1829)
SonCollingwood Goodens, Goodin+ (b. 1835)
SonEliza Harriet Goodens (b. 1839)
DaughterSarah Jane Goodin+ (b. about 1843)


Leonard Goodens, Goodin, was born in 1800.1,2 He and Mary were married.
Leonard Goodens, Goodin, had person sources.3 He was a Labourer in 1840.1 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S137] NZ Genealogist, Joan GOODIN
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #6532, b. 1802
Pedigree Link

Family: Leonard Goodens, Goodin, (b. 1800)

DaughterAnna (Hannah) Goodens, Goodin (b. 1821)
SonPhilip Goodens, Goodin (b. 1823)
DaughterEllice Goodens, Goodin (b. 1825)
DaughterCaroline Goodens, Goodin (b. 1829)
SonCollingwood Goodens, Goodin+ (b. 1835)
SonEliza Harriet Goodens (b. 1839)
DaughterSarah Jane Goodin+ (b. about 1843)


Mary was born in 1802.1,2 She and Leonard Goodens, Goodin, were married.
Mary had person sources.3 She was in 1840.1 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S137] NZ Genealogist, Joan GOODIN
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Anna (Hannah) Goodens, Goodin

F, #6533, b. 1821


FatherLeonard Goodens, Goodin (b. 1800)
MotherMary (b. 1802)
Pedigree Link


Anna (Hannah) Goodens, Goodin, was born in 1821.1,2
Anna (Hannah) Goodens, Goodin, had person sources.3 She was a Sempstress in 1840.1 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S137] NZ Genealogist, Joan GOODIN
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Philip Goodens, Goodin

M, #6534, b. 1823


FatherLeonard Goodens, Goodin (b. 1800)
MotherMary (b. 1802)
Pedigree Link


Philip Goodens, Goodin, was born in 1823.1,2 He and Mary Ann Clifton were married.
Philip Goodens, Goodin, had person sources.3 He was a Labourer in 1840.1 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S137] NZ Genealogist, Joan GOODIN
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Ellice Goodens, Goodin

F, #6535, b. 1825


FatherLeonard Goodens, Goodin (b. 1800)
MotherMary (b. 1802)
Pedigree Link


Ellice Goodens, Goodin, was born in 1825.1,2
NZGn2004 has "Ellist." Ellice Goodens, Goodin, had person sources.3 She was a Sempstress in 1840.1 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S137] NZ Genealogist, Joan GOODIN
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Caroline Goodens, Goodin

F, #6536, b. 1829


FatherLeonard Goodens, Goodin (b. 1800)
MotherMary (b. 1802)
Pedigree Link


Caroline Goodens, Goodin, was born in 1829.1,2
Caroline Goodens, Goodin, had person sources.3 She was in 1840. She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S137] NZ Genealogist, Joan GOODIN
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Collingwood Goodens, Goodin

M, #6537, b. 1835


FatherLeonard Goodens, Goodin (b. 1800)
MotherMary (b. 1802)
Pedigree Link

Family: Laura Read (b. about 1874)

SonCollingwood Kemp Goodin (b. 1900)
DaughterNgaire Vivian Goodin (b. 17 July 1905)
SonOwen Jessup Goodin (b. 1913)


Collingwood Goodens, Goodin, was born in 1835.1,2 He and Ann Roe were married. He and Emily Mills were married. He and Laura Read were married.
No children by second marriage. Collingwood Goodens, Goodin, had person sources.3 He was in 1840. He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S137] NZ Genealogist, Joan GOODIN
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Eliza Harriet Goodens

M, #6538, b. 1839


FatherLeonard Goodens, Goodin (b. 1800)
MotherMary (b. 1802)
Pedigree Link


Eliza Harriet Goodens was born in 1839.1,2
Eliza Harriet Goodens had person sources.3 He was in 1840. He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S431] various, Shipping Lists
  2. [S137] NZ Genealogist, Joan GOODIN
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Daniel Harfield

