NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 1,086


M, #27126, b. about 1844, d. 1844


Frazer was born about 1844 in Wellington, NZ. He died in 1844, at age ~0, in Wellington, NZ, infant, 3 months LEW.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


M, #27127, b. about 1844, d. 1844


FatherAlexander (jnr) Farmer (b. 1819)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1818)
Pedigree Link


Farmer was born about 1844 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died in 1844, at age ~0, in Wellington, NZ, infant 6 mnths LEW.1,2 He was buried in 1844 in Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington.2


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  2. [S905] Friends of Bolton Street Cemetery

George Ashdown

M, #27128, b. about 1805, d. 16 October 1858
Pedigree Link


SonAshdown (b. about 1843, d. 1844)


George Ashdown was born about 1805 died aged 53.1,2 He and Mary Ann were married in 1856 in Wellington, NZ.3 He died on 16 October 1858, at age ~53, in Wellington, NZ.1 He was buried in October 1858 in Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington.1
Inscription on Tombstone
In loving memory of James AMES, who died 17 October 1850, aged 43, Mary Ann AMES, who died 21 November 1887, aged 70. Elizabeth ATCHISON, who died 19 July 1860, aged 36. Sarah AMES, who died 31 March 1881, aged 35. George ASHDOWN, who died 16 October 1858, aged 53. (Footstone=) J.A. 1850.
1832 Involved in defence of Ngamotu Pa which attacked by Waikato Maori. 11 Europeans involved DOWI. George Ashdown was a whaler? in 1840.4


  1. [S905] Friends of Bolton Street Cemetery
  2. [S1120] Don Wilson, Whaler by Providence
  3. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices
  4. [S851] David HAMER & Roberta NICHOLLS, The Making of Wellington 1800-1914

Mary Ann

F, #27129, b. 1817, d. 21 November 1887


Pedigree Link

Family: James Ames (b. about 1807, d. 17 October 1850)

SonGeorge Ames (b. about 1838)
SonJames Ames (b. about 1839)
ChildAmes (b. about 1842)
ChildAmes (b. about 1844)
ChildAmes (b. about 1846)
DaughterSarah Ames (b. about 1846, d. 19 July 1860)
ChildAmes (b. about 1848)


Mary Ann was born in 1817 died aged 70 BOLCEM.1 She and James Ames were married about 1838 in Sydney, NSW, AUS.2 She and George Ashdown were married in 1856 in Wellington, NZ.3 She died on 21 November 1887, at age ~70, in Wellington, NZ.1,4 She was buried in November 1887 in Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington.4
Death of an Old Resident.

INTERESTING REMINISCENCES. Another blank Iras been mado in tho rnnks' of tho early colonists, by tho doath of Mrs. Ames, mother of tho City Valnor. The end' ovent took place at tho residence of Mr. Jamos Ames, Sydnoy-streot, ltfet overiingy the old lady passing away afr tho ago"^ 7F. Mrs. Amos was married in Sydney, nnYr hm* 1 two eldest sods, George and Jaraos, wctcy born thoro. Iv December, 1840, sho sailed for Wellington' with her husband, who was captaiiv of a> trading vessel, and in January of 1841 settled on a email .island alongside of lfopiti, where her hus' ' band established a whaling station. During' her* residence there tho torriblo Wairatf nmssaore occuri'bd.- Although many milos away from- Bio drendfni scono, Mrs. Amos hod f?ooW jfiison to recollect something about ? tho affair,' as l nfye and her yonngor sister wore tho ohly'Wlito persons in Now Zoaland ;who kn,ow of> t&io" intontion of tho Maoris to kill tlid sottlors at Wniran in cold blood. One day, whilo Captain Amos and his men wovo absent in pursuit 'of whale?, a number of war cttnooß fillod with natives in fighting costumo touched at tho island and domanded to know whothoi Capt. Amos and his hands were oloso at hand* Mrs. Ames, who was only 22' years off ago, and her sister, who was four years younger, tOtfothor with tho ohildrou, worot the only persons on tho island at the time. Both women protended nob to bo afraid, and thoy witnessed tho warriors land as if tho oeourronow was a common ono. Wlion tho natives woro: informed by Mrs. Ames that tho men belonging to the station woro absont, the two bloodthirsty chiefs, To Eauparaha and Rangihaeata, informed her that i f tho white raon had! boon present, everyono on tho island would 1 havo been killed.bntna they weroawaynoithor she, nor her sistor nor tho children would be< injured if food was provided for tho visitorsIt is almost neorllues to say that Mrs.Ames and her sistor lost no tlmo in placing a meal beforo tho hungry warriors.Before tho natives loft tho island they acquainted the women that they woro on tkeiv way to Wttiran to massacro tho whitos there., Attor living on tho island for some time, Captain Amos and his wife and family took up their residonce at Kaikoura, where a whalinir station wan established by tho skipper. Captain Ames then came np toWellington, and was pilot at tho Head9for some time, after which ho booamo tho' landlord of the South Sea Hotel, which stood on the site now occupied by Mrs.Walkor's millinery establishment on £?mb ton-quay. Captain Ames diod in 1850, and his' widow continued the business until 185&,when the hotel, which was of brick, wa? thrown down by an earthquako. Tho shook occurred at night, and tho inmatos woro obligod to clear out in their night drossos iv order to OBcapo. After tho house was dostroyed Mrs. Amos wont to livo at Johnsonville, and subsequently oanio back to town, rosiding hero until hor death. Mrs. Ames was a genial, kindly-hoartod woman, and hor many good qualities ondeared her to all who know her for any length of time. Sho was a faithful wifo, a good mother, and an industrious settler, and her memory will long bo rovored by many residents of tho colony. The doooased leavos Bii chaldron to mourn their loss. PPA

