James Small
M, #39451, b. about 1830, d. 27 January 1846
James Small was born about 1830.
1 He died on 27 January 1846, at age ~16, in Ohau River, Manawatu, drowned.
1 Drowned aged about 16. Not sure of parents.
PPA Wellington Independent, Volume I, Issue 49, 4 February 1846, Page 3
Accident. A young man named James Small, 16 years of age, in the service of Mr. Best, a settler on the Manawatu, was drowned in the Ohau River, on Wednesday, the 21st ult. Mr. Best having offered a reward for the body, it was found by the natives upon ihe 27th, and.upon searching the pockets, a bank check and a loiter-were found, which were forwarded to Wellington the same day. It is some consolation to his distressed parents that the body was interred by the Key. Henry Govett, of the Church of England.
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
George Smith
M, #39452, b. about 1810, d. 16 March 1846
George Smith was born about 1810.
1 He died on 16 March 1846, at age ~36, in Wanganui River drowned.
1 PPA New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume II, Issue 77, 28 March 1846, Page 3
By private letters from Wanganui vre learn that the Castor arrived there on the evening of the 16th, and anchored off the mouth of the river. Mr. King the police magistrate put off in a whaleboat to pay his respects to his Excellency ; on his return from the vessel, the boat upset on the bar, and a man named George Smith was unfortunately drowned. The Police Magistrate and the other persons weie rescued from their perilous situation by the Castor's boats, which were following at a short distance.
PPA Wellington Independent, Volume II, Issue 60, 22 April 1846, Page 3
A letter from Wanganui, dated 30th March, states that the body of George Smith, who was unfortunately drowned by the upsetting of a boat on the occasion of the Governor's visit, was found by ihe natives on the 28th March, about four miles on the P. N. side of the heads no post mortem.
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
Henry Justin
M, #39453, b. about 1815
Henry Justin was born about 1815.
1 He and
Mary Johnston were married in 1846 in St Paul's, Auckland, NZ.
1 PPA Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2909, 21 November 1866, Page 5
Henry Justin, sergeant warder; period of service, 19 1/2 years ; discharged by the Superintendent for gross neglect of duty in allowing a prisoner to escape, disobedience of orders, insolence, and leaving the Stockade without permission. Previous reports: August 26, 1866, neglect of duty, cautioned and reprimanded ; September 21, 1866, disobedience of orders, fined 14 days' pay. J. TOCKWELL, Governor.
note many PPA articles relating to dismissal and subsequent enquiries. Henry Justin was a Gaolor and asst Gaolor Mt Eden from 1846 to 1866.
- [S1012] Diane WILSON, The Wilson Collection
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
Dougald Taylor
M, #39454, b. about December 1842, d. 6 December 1844
Dougald Taylor was born about December 1842 in Auckland, NZ.
1 He died on 6 December 1844, at age ~2, in Auckland, NZ, drowned in well.
1 PPA Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist, Volume 2, Issue 71, 12 December 1844, Page 2
Inquest.?On Saturday last an inquest was held at the Royal Hotel, before Dr. Pollen, Cotoner, and a respectable jury, on the body of a child, 2 years old, named Dougald Tavlor. From the evidence of the mother of the deceased, it uipean d that on the previous day (Friday) '!; child weal < ut, in charge of his older bother, but hud not been long- absent heori> the (teeeased strayed away and about in hour after quitting the bouse was found m a well, within a few yards of the his r* siJence. Dr. Lee and other medical gentlemen used every exertion to restore animation but in vain. The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and the oreman suggested to the jury the propriety of adding? " The juty are of opinion that i Police Regulation is necessary to prevent the frequency of these accidents. A heavy fine should be imposed upon all l hose owners or occupiers of premises, in which the wells are left uncovered." This addition was lecorded with the verdict, and we must say it is high time a little care was taken to prevent a recurrence of such accidents, as several children have been drowned in Auckland : this is the second child, in one family, that has been drowned in Auckland within two years!
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
John Rawlins
M, #39455, b. about 1840, d. 1918
John Rawlins was born about 1840.
1 He and
Elizabeth Taylor were married in 1863.
1 He died in 1918, at age ~78.
- [S596] ancestry.com
Annie Justin
F, #39456, b. 21 February 1848, d. 28 May 1899
Annie Justin was born on 21 February 1848 in Auckland, NZ.
1 She and
Richard Ellis were married. She died on 28 May 1899, at age 51, in Auckland, NZ.
- [S596] ancestry.com
Richard Ellis
M, #39457, b. 1846, d. 17 August 1926
Richard Ellis was born in 1846 in Lambeth, LON, ENG.
1 He and
Annie Justin were married. He died on 17 August 1926, at age ~80, in Auckland, NZ.
