NZ pre 1846

early european contacts

Person Page 860

Matthew Bryers

M, #21476, b. 4 April 1843, d. 1866


FatherCharles Joseph (Captain) Bryers (b. 10 March 1822, d. 7 August 1885)
MotherKohu Katerina Te Whareumu (b. about 1815, d. about 1892)
Pedigree Link


Matthew Bryers was born on 4 April 1843 in Hokianga, NZ.1 He died in 1866, at age ~23, in drowned in the Kiwi could be dec 1865 HOMU.1


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

John Bryers

M, #21477, b. 8 September 1844, d. 1934


FatherCharles Joseph (Captain) Bryers (b. 10 March 1822, d. 7 August 1885)
MotherKohu Katerina Te Whareumu (b. about 1815, d. about 1892)
Pedigree Link


John Bryers was born on 8 September 1844 in Hokianga, NZ.1 He and Maraea Perry were married on 22 November 1866 in Purakau, NZ.1 He died in 1934, at age ~90, in NZ.1
12 children, JHO.


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

William Bryers

M, #21478, b. 5 December 1847, d. 1866


FatherCharles Joseph (Captain) Bryers (b. 10 March 1822, d. 7 August 1885)
MotherKohu Katerina Te Whareumu (b. about 1815, d. about 1892)
Pedigree Link


William Bryers was born on 5 December 1847 in Hokianga, NZ.1 He died in 1866, at age ~19, in drowned in the Kiwi could be dec 1865.1


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

Charles Bryers

M, #21479, b. 8 October 1849, d. 11 May 1924


FatherCharles Joseph (Captain) Bryers (b. 10 March 1822, d. 7 August 1885)
MotherKohu Katerina Te Whareumu (b. about 1815, d. about 1892)
Pedigree Link


Charles Bryers was born on 8 October 1849 in NZ.1 He and Mary Ann Mayne were married. He died on 11 May 1924, at age 74.2


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family
  2. [S946] Ken BAKER, Finding Joseph Bryers of the Hokianga, Early NZ Settler

Mary Josephine Bryers

F, #21480, b. 16 December 1855, d. 1935


FatherCharles Joseph (Captain) Bryers (b. 10 March 1822, d. 7 August 1885)
MotherKohu Katerina Te Whareumu (b. about 1815, d. about 1892)
Pedigree Link


Mary Josephine Bryers was born on 16 December 1855 in NZ.1,2 She and John Triphook were married in 1880 in NZ.1 She died in 1935, at age ~80, in NZ.1
No children JHO.


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family
  2. [S946] Ken BAKER, Finding Joseph Bryers of the Hokianga, Early NZ Settler

John Triphook

M, #21481
Pedigree Link


John Triphook and Mary Josephine Bryers were married in 1880 in NZ.1
JGOC has a TRIPHOOK arriving Auckland 1840.


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

Susan Bryers

F, #21482, b. 1872


FatherGeorge Bryers (b. 17 August 1842, d. 1911)
MotherMary Heron (d. 1875)
Pedigree Link


Susan Bryers was born in 1872.1 She and William Satchell were married in November 1889 in Rawene, Hokianga, NZ.1


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

William Satchell

M, #21483
Pedigree Link


William Satchell and Susan Bryers were married in November 1889 in Rawene, Hokianga, NZ.1


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

Mary Heron

F, #21484, d. 1875
Pedigree Link

Family: George Bryers (b. 17 August 1842, d. 1911)

DaughterSusan Bryers (b. 1872)


Mary Heron and George Bryers were married in Liverpool, ENG.1 She died in 1875 in NZ.1
Mary Heron immigrated to ENG to NZ in 1865.


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

Mere (Hone WARE) Parihi

F, #21485
Pedigree Link

Family: George Bryers (b. 17 August 1842, d. 1911)

SonEru Nehua Bryers (b. 1878)


Mere (Hone WARE) Parihi and George Bryers were married.

Eru Nehua Bryers

M, #21486, b. 1878


FatherGeorge Bryers (b. 17 August 1842, d. 1911)
MotherMere (Hone WARE) Parihi
Pedigree Link


Eru Nehua Bryers was born in 1878.1


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

Mary Ann Mayne

F, #21487, b. about 1850


FatherMayne (b. about 1820)
MotherJane Maria Gray (b. 1836)
Pedigree Link


Mary Ann Mayne was born about 1850. She and Charles Bryers were married.
5 sons and 6 daughters JHO.

Jane Maria Gray

F, #21488, b. 1836


FatherAlexander (GREY) Gray (b. about 1800, d. 1839)
MotherKotiro Hinerangi (b. about 1810)
Pedigree Link

Family 1: Mayne (b. about 1820)

DaughterMary Ann Mayne (b. about 1850)

Family 2: Frederick Stansfield Herries (b. about 1820)

DaughterFrances Sophia Herries (b. 1856)
SonWilliam Frederick Herries (b. about 1858)


Jane Maria Gray was born in 1836 in Russell, BOI, NZ.1,2 She and Mayne were married. She and George William Smith Phillips were married. She and Frederick Stansfield Herries were married.
PPA Taranaki Daily News, 12 August 1922, Page 4
MRS. G. W. S PHILLIPS who recently died at Matapu, South Taranaki, was a resident of Auckland in its early days. She Was born at Kororareka-?now Russell?Bay of Islands, in 1836, and was the youngest daughter?Jane?Of Alexander Grey, of Aberdeen, Scotland, who, being one of a party who had come out with an intention of making an attempt to colonise the country, arrived in NewZealand in the ship Annabelle, Captain Herd, in 1826. They landed at Herd's Point?now Rawene?Hokianga. Unluckily for the success of the effort, the Hokianga natives were at war with those of the Bay of Islands when-Captain Herd?s settlers disembarked, and the sight of a war dance, and alarming reports of battles won and lost in the neighborhood, so terrfiied the colonists that most of them left the country after - a short residence. Grey settled in the Bay of Islands, establishing himself in business at Kororareka, Russell. Here were landed a number of young tribal representative Maoris, on their 'return from Sydney, where they had taken to reside for a time by the Rev. Samuel Marsden. Among them was Kotero Hinerangi, a member of the Umutahi hapu of the Ngateruanui tribe, of Taranaki, to whom Grey was married at Paihia, by the Rev. W. Williams, in 1830. Mrs. Phillips resided in Parnell for a number of years, until going from there with her husband in 1871 to Hokianga. They inaugurated the native schools there, under the Native Department. In 1893 they came to Taranaki, and an effort was made at Mawhitiwhiti, on. the Hastings Road, under the Education Department, to carry on this work among Mrs. Phillips? maternal people. After the existence of the school for a few years with most encouraging prospects, the baneful effects ! of Te Whiti in the district proved its downfall, and the buildings were removed to Pariroa, where a renewed effort brought the same fate Mrs. Phillips was of a prepossessing personality and much esteemed by all who knew her. She leaves a family of ten, of whom Mrs. Charles Bryers, of Omapere, Hokianga, is the eldest. Sophia, the late celebrated Rotorua guide, was Mrs. Phillips? sister. Jane Maria Gray was baptized on 4 August 1839 in Russell, BOI, NZ.1,3


  1. [S627] Index to Anglican Baptisms, Burials & Marriages in the BOI
  2. [S272] Newspapers Past,
  3. [S1062] Register 1153 BOI Baptisms 1823 - 1840


M, #21489, b. about 1820
Pedigree Link

Family: Jane Maria Gray (b. 1836)

DaughterMary Ann Mayne (b. about 1850)


Mayne was born about 1820.1 He and Jane Maria Gray were married. He died.1
Could be Edward or Sedborough? who went to Kawau Island 1844.


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family


U, #21490, b. about 1844


Rawlings was born about 1844 in Nelson, NZ.1
Rawlings emigrated from Nelson to Adelaide on the Palmyra arriving 21 sep in September 1844.1


  1. [S752] South Australian Register - Adelaide Shipping

Maraea Perry

F, #21491


Pedigree Link


Maraea Perry and John Bryers were married on 22 November 1866 in Purakau, NZ.1


  1. [S424] Judith HOLLOWAY, The BRYERs Family

Philo Beebe Perry

M, #21492
Pedigree Link

Family: Haumu

DaughterMaraea Perry


Related to Alexander PERRY b SCT , to NZ abt 1809 ? JHO.

Ann Gregory

F, #21494, b. 1780
Pedigree Link

Family: Samuel George Harris (b. 1781, d. 1843)

SonSamuel Gregory Harris+ (b. 17 July 1816, d. 15 August 1902)
DaughterEleanor (Helen) Harris+ (b. about 1819, d. 18 July 1882)


Ann Gregory was born in 1780 in North Molton, Plymouth, Devon, ENG.1 She and Samuel George Harris were married in 1805 in Plymouth, DEVON, ENG.1


  1. [S704] PECK of TAITA, web site extensive trees

Frederick Ward Merriman

M, #21495, b. about 1810, d. 1865
Pedigree Link


Frederick Ward Merriman was born about 1810.1,2 He and Susanna A Atkins were married. He died in 1865, at age ~55.2
Auckland 1840's DM. Frederick Ward Merriman immigrated to to Auckland in 1844.2


  1. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  2. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll

James Middleton

M, #21496, b. about 1810


James Middleton was born about 1810.1,2
Auckland 1840's DM. James Middleton immigrated to to Auckland in 1843.2


  1. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  2. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll

F Mills

M, #21497, b. about 1810


F Mills was born about 1810.1,2
Auckland 1840's DM. F Mills immigrated to to Auckland in 1844.2


  1. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  2. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll

S Mills

M, #21498, b. about 1810


S Mills was born about 1810.1
Auckland 1840's DM.


  1. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland

J Miins

M, #21499, b. about 1810


J Miins was born about 1810.1
Auckland 1840's DM.


  1. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland

Charles Henry Moffitt

M, #21500, b. 15 December 1807, d. 1866
Pedigree Link

Family: Harriet Lindesay (b. about 1800, d. bef 1842?)

DaughterHannah Moffitt (b. about 1831)
SonJohn Lindsay Moffitt+ (b. 1835, d. 1907)
DaughterHarriet Moffitt (b. 1836, d. bef 1842?)
SonCharles Henry Moffitt+ (b. 1840, d. 1866)


Charles Henry Moffitt was born on 15 December 1807 in Howick, Northumberland, ENG.1,2,3,4 He and Harriet Lindesay were married on 12 February 1834 in ENG.5 He and Louisa Felicia were married in 1858 in Lyttleton, NZ.5 He died in 1866, at age ~59.2
Passenger List for Louisa Campbell only has "MOFFAT dentist" no other family.
ESR has sons John and Charles on the Louisa Campbell.

Auckland 1840's DM
My 4x great grandfather was Charles Henry Moffitt, born 15 Dec 1807 in Howick, Northumberland. On his daughters marriage certificate his occupation is surgeon dentist. (daughter Hannah, born c1831 Rothbury, Northumberland and living with her grandfather in 1841).

Charles and his family are here in 1841:

Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece 828; Book: 2; Civil Parish: Alnwick; County: Northumberland; Enumeration District: 5; Folio: 6; Page: 4; Line: 13; GSU roll: 438890.

After some research, I believe that Charles Henry Moffitt emmigrated to New Zealand in the 1840s. I have found what I believe to be his death, and the death of what I presume is a second wife:

Wellington Tribune, 1st February 1875.
On the 1st February, at the residence, of J L Moffitt, Louisa Felicite Moffitt, relict of John Faithful Fortesque Wright, Captain Royal Marines, also of Charles Henry Moffitt, in her 76th year.

Herald, 21st October 1865.
On the 18th Oct, at his residence, Willis Street, Wellington, Mr Charles Henry Moffit, of Epilepsy, age 58 years, sincerely lamented by a large circle of friends, for his many amiable qualities.

Would Charles Henry have a death certificate from this period of NZ history? What would it tell me and who would I need to contact to order it? Would he have a will and the same questions about how would I get a copy?

I have found the following marriage on a site on google:
20 Dec 1884 St John's Presbyterian Church, Willis St, Wellington
John Charles Henry Moffitt, 25 Bachelor, Clerk, Auckland, Wellington, John L Moffitt, Dentist, Susannah Evelyn Moffitt (Wright)
Louisa Sylva Evelyn Wright, 19, Spinster, Canterbury NZ, Wellington, Sydney Evelyn Wright, Accountant, Georgina Amelia Wright (Richford).

The thing that interests me is that John L Moffitt is a Dentist, and the second wife of Charles Henry Moffitt died at the residence of J L Moffitt - maybe a child from that second marriage.

Are there any censuses from NZ?

Any help at all would be appreciated.



Edit, should have added there is a marriage submitted on the IGI for a Charles H Moffitt to Louisa F Wright 29 JUN 1858 Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand.
I have only just realised as well that on the 1841 census Charles Henry has a son John who was born c1835, so would have been about the right age to have a son in c1859.
Mary Moffitt
11-03-09, 09:10
Charles Henry Moffitt, dentist, and his two sons, John Lindsay Moffitt(b 1835), and Charles Henry Moffitt (b 1840) came to New Zealand aboard the 'Louisa Campbell' in 1842. This is recorded on the 'Early Settlers' roll' for Auckland before the end of 1852. His wife, Harriet (a niece of the Earl of Lindsay), and his daughter, Harriet (b 1836) are not shown on this list, although they could have been aboard the 'Louisa Campbell'. We suspect that they died before the voyage.

I have a document, dated 12 February, 1834, which states that a marriage was solemnized between Charles Henry Moffitt, bachelor, and Harriet Lindesay, spinster. I also have their application to marry, which gives her guardians' names.

In New Zealand, John Lindsay Moffitt married Susannah Evelyn Prideaux Wright (d1915, aged 81). On his tombstone (d1907) in Wellington, NZ, he is described as the eldest son of Charles Henry Moffitt, who is buried in the same grave (1865, aged 52).

I have Charles Henry's death cerificate, and you already have everything that is on it.

You already have details for John Charles Henry Moffitt (son of JLM) who married his cousin Louisa Sylva Evelyn Wright, Susannah's nephew, ie his cousin. I have their family tree. Susannah and John Lindsay had six other children.

Charles Henry Moffitt (widower) had remarried (1858) in Lyttelton, NZ to his daughter-in-law's mother, Louisa Felicia Wright, widow of John F F Wright, ship captain. Cousins, Louisa and John were both connected to the aristocratic Evelyn family.

The son of Charles Henry Moffitt, also named Charles Henry Moffitt (b 1840 Narrowate) married Alice Muller, youngest daughter of Stephen Lunn Muller, first resident magistrate of the provinces of Nelson and Marlborough, New Zealand, and his wife, Mary Bernadette. This Charles Henry Moffitt, solicitor, died very soon afterwards, leaving a young son, Stephen Lunn Moffitt, born 1866.

Stephen Lunn Muller's wife, Mary Bernadette, died on board ship on their voyage to NZ. Her friend, Mary Anne Griffiths, nee Wilson, after escaping a violent husband was on board this ship, with a small son and daughter. Mary Anne took care of all six small children. Eventually, after turning his proposal down several times, Mary Anne married Stephen Lunn Muller. I think that they had a daughter, Louisa.

My own Moffitt line has an unproven (as yet) connection back in Alnwyck where my ancestor, Michael Moffitt, farmer, of Fowberry Mains, must have been a cousin (or?) of Charles Henry's father, David Moffitt d 1851, aged 76, bur Howick, gamekeeper to the Earl of Grey. David married Martha Lloyd, d 1832, aged 62.

Mary Anne Muller, formerly Griffiths, nee Wilson, is of cosiderable interest to me, because she was New Zealand's first suffragist, campaigning for and winning, both the right for women to own property and the right to have custody of their children. She had lost much property by divorcing her husband, and she had to leave her eldest son with him. This son later ran away to join his mother in New Zealand. She is little known in New Zealand, And I want to change that. She was an imporant woman in our extended family.

I would like some help in researching the recently proved Moffitt connection in Alnwick. I have details of Michael Moffitt's ancestry, but little more about David Moffitt above.

I am aslo interested to find out more about Mary Anne Wilson. I have her children's birth details, her parents' names, and the name of her first husband, also a doctor, but do not have them all by me right now. Any help would be much appreciated. Good luck with your search. Charles Henry Moffitt immigrated to arrived Auckland 25 oct 1842 on the Louisa Campbell in 1842.2 He was a MD later dentist in 1842.2


  1. [S194] Darry McCARTHY, The First Fleet of Auckland
  2. [S743] Auckland Provincial Centennial Committee, Early Settlers Roll
  3. [S792] descendant
  4. [S875] Mary MOFFITT, descendant
  5. [S793] Mary Moffitt, descendant