DHRN also has second husband = ASHDOWN also a whaler? but obit has no mention of second husband. Mary Ann immigrated to Sydney to Wellington then Kapiti in December 1840.2


  1. [S851] David HAMER & Roberta NICHOLLS, The Making of Wellington 1800-1914
  2. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  3. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices
  4. [S905] Friends of Bolton Street Cemetery


M, #27130, b. about 1843, d. 1844


FatherGeorge Ashdown (b. about 1805, d. 16 October 1858)
Pedigree Link


Ashdown was born about 1843.1 He died in 1844, at age ~1, in Wellington, NZ.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


F, #27131, b. about 1814, d. 1844
Pedigree Link

Family: Peter Hume (b. about 1810)

DaughterElizabeth Sarah Hume (b. 1 May 1842)


Sarah was born about 1814 died aged 30.1,2 She and Peter Hume were married. She died in 1844, at age ~30, in Wellington, NZ, consumption 30 yrs.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  2. [S736] NZBDM


M, #27132, b. about 1842, d. 1844


FatherJohn Brown Reading (b. 12 January 1813, d. 2 November 1876)
MotherElizabeth (Betsy) Jane Phillips (b. 29 March 1812, d. 3 January 1893)
Pedigree Link


Reading was born about 1842 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died in 1844, at age ~2, in Wellington, NZ, 2 yrs decline LEW.1 He was buried in 1844 in Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington.2
Possibly Alfred John ?
probably not unless there was another Alfred John after 1844 since Alfred John married Sophia about 1865 and had a lot of children up to 1886.


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  2. [S905] Friends of Bolton Street Cemetery

James Tissendon

M, #27133, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Unknown

SonTissendon (b. about 1843, d. 1844)


James Tissendon was born about 1810. He and Unknown were married.


F, #27134
Pedigree Link

Family: James Tissendon (b. about 1810)

SonTissendon (b. about 1843, d. 1844)


Unknown and James Tissendon were married.


M, #27135, b. about 1843, d. 1844


FatherJames Tissendon (b. about 1810)
Pedigree Link


Tissendon was born about 1843 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died in 1844, at age ~1, in Wellington, NZ, son 1 yr LEW.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington

Henry John Wilton

M, #27136, b. 19 April 1843, d. 1844


FatherRobert Wilton (b. 1802)
MotherElizabeth Denman (b. 1805, d. 19 September 1851)
Pedigree Link


Henry John Wilton was born on 19 April 1843 in Wellington, NZ.1,2,3,4 He died in 1844, at age ~1, in Wellington, NZ.5
Henry John Wilton was baptized on 30 July 1843 in First Independent Church, Wellington.4


  1. [S436] NZ Government Department Internal Affairs, Index of Births Deaths and Marriages
  2. [S237] NZBDM, microfiche
  3. [S227] N Z Government, BDM on line indices
  4. [S943] Len DANGERFIELD, The First Independent Church Wellington 1842-49
  5. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