1 4 children see ANC.
- [S596] ancestry.com
Henry Evard Justin
M, #39458, b. 2 October 1850, d. 20 December 1923
Henry Evard Justin was born on 2 October 1850 in Auckland, NZ.
1 He died on 20 December 1923, at age 73, in Auckland, NZ.
- [S596] ancestry.com
Elizabeth Justin
F, #39459, b. 7 December 1851, d. 20 July 1902
Elizabeth Justin was born on 7 December 1851 in Auckland, NZ.
1 She died on 20 July 1902, at age 50, in Auckland, NZ.
- [S596] ancestry.com
William Vaughn Triggell
M, #39460, d. 31 January 1846
William Vaughn Triggell was born.
1 He died on 31 January 1846 in Waimea River mouth, Nelson.
1 PPA Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume IV, Issue 204, 31 January 1846, Page 189
Accident. ? A man named Trigell was drowned near the mouth of the Waimea on Saturday afternoon* The deceased had the eteer oar of a boat laden with firewood, :?nd missing his stroke, fell overboard. Two c'her men who were in the boat state that tltough they strove their utmost for twenty ,-mnutes to pick the poor fellow up, during :ill which time he kept himself above water, rjhey were unable from the strength of the tide and wind to get near him. The body has not yet been found.
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
Francis Webber
M, #39461, b. about 1810, d. 5 September 1841
Francis Webber was born about 1810.
1 He died on 5 September 1841, at age ~31, in Waitemata Harbour, Auckland.
1 PPA New Zealand Herald and Auckland Gazette, Volume I, Issue 10, 11 September 1841, Page 3
On Monday last, an Inquest wWIIId at Watson?s Exchange Hotel, before John Johnson, Esq. M. D., Coroner, on the body of a seaman, named Francis Webber, who met his death by drowning on Sunday evening. From the evidence which was adduced from Thomas Graham, of Waiheke, it appeared that on Sunday last, about 2 o?clock p. m., as the witness and deceased were about leaving this harbour, for Waiheke, in the Cutter ?Rectus,? when it was perceived that the dingy was going adrift, on which the deceased went over the side of the vessel and made an attempt to get into the small boat, but immediately he placed his foot on the gunwale it capsized, and the deceased fell into the water, witness then threw a rope to deceased who made it fast by a hitch round his body, but witness being no seaman and as the vesssel was under canvass he could not slacken sail, and thereby was unable to render the deceased any assistance although he was in that situation half an hour:?at length a boat came off with two men in it, and assisted to drag the body on board, when it was found quite dead. The Jury expressed their astonishment that Graham could rend rno assistance, and that he should leave the port with only one seaman on board. After a few minutes deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of Accidentally drowned.
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
John J Weller
M, #39462, b. about 1810, d. 14 January 1841
John J Weller was born about 1810.
1 He died on 14 January 1841, at age ~31, in River in Wellington Province.
- [S1172] NZ River Drownings
John Woodman
M, #39463, b. about 1815, d. 3 May 1844
John Woodman was born about 1815.
1 He died on 3 May 1844, at age ~29, in Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, drowned.
1 PPA Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist 09 May 1844
Coroner's Inouest?On Saturday afternoon last, an inquest was lield at the barracks, on the body of John Woodman, a private in the 96th regiment, now stationed in our garrison. The Coroner, John Johnson, Esq., M. D., and a respectable jury, examined the witnesses at length From the evidence it appeared that on Friday evening last, the deceased and a woman, whose name did not transpire, were standing oh the heach in Official Bay ; a baker, named Irvine, was standing near them at the time and the female requested bira to call to the Maria, a Coaster, to send the boat off for her, which he did, but without making the men on bnard hear; deceased and the woman also called out to the Maria, but got no reply. A small dingy was lying near the government shed, on the beach, which the female requested Irvine to shove off, and put her On board, but he declined, saying, "it was not his boat, and hewonldnot lake it;" the deceased then requested Irvine to assist him to shove the boat off, which he did, and the female got into it, and the deceased' appeared very awkward in the boat, but shoved off. On getting alongside the Maria the woman called out " are you all asleep," (or words to that effect,) and immediately afterwards screamed out for assist, ance, as the dingy got overturned. A seaman, named Frank, on board the Maria, hauled his boat alongside and got in, when he picked the woman np, but the soldier had sunk to rise no more. The female on being taken onboard, stated that decensed clung to her for a considerable time, and it was with difficulty she could get rid of him ; that the boat was upset by mere accident as the deceased and her were sitting on the same thought of boat; he on the inner side, and on reaching across ber to lay hold of the rope which hung from the side of the Maria capsized the boat. On the following morning the government boats crew, toge ther with a comrade of deceased, went in search o* the body and found it at no very great distance' from where' the accident took place. The jury, without the slightest hesitation, returned a verdict ŒOf Accidentally Drowned. John Woodman was a soldier, private 96th regt in 1844.