M, #6539, b. 1825


Daniel Harfield was born in 1825 in Richmond Hill, LON, ENG.1,2
Prior to 1843 at Wyderop whaling station FYHO. Daniel Harfield had person sources.3 He was a Butcher & Farm Labourer in 1840.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.2 He was pulling hand, Waiopuka Whaling Station, Kaikoura in 1843.1


  1. [S887] Fyyfe House, Museum, Kaikoura
  2. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Richard Harvey

M, #6540, b. 1817


Pedigree Link

Family: Mary (b. 1817)

SonHarvey (b. 1839)


Richard Harvey was born in 1817.1,2 He and Mary were married.
Richard Harvey had person sources.3 He was a Carpenter & Joiner in 1840.4 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.4 He was a carpenter, Willis St in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S308] A H CARMAN, The Birth of a City Wellington 1840 - 1843
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  4. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists


F, #6541, b. 1817
Pedigree Link

Family: Richard Harvey (b. 1817)

SonHarvey (b. 1839)


Mary was born in 1817.1 She and Richard Harvey were married.
Mary had person sources.2 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


M, #6542, b. 1839


FatherRichard Harvey (b. 1817)
MotherMary (b. 1817)
Pedigree Link


Harvey was born in 1839.
Harvey immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 5/7/1840. He had person sources.1 He was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

John Harvey

M, #6543, b. 1821


Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth (b. 1820)

DaughterHarvey (b. 1838)
DaughterHarvey (b. 1839)


John Harvey was born in 1821.1 He and Elizabeth were married.
John Harvey immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 5/7/1840. Possibly the John HERVEY who settled Poverty Bay ?? JAM. He had person sources.2 He was a Carpenter & Joiner in 1840. He was a carpenter, Willis St in 1842.1


  1. [S314] Wellington Burgesses Roll 1842
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #6544, b. 1820
Pedigree Link

Family: John Harvey (b. 1821)

DaughterHarvey (b. 1838)
DaughterHarvey (b. 1839)


Elizabeth was born in 1820. She and John Harvey were married.
Elizabeth immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 5/7/1840. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #6545, b. 1838


FatherJohn Harvey (b. 1821)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1820)
Pedigree Link


Harvey was born in 1838.
Harvey immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 5/7/1840. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database


F, #6546, b. 1839


FatherJohn Harvey (b. 1821)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1820)
Pedigree Link


Harvey was born in 1839.
Harvey immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 5/7/1840. She had person sources.1 She was in 1840.


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Edward Head

M, #6547, b. 1814, d. 1850
Pedigree Link

Family: Sarah Fuller (b. 1817, d. 1851)

DaughterFrancis Fanny Head (b. 1838)
DaughterCharlotte Elizabeth Head (b. 19 June 1840, d. 1841)
DaughterElizabeth Head (b. 27 December 1841, d. 1899)
DaughterPhoebe Head (b. 23 December 1847, d. 18 February 1914)
DaughterCaroline Head (b. 1849, d. 21 September 1871)


Edward Head was born in 1814.1,2,3 He and Sarah Fuller were married. He died in 1850, at age ~36, in Ohiro, Wellington, dray accident.4
Coroner's Inquest. ? An inquest was held on Monday, at the Ship Hotel, Te Aro, before Dr Fitzgerald, Coroner, on the body of Edward Head, a settler living at Ohiro (Brooklyn, Wellington), who was killed under the following melancholy circumstances:
Reuben Short, labourer, in the employ of the deceased deposed, that on Saturday evening last, about seven o'clock, he had just left deceased's house to get some water, when he saw the bullock dray, drawn by one bullock, coming along the road Mr and Mrs Head were on it. Mr Head's dog began to bark at the bullock, and the bullock bolted. Mr Head jumped off the shaft to catch the bullock when the wheel caught the heel of his shoe and threw him down and the wheel of the dray passed over him. He was about twenty yards from the dray when it capsised on Mrs Head, she was thrown off and the dray fell on her. The witness lifted the dray and pulled Mrs Head from under it and placed her on the grass, and then sent for a doctor. G. D. Monteith, the Surgeon, deposed that he found the deceased complaining of very great pain and suffering apparently from internal injuries he said the wheel of the dray had passed over his chest his side was much injured, but witness did not like to proceed with the examination as deceased was apparently dying. He died the following morning at five o'clock the witness since ascertained that some of the ribs on the left side were fractured, which no doubt occasioned death. The Jury returned a verdict of accidental death. The deceased has left a widow and four children, one an infant at the breast. Mrs Head, his widow, unfortunately, received a severe compound fracture of the left leg from the dray falling on her.

Martha Ridgeway Ship: 621 tons Captain: James Forbes Bisset Surgeon Superintendent: John Frederick Knox Sailed London 5th July 1840 - arrived Wellington 14th November 1840 Via Downs on morning of 9th July 1840 and via Isle of Wight 6pm on 11th July 1840.
Head, Edward 26 Agricultural Labourer. Edward Head had person sources.2 He was an Agricultural Labourer in 1840.2 He immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.2


  1. [S1139] Elizabeth KOH, Kempton Family Tree
  2. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  3. [S1099] website, Find a Grave
  4. [S1012] Diane WILSON, The Wilson Collection

Sarah Fuller

F, #6548, b. 1817, d. 1851
Pedigree Link

Family: Edward Head (b. 1814, d. 1850)

DaughterFrancis Fanny Head (b. 1838)
DaughterCharlotte Elizabeth Head (b. 19 June 1840, d. 1841)
DaughterElizabeth Head (b. 27 December 1841, d. 1899)
DaughterPhoebe Head (b. 23 December 1847, d. 18 February 1914)
DaughterCaroline Head (b. 1849, d. 21 September 1871)


Sarah Fuller was born in 1817.1 She and Edward Head were married. She died in 1851, at age ~34, in Ohiro, Wellington.2
New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume II, Issue 106, 12 January 1842, Page 3
Dec. 23, Mrs. Godwin, of a daughter. - Dec, 27, Mrs. Head, of a daughter. - Jan. 1st, at Park Cottage, Wellington-terrace, Mrs. Robert Park, of a daughter.--Jan. 2, Mrs. Brown, of a daughter. - Jan. 5, Mrs. Florence, of a daughter. - Jan. 6, Mrs. Bolton, of a daughter. - Same day, the wife of Mr. Thomas Waters, of a daughter. - Same day, Mrs. Wright, of a daughter. - Jan. 7, Mrs. Watson, of a daughter. - Jan. 6, the lady of Captain Edward Daniell, of a daughter. Sarah Fuller had person sources.1 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database
  2. [S1099] website, Find a Grave

Charlotte Elizabeth Head

F, #6549, b. 19 June 1840, d. 1841


FatherEdward Head (b. 1814, d. 1850)
MotherSarah Fuller (b. 1817, d. 1851)
Pedigree Link


Charlotte Elizabeth Head was born on 19 June 1840 in Bredgar, Swale Borough, Kent, ENG.1,2 She died in 1841, at age ~1, in drowned, Wellington, NZ.3,2
Charlotte Elizabeth Head had person sources.4 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S1099] website, Find a Grave
  3. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  4. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database

Francis Fanny Head

F, #6550, b. 1838


FatherEdward Head (b. 1814, d. 1850)
MotherSarah Fuller (b. 1817, d. 1851)
Pedigree Link


Francis Fanny Head was born in 1838 in ENG.1,2
Previously had died 1840 (LEW)
The daughter of Edward and Sarah Head
A resident of Ohiro Valley, Brooklyn, Wellington
Twelve years of age at the time of her parent's deaths
Fanny was still alive in1851 as Fanny was a beneficiary to her mother's will.
It is widely believed Fanny was the daughter of Edward Head that drowned in Wellington in the early 1840's. This can not be the case as Fanny was written into her mother's will on 3rd January 1851 just two days before her mother Sarah Head died. Francis Fanny Head had person sources.3 She immigrated to ENG to NZ on the Martha Ridgeway arriving NZ 14/11/1840 on 5 July 1840.1


  1. [S116] various web sites, Shipping Lists
  2. [S1099] website, Find a Grave
  3. [S145] Shipping Lists, various Personal Database