F, #27137
Pedigree Link

Family: Edward (Sir) Marmaduke Joseph (STOURTON) Vavasour (b. about 1790)

SonEdward (Sir) Vavasour
SonCharles Vavasour (b. 1817, d. 1845)
SonWilliam Joseph Vavasour (b. 1822, d. 1866)



M, #27138, b. about 1810, d. 20 December 1845


H J McLEOD was born about 1810. He died on 20 December 1845, at age ~35, masonic funeral.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington

Robert (Rev) Cole

F, #27139, b. about 1815
Pedigree Link


Robert (Rev) Cole was born about 1815.1,2,3 She and Jessie Hunter were married.
Resident in Wellington in 1843 WP
note there was a birth of a Thomas COLES, Waimate, BOI, 4 nov 1840 with parents Robert and Maria. BDMBOI.


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington
  2. [S182] William PORTER, Recollections of a voyage to South Australia and New Zealand commenced in 1838
  3. [S779] Adam Plover, Blood and Tears


F, #27140
Pedigree Link

Family: James Sea (b. about 1805, d. 1851)

DaughterMargaret Sea+


Unknown and James Sea were married.


M, #27141, b. about 1844, d. 1844


FatherWilliam McDowall (b. about 1810)
Pedigree Link


McDOWALL was born about 1844 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died in 1844, at age ~0, in Wellington, NZ, infant 5 mnths LEW.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington

Thomas Darien

M, #27142, b. about 1810
Pedigree Link

Family: Unknown

SonDarien (b. about 1837, d. 1844)


Thomas Darien was born about 1810.1 He and Unknown were married.


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


F, #27143
Pedigree Link

Family: Thomas Darien (b. about 1810)

SonDarien (b. about 1837, d. 1844)


Unknown and Thomas Darien were married.


M, #27144, b. about 1837, d. 1844


FatherThomas Darien (b. about 1810)
Pedigree Link


Darien was born about 1837.1 He died in 1844, at age ~7, in drowned, Petone, Wellington, NZ, age 7 LEW.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington

William Tulett

M, #27145, b. about 1810, d. July 1844
Pedigree Link


William Tulett was born about 1810.1 He and Mary Ann Schmidt were married on 25 July 1843 in Wesleyan Chapel, Wellington.2 He died in July 1844, at age ~34, in drowned at sea.3
William Tulett was a master mariner 1842 ON.1 TULLETT
not sure date of death but probbaly late july. He was captain for the Mana which left Wellington for Taranaki 26thjul 1844. He was not listed as captain on the next voyage?? PPA.


  1. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  2. [S912] Marriage Register 1841-1862 Wesley methodist Church Wellington
  3. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


F, #27146, b. about 1842, d. 1844


FatherCharles White (b. 1813)
MotherHarriet (b. 1815)
Pedigree Link


White was born about 1842 in Wellington, NZ. She died in 1844, at age ~2, in Wellington, NZ, 2 yrs drowned LEW.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


M, #27147, b. 1845, d. 1845


FatherWilliam Cattell (b. 1819)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1821)
Pedigree Link


Cattell was born in 1845 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died in 1845, at age ~0, in Wellington, NZ.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


M, #27148, b. about 1844, d. 1845


FatherCharles (STEPHENS) Stevens (b. 1813, d. 1 March 1871)
MotherLydia (b. 1810, d. 13 April 1874)
Pedigree Link


Stevens was born about 1844 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died in 1845, at age ~1, in Wellington, NZ, 1 yr teething LEW.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


M, #27149, b. about 1844, d. 1845


FatherWilliam Hodges (b. 1818)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1821)
Pedigree Link


Hodges was born about 1844 in Wellington, NZ.1 He died in 1845, at age ~1, in Wellington, NZ, infant 7 mnths teething LEW.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington


F, #27150, b. about 1843, d. 1845


FatherRobert (BRADFORD) Bradfield (b. 1806)
MotherSarah (b. 1809)
Pedigree Link


Bradfield was born about 1843 in Wellington, NZ.1 She died in 1845, at age ~2, in Wellington, NZ, 2 yrs accidentally scalded LEW.1


  1. [S538] Louis E WARD, Early Wellington