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
Janet Thompson
F, #39464, b. 1768
Janet Thompson was born in 1768 in Lesmahagow, South Lanarkshire, Scotland.
1 She and
Robert Yule were married.
- [S843] GENI, http://www.geni.com
Elizabeth Stevenson
F, #39465, b. 1814, d. 23 April 1835
Elizabeth Stevenson was born in 1814 in Banff, ABD, SCT.
1 She and
Alexander Yule were married. She died on 23 April 1835, at age ~21, in Glasgow, LNK, SCT.
- [S843] GENI, http://www.geni.com
M, #39466, b. about 1790
Family: Miriam (b. about 1795)
Palmer was born about 1790 in ENG. He and
Miriam were married.
F, #39467, b. about 1795
Family: Palmer (b. about 1790)
Miriam was born about 1795. She and
Palmer were married.
James John Dorreen
M, #39468, b. about 1843, d. 23 January 1844
James John Dorreen was born about 1843.
1 He died on 23 January 1844, at age ~1, in Petone, Wellington, NZ.
- [S26] Christine CLEMENT, Christine Clement , note have several word documents on file. BAKER, TAPSELL, CHAPMAN, FARROW, ROGERS
Charles Knudsen
M, #39469, b. about 1840
Charles Knudsen was born about 1840. He and
Elizabeth Head were married in 1888.
Caroline Head
F, #39470, b. 1849, d. 21 September 1871
Caroline Head was born in 1849 in Brooklyn, Wellington, NZ.
1 She died on 21 September 1871, at age ~22, in Brooklyn, Wellington, NZ, age 21-22.
1 Miss Caroline Head, aged 22
On the 21st inst., at Ingestre Street, Brooklyn, Wellington
Cause of death: Embolism
Caroline Head was born in Brooklyn Wellington in 1849 she was the youngest daughter of Edward and Sarah Head who had immigrated to Port Nicholson, Wellington on the ship Martha Ridgeway earlier in 1840.
After the death of Caroline's father at his residence at Ohiro on the ninth of December 1850 and her mother's death on the fifth of January 1851, at the Settlers Hospital in Wellington, the four daughters were billeted out to friends in the Wellington community. Caroline was ten years old when she lost her parents she went and lived with John Ruck (FAG# 142012256) and his wife Phoebe Ann Ruck (FAG# 142012296). John and Phoebe Ann was childless at the time but went on to have five children. Twins Mary Ann and William were born in 1864 and Phoebe Ann was born in 1866, Emma Lousia was born in 1869, lastly, Elizabeth was born in 1872.
- [S1099] website, Find a Grave
Joseph Fry
M, #39473, b. about 1815
Family 1: Sarah (b. about 1820, d. 5 July 1843)
Child | Fry (b. about 1841, d. 5 July 1843) |
Joseph Fry was born about 1815.
1 He and
Sarah were married. He and
Frances Barnes were married in 1849 in St Pauls, Wellington.
2 Joseph Fry was a labourer for Mr W SWAINSON in 1843.
1 He was a labourer Lower Hutt between 1843 and 1850.
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
- [S1012] Diane WILSON, The Wilson Collection
F, #39474, b. about 1820, d. 5 July 1843
Family: Joseph Fry (b. about 1815)
Child | Fry (b. about 1841, d. 5 July 1843) |
Sarah was born about 1820.
1 She and
Joseph Fry were married. She died on 5 July 1843, at age ~23, in River Hutt, Wellington, drowned.
Death by Drowning. On Wednesdayevening last, the wife.of a labouring man of the name of Fry, in the employ of W. Swainson, Esq., was about ,to step into a canoe on the River Hutt, when her foot slipped off the gunwale, and she was precipitated into the stream. She had a .child in her arms at the time. On an alarm being given by a son of Mr. Swainson, several Maories plunged into the.river to rescue. them, but unfortunately, when they succeeded .in bringing the bodies ashore life was extinct. >The female was ..far ..advanced in pregnancy.
NZSG Cemetery Collection (Images)
Name??FRY Sarah
Death or Burial Date????05 Jul 1843
Cemetery or Crematorium?St Pauls's Church of England
Alias Surname?????
Birth Date??
Military Years????
Death Age???22
Spouse Death/Burial?????
Spouse Death Age??
Death Place?Wellington, Hutt Area
District????Wellington City
Country?????New Zealand
- [S272] Newspapers Past, http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast